Open Mic 10: Recording + After-Show Chat

zoom meetings on your own are different than bigger ones is what I got last time.


Yes Gordon but if I recall our network expert @Majik suggested that video usage on bandwidth would be negligible, other wise multi user conference calls would not be functional and with just 30 odd users on our Zoom meeting should be well below industry norms. Hence the importance of muting audio and this was observed tonight. When we had the odd audio issue, I scanned the gallery, as I know Adi and Jason do and found now open mic that could attribute to audio degradation. So I think the issue is more akin to user set up and many of us have had issues. Certainly worth exploring going forward IMHO.



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Yes agree, use virtual camera in OBS. That is what David and I have been using over several OMs and there seems to be no issues. Happy to take DMs on whatā€™s required outside of this thread.


Are you kidding me?!! :slightly_smiling_face:


Phil not in terms of getting YOUR audio working right and at the right levels. Making sure your settings etc are right. Start a meeting, record it, play and then watch/listen back.

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I did that and it was all fine. I now have an AI so hopefully will be improved.

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I think the answer could be, turn it up until itā€™s bouncing off the red limiter :grin:


Play guitar like a race car


This made a huge difference my end, was getting all sorts of pops and crackles trying to fight on with a 3.5 mm jack. Maybe the laptop / PC sound card is a weak point in the chain.

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I would agree from my own experience but further investigation showed it was more down to the AI I was using. Testing in Zoom with a one person meeting, should get you entry level video and audio, with a little pre show tweaking on the OM night. That is what happened to me. With my daughter here on holiday (and sitting in the OM once Iā€™d done) rather than bounce YT recording off her to verify levels, we did it either real time or direct recordings after a rehearsal set. We both thought Iā€™d be going in with the sound sock on but at the green room soundcheck, Jason suggested I back the guitar off a bit. So it will be interesting to make direct comparisons to the Dry Run recordings I did on Friday and the actual audio quality from the show. Another spanner in the works was rehearsing with over ear headphones all week and switch to IEMs today at the last minute, with everything sounding different.

So I think those Zoom self meetings do give you a realistic starting point. But you may just have to fine tune. So BAU imho.



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Never heard Jason called that before. :rofl:

:rofl: He should have just kicked me out for not doing as I was told :astonished:

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also I think I noted a difference in the zoom recording to the youtube recording last time.
But the AI made a big difference to what I recorded this afternoon playing with it for the first time

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I went through the recording and I didnā€™t suck! :rofl:

One thing that I think a lot about seeing these OMs is the need to get an AI and a proper Mic! So jealous of everyone playing electric with backing tracks live.

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I was thinking that was going to be what I looked like! Forgot what I wanted to say, especially to say hi to DavidP


Thank you Dave!

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You most certainly didnā€™t suck @KevinKevan , loved both of your songs. Now the OM is done Iā€™m going to be spending more time on my new acoustic, I really hope I can get to a similar comfort as you.

Is you guitar an electro-acoustic?

I just went with what worked in the last two OMā€™s but Iā€™ve gone back and now I understand what the different menus are in OBS to use with zoom and what the feeds are in zoom that need to be checked for a clean stream, duh. AFTER, the performance i now know what to do! :smiling_face_with_tear:

Audio may have been good but that was not my best vocal :frowning:. After the fact i now know what to do!

I will say if I wasnā€™t trying to do AVOYP or OMs i would never know how to do ANY of this recording stuff, so grateful for this community. Ok time to go record some happy birthdays for my two granddaughters for next week!

Thanks guys!ā€¦Rod

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It was such a good evening! I really enjoyed taking part. Hope to see some more new members take part next OM. Thanks to Jason, Toby and Adrian for all you do.


Just got back from my gig with Point Fifty so I was hoping to find a recording here already :D.
(Didnā€™t manage to get a decent recording though.)

Iā€™m so looking forward to pouring me a drink, sit back and follow the show.
Weā€™ll have to make sure @DavidP getā€™s to see it ASAP :smiley: