Open Mic 14: Recording & After-Show Chat

No tags, as the performers should be interested enough follow their thread :wink:

Mark fills his mc role like a fist in a latex glove :smiley:

A ‘traditional’ opener had me reaching for my guitar to play along to Mr. Bailey’s and my favourite key, although I was slightly thrown off by your weird grip on A minor…
Solid performance to start proceedings and settle everyone’s nerves, David. Bravo :sunglasses:

Dave ticking my Celtic box. Begorrah, that’s the best version I’ve heard yet, including the thin Elizabeths and the Baile Átha Cliath-ers . Loopers… whatever next? :roll_eyes: :laughing:

Ade, I pressed my buzzer after the first couple of notes on the intro :smiley:
I happen to know you were a bit hypercritical of this cool performance. You’re crazy. Can I be your friend?

Jason sucking up to the late John Peel :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Esp loved the vocals. Your live gigging experience is glaringly obvious. Take a bow.

Jesse tough singing up in the Lennon high register, but nice job. Some complicated fretwork with that fingerpicking. Well done :smiley:

Phil, I’m weirdly into U2 at the moment and looking forward to the latest Netflix documentary coming out on Paddy’s Day :four_leaf_clover:
Love the use of bass pedals for such an atmospheric accompaniment. You’re right out there on ‘the edge’ of the covers here :sunglasses:

Serhat, What a debut! Nice mix of picking, strumming variation with muting & dynamics and expressive vocals on top. Great growl. :sunglasses:

Eric I could listen to your accent all day without you even playing! Nice recovery.
Fab vocals :smiley: :scotland:

Ian Haha I can relate to the glasses half on/half off situation!
That is a gorgeous combination of rich vocals and clean tone picking. You plastered expertly over the hairline cracks that make live performances so special :smiley:

Andres Now I know three great versions of this song. Doris Day, Cake and yours! :laughing:

Mark & Jen The return of the kooky couple :crazy_face:
What a sweet song and sound. You guys just make me smile!

Donna, Don’t know the song, but I love a bit of country/western. Nice injection of energy halfway through. You’re on the right trail, cowgirl :cowboy_hat_face:

Jen & Dan, Rockin’ duo givin’ us a blast from the past. It’s just so much fun watching you guys play together. Just special :smiley:

Dale, you performers really pushing yourselves tonight, eh?
Outstanding performance of a classic song.
Look you made it cry and sing! :cry: :microphone:
Lovely vox on top.

David Haha, love being rumbled by the deblurring!
Big congratulations for paying tribute to your blues hero. That’s a difficult piece to tackle and I was impressed at the emotion you were able to inject into your vocals. This would be a great piece to return to and play again so we could all follow your progress
Kudos! :smiley:

Jeff, not many in the Community know what it feels like to dress up in strange clothes, put on a ridiculous, over-the-top wig and put on an extrovert performance in public (strangely liberating by the way), but you’re the only one who can tell us what it feels like to kill it musically to top it all off :metal: :guitar::metal:
I’m a bit embarrassed over my confusion, whether I’m attracted to the performance or performer :heart_eyes:

More antipodean heaviness, JK. What tone!
You sounded like you really couldn’t give a Cobainian f#@!* :smiling_imp:
The solo, OMG :open_mouth:
Loved it!

It takes a madman to play an SG classic on an SG classic
Has to be one of the most iconic songs in pop/rock’s history
Are you using your pod go on this?
You killed it (with violence?!? )
Bravo! :sunglasses:

Mark drops the mic.

Sorry to miss you @glpguitar , but knowing you, you wowed them all too, so take another bow :wink:


Had to be done as I was always a bit Disturbed ! Yes driven by the POD, cleanish amp with some growly speakers when pushed. Clean start, cave style reverb for that street lamp, a more spacey verb for seeing all those people, rumbly OD for the fools and an edgy OD for those bowing peeps. Your son desperately needs one :rofl:


Thank you to those who put at the service of the community their ability to provide an insightful feedback about every performance; an ability on itself.

