Open Mic 08: Recording + After-Show Chat


Chip in with Kevin on this one. Kind of you to watch through and give feedbacks to every performer Jason! :+1::raised_hands:t2:

And Thanks a lot for the feedback!! It means a lot and very much appreciated! :pray:


I’ll add my thanks for the review and comments @Rossco01! Very much appreciated.

It seems you are not the only one to be unfamiliar with my choice, so to save you and others having a rummage around on the internet, here is the original: N-Trance - Set You Free (Official Video) - YouTube


Thanks for your kind words, Toby. Good idea!


Thank you Jason, I’m sure you are right. I started without any plans to perform, just to play for myself, so there’s no pressure for me. I don’t worry about performing somewhere at the moment but the performance of all the participants show a newbie like me, that it is a really long way to go. Great motivation to keep on going :cowboy_hat_face:


@Rossco01 thanks for the comments, we missed you performing! Hopefully next time :slightly_smiling_face:

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Missed your review but just seen the references, so just had a look. Yeah WFAF felt so much better standing up and I think all the past issues have been ironed out, so it will go in the catalogue for now but there if I need it.

Now you need to look into so Aerosmith for Retrospective, as I think you would do a fine job with Mr Tyler’s vocal and better than I. The vox is one of the reasons I’ve been avoiding this one a a few others, they were just out of reach and still a stretch. But it was a good one to get under the belt and I now have some more of there’s lined up, albeit simplified “campfire” arrangements but they’ll become builders. Yeah once I’ve learned to play them !

Missed you not being there on Saturday but your gig sounded awesome and great exposure for you and the band. Every reason to celebrate.




Well guys I’ve watched through the recording in pieces through last night and rounded off this afternoon.
Absolutely immense from all of the performers, a huge well done, congratulations and kudos for sharing your passion, skills and enthusiasm. Truly inspiring, and it’s made the reality of OM009 for me even mare daunting :rofl:

Thanks everyone, loved watching it :clap: :clap:


Just started, will probably need a few short bursts around various commitments.

You made a confident start to the whole show Stefan, and you got back up on your bike straight away after a little tumble - a perfect illustration of mistakes can and do happen and are nothing to fear, nothing to deter people from thinking I can’t. You held it all together.
I’m glad I watched you from the first, including watching you remove the cans and slide them up or I might have thought I was viewing some weird sci-fi show with wires to the brain! haha
What a great smile at the end. :slight_smile:

There’s some quality, a certain timbre in your voice that I really like. Cool singing. There’s something about the streaming bandwidth that makes your strumming hand look like it is playing super-fast 32nds not 16ths ha ha. That’s some effect you achieved. Kudos and good vibes for bringing an original song to the show. You played an original last time too so you’re clearly comfortable with your own songs and performing them. I like the line, “You and I are becoming each other’s old flames”. Good stuff. :+1:

Holy Rock Fest! Man, you’ve got the big bouncing rock-thang going on and chugging it with groovy vibe from head-to-toe. Loved it Adrian. Quelle surprise when you burst into that tune. All the talk of small bedroom amps etc is fine and dandy - but some songs need big amps, huge cabinets and the power to push the air and deafen the front row. That is one such. :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

What a place to take a pause.


Thanks Mark. You have plenty of time before OM IX, just ease yourself in. You’ll be fine as have all the others who have done this for the first time. We have all survived and lived to play another day !


Well done to all the performers and organisers. I’ve now watched through the whole thing (twice) and take my hat off to you all. Super stuff.

I was unable to watch the show live as I was out at an all afternoon/evening bbq. I was able to join in for some of the after-show chat later in the evening however. (probably not wise after an all day bbq. :woozy_face:)

I’ve been reading Paul McCartney’s autobiography recently. One of the reasons he and John started writing their own songs was that while the Beatles were honing their skills in Hamburg they shared the stage with several other bands. Inevitably someone would come on before them and play a song that was also on their set list.
Original songs are a tall order so perhaps the @brianlarsen aproach is what’s required. ie. find a song that is so obscure that no else has heard of it! :smiley:

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I would say don’t feel pressured to play, but if it does interest you there is no place better to do it than here. To be honest I am still on cloud 9 and thinking what can I do better next time, equipment and skill.

