Onboarding is this genuine?


I was more thinking of

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It says I am grade 3 even though I am still consolidating grade 2 and I have been using this site every day for like 7 months now. At least it isnā€™t telling me to go back to grade 1 :slight_smile:

I havenā€™t seen this onboarding thingy. Maybe my phone is too old, or maybe Iā€™m too old, or maybe the bot gave up on me when I did the community tutorial thing and kept messing up one question. He/she/it let out a big sigh and said theyā€™d leave me alone.!

So there you goā€¦.confuse the bot then you can get back to what you were doing!

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It told me to take up the kazoo.

Actually, it is not formatted for my iPhone and I have been unable to experiment.

Put your iPhone into desktop mode and your sorted to take the exam. No excuses. Good luck :smiley:

Put your teeth away Rogier :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

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I got the email explaining the whole ā€œonboardingā€ process. It includes a button to click to go to the questionnaire. Iā€™m afraid to do it. Itā€™s liable to tell me ā€œyouā€™re wasting our time. Have you considered shuffleboard?ā€

Better than being water-boarded I suppose :nerd_face:

Dear all,

I just wanted to feedback it works for me. Last week I finished my Grade 1 and freshly started first module of Grade 2. When I completed this Quiz it told me to start on Grade 2, so I guess it works. :slight_smile:

Just a quick catch from me, thanks and have a nice day. :slight_smile:

Iā€™m not convinced Shane, it told me to start at Grade 3, despite all the intermediate modules Iā€™ve completed. Can only assume it makes no reference to your Journey entries and just responds to the answer you give.

I deliberately selected Donā€™t Know for level to see what it came back with. So I guess it supports what Iā€™ve always said, tongue in cheek. Advanced Beginner :thinking:

thats it
Its based on the answers to the questions
If you dont answer honestly you wont get a proper guidance

I answered honestly. I am not confident enough to say I am definitely an Intermediate ā€œplayerā€ but the questions seemed limited to G1 & 2 Lessons material, as none really touched on the G4,5 & 6 stuff I have done or doing. Maybe @FannyJustinGuitar can shed some light ?

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Hi Toby,
So if Iā€™m right, you are a bit unsure whether you are completely ready to be an intermediate guitar player, then you answer some general questions and then you end up starting with grade 3 (of course the system cannot fill in the last 5 modules grade 3 etc) and grade 3 is just before the intermediate group ā€¦ think think, I donā€™t really see the problem :grin:

the questions brought me to grade 4 and then I can work on the E-shape baree and master them ā€¦ that was okay a few years ago :sweat_smile: ā€¦ and I still do a lot of grade 3 exercises myselfā€¦ I think it is a useful test and there is a lot of demand for it and I expect it to be a useful tool, especially for people who are starting out and play with little regularity for up to about 3 yearsā€¦

Of course it has to be a bit general, otherwise we just have to hire a private teacher :sunglasses:
I sometimes hear that there are 2 good ones hanging around here :smiley:


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I wasnt saying that for you :sweat_smile:
it was just in general

No its not the ā€œbeā€ its the labelling. I have just relooked at Grade 4, 5 & 6 and pretty much did all of that during the old Intermediate Courses 1 & 2 years ago. in fact today I am going through Grade 4 much as I did with the rewritten G1 & 2. to check if anything has changed and to mark the lessons complete, if I donā€™t need to polish those skills. All well and good so far.
I will then do the same for G5 and G6 and therefore establish where I am on the learning path.

The point I was making and from what I recall, there where no real questions about A shape barre chords, 7th, 9th, Major and pent patterns beyond pattern 1, so it seems limited or maybe restricted to the first couple of grades.

Maybe if I had answered Yes to transcribing (I donā€™t do enough) or that I thought I was Intermediate, rather saying I did not know, extra questions may have been asked or it would not have told me to start from G3, when I am on the last 2 modules. Those are the only 2 questions I did not answer Yes to so the result sounded a bit odd or as I said limited.

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Oh yes, the hated labels, :smile:
I like to say who cares (especially with things like this), but yes it is not fun for some, I have already read that above , well a test to determine your level, that includes a test result :blush:ā€¦but I wouldnā€™t worry about it at all if I were you, so much experience with music and this site, these questions are not intended for us at all the labels are very difficult to match at a point, and that you were not asked questions about those baree`s and 7th etc due to a previous question to answer in a certain way (probably underestimating yourself)ā€¦

You`re too long a guitar player to get itchy about it :sunglasses:

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That is the answer my friend. As soon as you answer no to a question the questionnaire ends. I answered no to transcribing too.

Yeah, so far in the journey, I get the impression you could be an intermediate player for some aspects but not others depending on the path you choose. I also think of the label as intermediate player as someone that has completed intermediate learning. Iā€™ll always be an advanced beginner player.

Guess thatā€™s where I differ, I see it as someone who can consistent apply that level of skill and not just ticked a completed lesson box. And yes I am for sure at that level learning wise and again at some aspects of playing but not all or all genres and thatā€™s fine. Example would be the difference between my Blues fingerstyle and ā€œfolkā€ pattern fingerstyle.

But as the Newsletter says, aimed at new users.

Off to tick some boxes !


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Well, itā€™s got everyone talking thatā€™s for sure.

All feedback, Iā€™m sure, will be gratefully received by @FannyJustinGuitar