Open Mic 16: Recording + After-Show Chat

With you on the anxiety front , :upside_down_face: ; and well done for fixing your tech issues and bouncing straight back with a great performance. :+1:


You did really well Sirhat, with a fine interpretation of a classic. Kudos for the various instruments you played. :star_struck: :smiley:


You are very kind, Nicole, and a shout-out too for @Jenndye429 for her kind words. Thanks to all for their supportive comments in the Chat.
Far too many names to mention here: such inspiring performances from everyone, in so many different ways.
To single out a few:
@elevatortrim - great kudos for bouncing back and giving us a brilliant performance
@alexisduprey - an awesome debut, sir, your really packed a lot into your performance, so much so that I’ll need to listen again !
@eric.lennon - a great cover of the :speak_no_evil: … and :speak_no_evil: is a classic, and you were a natural as the anchor.
@TheMadman_tobyjenner - I think you might be the “man behind the curtain”, so thank you for taking the helm. Your performance was a great ‘closing act’; super vocals … something I need to work on.


Another great OM experience! As soon as we sat down with a glass of wine on the patio, Jen excitedly started listing all of the songs she thought we could do next time. Ok, some were more feasible than others. :wink: Thanks to @eric.lennon running the show. And congratulations to the first time performers @alexisduprey and @Elixir1253.


Wow what a great show, just watched it and video is cooking up as we speak and should be up and running within the next few hours (hopefully)! Well done to all of you, shame I didn’t make it but there will be more to come! :slight_smile: In the meantime I’ll start commenting on individual performances very soon but first… :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

So… Zoom have implemented a new feature which clearly works with AI - the purpose of it is to provide a summary of the meeting based on the whole recording and what was said on it. Some of you will remember subtitles generated automatically by Zoom and how much fun that was. Well… This one is even better. If I never watched I would seriously start worry about @LievenDV :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: Ok I’ll let you have a bit of fun on this one too, see below!

(TBC below in case too many images)


And we have a sneak peak of next OM already, thanks Zoom :rofl: :rofl:



Thanks for sharing. This is seriously funny :smiley:


That is hilarious Adi.


LMAO :rofl: Thanks team for sorting my voice out. Please send me the findings of your investigation, so I can use for reference in the future ! :crazy_face:

Zoom : please note AI work in progress, don’t give up the day job. :rofl:


Come back @LievenDV !!
@eric.lennon what did J do ?
I want to know more about the 1983 Tennessee Industry incident and running United.

Zoom - Bring back sub titles.

Powered by Zoom IQ - single digits ?


Toby pretty much you trail brazed working from home, moved to France in 2000 and retired in 2013 :rofl: unless that 13 years is just a French musical career Zoom mentioned about :rofl:

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@eric.lennon hopefully you came down from your fancy after being the MC for the first time? :rofl: and don’t worry we all love you, there it’s not too late :rofl:


I suppose if I were concerned about being replaced by AI in the near future, I would be considerably relieved. :wink:


AI nearly understood all the different accents. Quite impressive really. Some hilarious interpretations of what was really going on though!


I’ve been dabbling with double-sided tape on my devilishly slippy plectrums. Seems to work quite well. Keeps the pick at the correct strumming angle and avoids having to juggle and readjust it mid-song. Helps with not tensing up and gripping the pick too tightly also. Is this cheating?


Well done to all the performers for another great show. You all know how to put on a show :+1:


@TheMadman_tobyjenner J was a very naughty girl but I am not going to tell you what she did in case you do the same

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@adi_mrok Thanks for share the AI generated text. At first I thought it was funny then my mood changed to creepy and then scary


That AI text, lol. Combination misguided, part gaslighting and part right. But always confident!

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I think nothing is cheating as long as you’re playing… although maybe just try less slippery picks? Might be easier

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