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Thanks Jeff for commenting, I’m glad you liked my performance.


Thanks Luka for commenting. Once the practice is over it’s about enjoying playing (and singing) the song.

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Haha what a great way to test people’s attention, I dig that! :grinning: and Brian you are already a friend of mine so no need to ask for it! :grinning:

Luka, Jeff many thanks for nice comments as well!


Thanks Brian for commenting. I came across with the version of Cake while doing my research when I chose to play this song. It’s a good cover.

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Appreciate you taking time to watch the show and provide your review.

Now you are in good company. When my Forum Song Contest entry in days of yore was judged and I declared the lucky winner of the lesson with Justin, he also singled that out. Though I don’t recall his choice of words being ‘weird’ :laughing:

Apparently James Taylor also plays Am with that fingering sometimes … so Justin said.

Sometimes I play it the ‘normal’ way, like when playing Hurt.

But it is my natural way from all the pre-Justin attempts but in my defence there are moments when the next chord benefits from that. Like in this song, as it makes the Dm easier for me, with the middle finger anchored

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Inimitable commentary as always Brian!! :wink::+1:

The challenge for you is to ID my predicted mistake! (Not really, can’t expect you to review again, but there was one in there….)

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:clap: :clap: :clap: :sunglasses: and :bouquet: x20

Phew, I’m glad you told this, I almost accidentally thanked you for the organization :sweat_smile:…now just for your performance :clap: :sunglasses:

And extra applause for arranging Mark ,Adrian and also an extra :ok_hand: for Toby again with his many answers to everyone :clap: :clap: :clap: :ok_hand:



Thanks for the listen LB. I can’t take any credit for the audio quality as there is so much advice on the forum about set ups etc and much from your good self. And many others have contributed on how you can “plug” all of that into our “Zoom Stage”.

Yeah I’ll herd all the cool catz together, stack n rack them, so our wonderful MCs know who is on when. But after that the rest is the magic each individual performer brings to the show. Look forward to seeing you in that Zoom Theatre one day my friend ! :sunglasses:

It’s a John Prine song made famous by Bonnie Raitt called “Angel from Montgomery.” -grade 1 song, but I’ve always liked it.

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I take a bow sir and say thank you!

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I really enjoyed your song. :clap:t4: You brought a bit of cultural education for us along with your beautiful guitar playing. :guitar: Sweet!


What are you talking about? You absolutely nailed it! Love to hear some Metallica, and you brought the whole package. :clap:t4: :sunglasses: :guitar:


Thanks for commenting Donna. I’m glad you liked it. Your performance was good. You and your guitar was the only that was needed for that song.


Loved your rendition of Sultans of Swing. :star_struck: You put together a lot of different elements, singing, guitar licks, pedals and a backing track, and it all came together with very few troubles. Awesome! :guitar: :clap:t4:

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@jkahn …You guys always look so happy when performing…
Thanks, it is easy to look happy performing when it is so enjoyable! :grin:

@nzmetal …so entertaining with this one the best I’ve seen!..
Thank you! We were a little unsure, but felt better when we looked back at it.

@glpguitar …what the music/entertainment is all about (enjoying the moment and having fun)!..
Thanks, it helps take away the nervousness if we don’t take it to seriously.

brianlarsen (with no tag just to see if he is following :wink:) …You guys just make me smile!
Then our work here is done!


Thanks - yes, I thought it was about time (and I really struggled to get the audio balance right using my acoustic!)

Thank you, it was a bit unintentional, I had left the chords printout on my desk before I watched one of Justin’s finger-style lessons (I used pattern #5 from, and I thought, “I wonder if…”, now you know the result!

brianlarsen, to make sure you’re paying attention too, yes one or two cracks, I hope you didn’t hold your breath for too long!

@nzmetal thank you!


Don’t wait for the confidence. It will come after you go for it a couple of times. You could start with a video or 2, if you haven’t already done it. I look forward to hearing you play!

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