Open Mic 011 - Call For Interest

Looking forward to the show tomorrow night everyone, hope all you performers are in good shape and wishing you all the best :+1:

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Looking forward to listening to the performance on YouTube. Not had the chance to watch the previous OM performances. So will try to catch up with that one first then follow up with this one. Wish all the performers good luck (not that you need it). Hope you all have a cracking time.

Hi @TheMadman_tobyjenner
Would you add me to the audience. Iā€™m in Portsmouth, NH USA UTC-5
Thanks, Dave

Will do Dave. DM to follow with details etc. It will be a 14:00 show start for you :sunglasses:

Travel will preclude me from being in the audience live, but I want to start the applause early for all the performers especially the first timers. As @brianlarsen said in another thread itā€™s not about the result, itā€™s in the doing of it! Iā€™ve only done two OMs and find them so valuable (nerves, mistakes, and all) on this journey. So do it folks! I salute you and will catch it later when the team posts the recordingā€¦ā€¦Rod

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Thanks Rod. Be safe on your travels.

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Time check peeps.

Just under 12 hours to go !!

Lets rock n roll !



Less than that now Toby :smiley: Looking forward to it and I hope everyone has a great night.

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Hi everybody,
I wish everyone a lot of fun with this one, behave yourself all, donā€™t set your guitar on fire and donā€™t throw beer towards the stage in a fit of madness,ā€¦really donā€™tā€¦ :sunglasses: :partying_face: :guitar: :notes: :microphone: :drum:


Almost there, one last drink at the bar and then time for me to move in front of the stage :metal:!

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I will be a bit late. I went out for dinner with my husband, and we wonā€™t be back in time.

No problem Nadine just jump in when you can !

7 posts were merged into an existing topic: Open Mic 11: Recording + After-Show Chat