Interestingly while on the live show, I was aware of the other performances, but in the back of your mind you are thinking of your own. Watching the whole show again on Youtube I was able to take in all the excellent performances, that went together to make the show, and feel good about my own.
I never expected to be thinking like this, this hobby was me and a guitar in a back room trying to be quiet, now I am proud of it, and even telling my friends I did an open mic.

It really is a game changer. With the caliber of other players on here, I would suggest that we would wait forever if we wanted to feel comfortable. So closing words I encourage you and anyone else to go for it.


100%, I’ve been much more relaxed during these OMs than “real” ones I’ve done. In the real world, I’ve often had friends within touching distance, which has led me to put increased pressure on myself, and that has caused me to not play as well as I can. I find that the little bit of distance afforded by these virtual events helps me try new things much earlier than I would “in real life”.

Once you’re ready to take the step, IMO, the virtual OM is the best possible venue for a first live performance.


Thanks Phil, enjoyed your performance, keep on going! I don’t put myself under pressure. I’m going through the course while constantly progressing and I love playing guitar. It gives me so much good vibes and that is all I need for now. But if I come to that point willing to play for an audience, I certainly do it in this community, which is a big enrichment. So everything is ok, I enjoy my daily practice and move on.
Great to hear, that you had so much fun. Enjoy it and sign in for the next open mic!


@Rossco01 Thanks for watching the whole thing and the feedback. What a rush playing live is. Didn’t you have a gig that night? How did that go?

Haha thanks for encouragement Richard, you are too kind my friend! I wish to one day be courageous enough to ramp up my amp to 50W and just rock on, not sure if my second half and my neighbour would agree though. Well perhaps one day if wife goes for a business trip this could be a chance to try it out :rofl:


No problem JK! Yes we had an hour set at a local towns summer fete/festival that afternoon. Went very well and probably our most consistent performance to date so all good. Some video will be up shortly.


That was great. I don’t know if it conscious or you have just happened upon it … your habit of playing a few simple picked and strummed chords before you start with the song is a trick that others may wish to utilise. It gives you time to feel your way in to the performance, without it being a talked introduction, but without rushing and jumping in before you have a feel for your own vibe, your own moment and the sound of your guitar in your ears. It is like taking a musical breath and counting to ten before the doing begins.
You seemed cool and calm throughout. Well done. And kudos for standing. I noticed immediately and applaud you for getting up off your chair.

Raphael, ah, lovely indeed and you maintained the bar nicely at a fair height, no lowering, just floating in the air, like your very sweet and plaintive playing and singing. One thing I did want to lower, but oh well, never mind, was your webcam, to capture your guitar hands a little more. It is a small comment, it did not detract one iota for me. I just listened with pleasure. Bravo.

Pretty? Wreckless? Mad?
All of that and more. You give it 100% and your voice is really getting tone and timbre together now. Cool stuff.
And a controlled wobble on the wibble to finish! :wink:

I admire and applaud anyone who comes on and, for their first choice, goes with a finger picker not a simple strummer. It is not an easy thing to pull off as nerves can make your fingers fall over themselves. You did great, and a little solo too. Confident vocals too, A good all-round performance.
Incidental nonsense chit-chat - Is that your lawn through both windows? Lush.

Well done, you seemed more natural and confident (and cold free) this time. That was right in your zone in terms of vibe and range. Good stuff. Adding the taps was a cool touch.

Great rock ‘n’ roll going on there Dave. I haven’t heard that T-Rex Oasis vibe in a while. What were you using for bass & drums? A Trio+ or backing track or similar? Rocking it sir.
That backdrop looks like the curtain for a stage in a small theatre!

another pause …


Glad it went well, I’m looking forward to seeing the video

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Thanks a lot for taking the time @Richard_close2u :pray: really really appreciate your feedback.

Funny you mentioned the strumming/picking before i start. Yes. It is very much intentional. And i have found it that those two/three seconds calms me down in some way. Just like you mentioned…

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Thanks for the link. I note than you have the timings for each performer. Could you add what they performed as well?