Onboarding is this genuine?

Went onto to website a few minutes ago and was presented with this. Not sure if it is genuine, treating it with suspicion as not seen any advance notification.
@FannyJustinGuitar @Richard_close2u

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I think it’s on purpose. I stay on the site like always, just hit refresh and this is what I get:

But now I’m curious what this is all about. :slight_smile:

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I got the same message. If it’s genuine It would be nice to have a little warming. Maybe the site got hacked. Doesn’t seem to be a way to close the window just the Return Later button


Googled it and got this, seeing none of us are first time users I think Justin’s Site got hacked

Website Onboarding is the process of guiding a first-time user through the product features and getting them to become loyal customers. ‍ Website onboarding, or any kind of onboarding process, is often thought of as a simple product tour. However, it starts way before the product tour.


@stitch Rick, it’s good to be careful and you probably did right. I was just curious though and hit the onboard button. It’s not asking for any credentials and stuff, but is a survey to determine where you are at.

I don’t think the site got hacked, but might be, the onboarding feature was rolled out either early or to wrong users or whatever. But I’m pretty sure it’s not malicious or anything like that.

If so, then it was nice having met all of you. :dizzy_face:

I do know that some time ago there was talk of letting first users do this, such a introductiontour, but it may not be possible to do that easily and so we are all guided through the do’s and don’ts, which for some would be pretty good :blush:…but I’ll wait a while before clicking on it

It is not a hack.

There is a new onboarding feature coming.
I am not aware of the when, how etc. But it is coming.

Perhaps today was a little wev dev testing session. I don’t know for sure.

Remember the little trial of the virtual chat support tool recently?
That was @larynejg and @FannyJustinGuitar for real.

They may have more insight on this too.


Hey everyone! :wave: Just wanted to confirm that yes, this is totally legit! We’re thrilled to introduce this new feature to give new users a better understanding of our website and its features. And for our seasoned users, feel free to skip it. If you’re ever unsure about which grade you’re at, it’s a handy tool to help you out too! :slight_smile: cheers


Would be nice to have a No Thank You button instead of a Return Later.

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If you select return later it adds it to your dashboard and then if you select from your dashboard you get option return later or skip. It didn’t seem very user friendly to complete on phone or ipad.

Ok given it a go but all I get is that the text disappears and nothing happens?
Looking using an iPad

Hi here is a solution for a while,

Just hold on



Thanks James worked like a charm :beers:

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I was quite pleased that the onboarding tool correctly suggested that I’m at grade 3

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Oh no that sounds like an exam!

It was quicker to answer the questions (multiple choice tickboxes) and get through it to my dashboard, than it would have been to come here and moan about it and find a workaround :rofl:


Yeahhh ! Grade 4 ! :grin: It’s working well.

Worked for me too… Grade 3!!! :rocket:


Still not working on my iPad, sort of partly see the first question. Also I only see it if I go in from Google search not my saved short cut.
Don’t know if that helps @FannyJustinGuitar

Interesting, I hit return later and it was added to my Dash, like folk here thought it looked a bit iffy. This morning I noticed it was no longer visible, so maybe its worked out I’ve been here for ever ! The Grade suggestion sounds interesting, as I am in several grades due to the website rewrite and ongoing course/lesson work and just re-opened up Blues Rhythm in Grade 6, which I bought (DVD) years ago.

Should this not just target new users ? That should be codable ? :thinking: