Open Mic 08: Recording + After-Show Chat

Pah! 2 years, that’s nothing. I’ve been waiting 10 years for the next book. :crazy_face:

It will be like going back to the pub the next day after a live OM and seeing a list of what’s been played the night before on their notice board. Does that happen ? :man_shrugging:

I saved a copy of the chat, I just need to figure out how to post it, if nobody else has it.

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It was fairly intuitive, but I had been using other DAWs before that.

You create individual bars, name them something and then stick them together in the time line. So fairly quick process to get a basic rhythm going.

One thing I learnt which made a difference was using the ‘Black Pearl’ ‘drum kit’ sounded much better than the default. Not sure if this is installed will all versions, I’m using OpenSuSE Linux.

For the tracks themselves I just search on YouTube for drum notations, and copy them in:

Jack Young has a few on there for teaching drums.

I’ll put together a tutorial when I get chance.


I think best is that he concedes defeat and shares his notes and drafts with Brendon Sanderson. Sanderson did a good job finishing off Wheel of Time, so sure he can deliver SOIAF


Nah. But maybe it would be like seeing the setlist of what each band played at Live Aid before watching a re-run :grin:

I know the feeling, I started reading the series around 2004 :clown_face:. Totally given up now.

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I hear the mirth :smile: David but I get that’s the point, its an Open Mic not a Concert per se !

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I started later, and only after my 12 year old said it was good plus having watched some of the first season. These days we don’t buy into a series until it is complete, have a couple of others on the shelf that seem stalled. Just finished Brent Week’s Lightbringer which was pretty good.


On a lighter note the Amazing revisit with BT is proving a right pita and a waste of a whole evening yesterday. For the princely sum of 2.99 euros I trotted off to and got myself 14 stems. Apart from the 2 dodgy not quite Tyler vocal tracks, it actually seems a shame to play over them. But makes for a busy project (see below). The 3 void tracks on the right will be me, as I have another go tonight !! Certainly sounds better that the midi version. :crossed_fingers:

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That’s a good rule. I don’t read nearly as many novels as I used to. Last series I read was Stephen King’s Dark Tower series.

Look forward to hearing it, Toby.

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All my visitors departed, so have time to enjoy and add my 2 cents although I see in-depth commentary has already been provided by Jason & Richard.

I already commented on enjoying not being ‘forced’ to practice the same song to death before an OM, but I must admit, the closer it came, the more I had to supress the urge to throw caution to the wind and join in anyway!

@DavidP performed his emcee doodies with accustomed aplomb, but strange not to see him pick up his guitar and give us a toon. At least he kept his hat on.
Well done, Sir.

@SgtColon starting to chat and perform like an old pro now. I’ve mentioned elsewhere how you’ve improved. Here it’s most evident how you didn’t share your fluster when you make a small mistake, but just incorporate into the show. It’s what makes live performances special. Class
(on a side note the cans lend you a certain Princess Leia look)

@KevinKevan el hombre con cojones grandes
Well, no surprises here. We’ve become accustomed to you pushing the boat out and sharing your steep learning curve. Your strategy serves you well, as you keep getting better. Extra kudos for playing an original.

@adi_mrok STOP THE PRESS
What was that?
I just had to go back and relisten.
Yup that’s him alright, our softly-spoken, sensitive finger-stylin’, falsetto-warblin’ friend
You are on fire man
The crossroads are still smokin’

@tRONd My Scandinavian friend just keeps on carving unique dragons out of tree trunks I’m sure he fells with his bare hands.
Some folk share music.
You share you

@Mann_und_Mouse Hut ab, Herman (‘Herr Mann’- get it? Die Maus kannst Du jetzt weglassen)
Yea, verily I tell you:
Sing Hallelujah and all demons shall be banished… (even sweaty palms)
You’ve been baptized now and are a born-again performer!
Go forth and spread the joy

@TheMadman_tobyjenner my old nemesis, a friend always worth waiting for (even if you give me a slagging). I sometimes forget there was a time you didn’t’ sing whilst performing. It’s been the full Monty for a while now and you do it well, the bedrock of the OM & Community.
(That’s the second time David mentioned underwear tonight, innit?)

@eric.lennon Well that was great, man. What a gorgeous sound coming from that guitar, and what a fab voice to accompany it. Superb! You’ve done this before, haven’t you? Even the Gremlins un-synching the video from audio couldn’t put a dampener on ‘The rain’. Superb.

@iainism the pick-licker
I love it when folk do ‘something that’s never been done before’, but you did it with style! Didn’t know the song and really dug it. You have a nice laid back attitude and seemed so relaxed, knockin’ on wood and all…

@liaty Haha, that was fab! The curtains in the background made it look like you were on a bona fide stage. Great rockin’ opening, complete with filthy guitar and growling vox. Nice Judas version of ‘down & out’. I love it when we get different versions of the same song
@ Mari63 & krista For some reason, just seeing you appear on my screen brings out a big smile on my face. This is one of those songs that you could listen to on constant repeat and still remain great.

Krista- Well, I’m not sure whether you are Mari’s singer or she is your guitarist, but the two of you have a synergy like chocolate and coffee or peanut butter and jelly. Swoon.

@ Peejers Kudos to you for stepping up and putting yourself out there. Bravo. Nice sound, clean chords and smooth strumming. Great song

@ TheCluelessLuthier It’s raining again! How cool is that? And more HATS!
I’m loving this (Yeah! Shakng my hands in the air)
Oh, cool guitar.
For all you solo performers out there, take a leaf out of these folks books and see if there is anyone you’d be able to convince to join you. It’s great fun.

@ John_in_Dot Well done mate. I still struggle to play standing up. Great song, well played. I probably would have preferred the vocals a tad louder, but I’m just being picky there. Cool.

@ adi_mrok our softly-spoken, sensitive finger-stylin’, falsetto-warblin’…
Hold on- AGAIN?
And WHAT was that you did up the neck towards the end?
Surely this is a setup. Am I being set up? are you hustling me?

@ jkahn Dude that was awesome!
There’s a fragility to your vocals that sounds like it’s teetering on the edge and in constant danger of losing control and going over, yet you hold it all together with your solid finger picking and strumming. Dude even has the rock-star appearance. Really enjoyed that.
I’m just wondering if one day we’re going to be listening to a production of yours with that keyboard by the window and the drums you used to play?

@ shane Wooly hats and T shirts. Well it’s the other side of the world and a different day, so let’s see if he’s awake yet…
Hey I’m lovin’ that. Don’t know the song, but it’s rock solid strumming with a real laid back vibe. Not sure if that’s the chord progression or the vocal delivery. No matter, great way to close another wonderful evening of the best guitar buddies in the world.
Cheers mate

Final thoughts:
go to all the first timers again-
I hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. You are inspirations for all those others out there just wondering if they should have a go.
Also, I’d better haul my ass over to the OM 9 thread and sign up, before it fills up and the ‘Sold Out’ sign goes up
and last but not least my good pal, Gordon:

I will personally travel to and buy a pint for anyone who happens to cover the same song I have in mind for next time.
Hasta la vista, babies :kissing_heart:


I was just talking to a colleague about that series about a hour ago. Saying it was his best and I loved the ending.

@brianlarsen Thanks Brian, I really appreciate your words. I hope that is my one and only fluff but the world didn’t end, so it’s all good.

:rofl: Not the look I was going for on that particular night. :smiley:

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I’ve read some of it, and can’t remember if I finished it.

Unlike Wheel of Time … I stalled midway through book 4 and my son still reminds me regularly, calls me a weak for it.

Currently approaching the last of the Disc World novels, busy with Thud. Then maybe Dune, which I think I read at varsity.

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Brian, loved your review, makes up in small ways for the lack of your banter and performance on the night.

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Its good to lock horns even when you aren’t there in person but it was the cat in the hat, that threw your name into the ring. What was I supposed to do ? By your comments I should be flattered but perhaps you are seeing me as Fred Flintstone sans sheet. :rofl: I am sure that would be an offence somewhere but not on the Mets watch !! :index_pointing_at_the_viewer: Missed you buddy.

Thanks for the review :shamrock:

:sunglasses: :crazy_face:

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Thanks Brian, I’m disappointed in my playing but oh well, it’s great to have Krista singing. I suggested a few years ago that we call our duo Krista and Some Girl Playing Guitar, but that did not go over well!!! :smiley:

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Thanks for the in depth review of everyone and your comments. I was a little apprehensive as when we were in the green room, I was informed of your aversion to shorts and maybe to expect a comment. :sweat_smile:

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