Onboarding is this genuine?

Jeepers, that is scary it just came back !!! All I had 5 minutes ago was Start Todayā€™s Practice.

Big brother ??

As long as it doesnā€™t tell you to go back to Grade 1. Thatā€™s a good point though as you could be grade 3 on some things and higher grades on other things.

I think it is aimed at new users to see where they should start in the course. Though it was always recommended here to start from the beginning as it allows you to identify and correct any bad habits, and fill any gaps in knowledge along the way.


Well I managed to get it to work on my Widows Laptop so I gave it a go.

It has dumped me back at Grade 2 and even got an email to tell me that.

Sorry thatā€™s not right, definitely Grade 3 with parts of Grade 4and 5. Canā€™t remember all of the question but there are a few that need some refinement.

What level are you at should be one for advancing beginners. There is a question about technique but it lumps them all together, some of which I can do but not all. I think there should be a question on whether you can do barre chords as that is a real dividing line.

Just my thoughts, as I can see it helps those just signing up but not sure about those of us that have been following the lessons.

Would be interested to get some feedback in due course from the JG Team on how it works out.



James @Socio
As you can see below it dropped me back a Grade!!!


Interesting Michael, I might just give it a go to see what it throws back at me !

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Hi Michael ,
That question has been asked (I just assume that we have been asked the same questions ā€¦ that is of course not necessary ā€¦)ā€¦ twice if Iā€™m not mistaken, i.e. question 17, but I went through it quicklyā€¦

Have fun ,and remember that you are the master of your progress, donā€™t worry :sunglasses:


I agree with @MAT1953 .
I was labelled Grade 2 because I identified one thing from that level that I still need to improve. Iā€™m working on 4 and 5. We all need to go back and revisit lessons sometimes. I donā€™t need a bot to tell me that. Also did not like having no quick way to opt out of the survey.

Given that it called ā€˜onboardingā€™ Iā€™m guessing that itā€™s primarily designed for people new to the site. Itā€™s a frequently asked question ā€˜where should I start?ā€™.
I think those of us who have worked through the grades know where we stand. Thereā€™s no way a few simple questions with subjective answers are going to land everyone in exactly the right spot.
I presume the outcome is only a suggestion anyhow and it doesnā€™t prevent you working on whatever you want to.

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Gentlemen, everyone relax :blush:, if all goes well the intermediate players are well aware of what they can and cannot do and they should not worry about what a survey tells you, this is much more aimed at people who are just entering the site and I think this is a super good tool, especially as things are fine-tuned even moreā€¦
Have fun


Roger @roger_holland
Question 17 ??? No where near as many questions as that when I took it and definitely donā€™t remember one on barre chords.
I think it must tailer questions based on your response to early questions, when it asked about level perhaps I should have said something like intermediate.
Can you ask the teacher if I can take the test again?

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OOOoo this brings me back to brrrrrrrschool

It would be a good addition :sunglasses:

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If ya hit the skip option it says it will never ask again. I personally donā€™t really care about the grading system. After grade 2 I started learning what I wantā€¦ when I want.

this stuff is for the newcomers who need to be guided on the website , its pretty normal that old members do not need it

Now you see it now you donā€™t ! Bots must have seen my earlier comments and messing with my head. :scream:


Thatā€™s their job, and hold on to this thought when you finally take that test and come across the agility questions: how often do you play the guitar with your teeth?.. and how often with someone elseā€™s teeth?

Now playing ā€¦


I was more thinking of

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It says I am grade 3 even though I am still consolidating grade 2 and I have been using this site every day for like 7 months now. At least it isnā€™t telling me to go back to grade 1 :slight_smile:

I havenā€™t seen this onboarding thingy. Maybe my phone is too old, or maybe Iā€™m too old, or maybe the bot gave up on me when I did the community tutorial thing and kept messing up one question. He/she/it let out a big sigh and said theyā€™d leave me alone.!

So there you goā€¦.confuse the bot then you can get back to what you were doing!

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It told me to take up the kazoo.

Actually, it is not formatted for my iPhone and I have been unable to experiment.