Open Mic 19: Recording & After-Show Chat

Thanks Phil, I appreciate it.
I’m pretty new to this and run through them a lot to get the sequence in my head. It’s far from second nature yet.
I also want to say I really enjoyed your performance (and your previous). Your playing is so spot on, and clean with great tone. I find it very inspirational.

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Will do👍 if you haven’t seen his vids check out Dovydas.

This is so true, Mark.

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“Sound” observations, Mark (and another BZ to you and the “team behind the curtain” making it all happen).
I only had a short time to listen to my own recording when the VOM Recording was published (Vanity ? :flushed: , dunno). Listening through my phone’s Bluetooth earphone, of dubious origin, I was in disagreement with the idiom that “we are our own worst critics”: I was experiencing a performance of my song that was the worst yet … however …

Having listened to the whole show, in a couple of “sittings”, through a half-decent set of speakers, with full disclosure, I am indeed my worst critic !

Sure, there’s always room for improvement; but nonetheless it’s a catalyst to come back and do it all again.

As ever, the performances put together, made for a truly great Variety Show, and the audience who support it can take some of the credit for that too.

Rock on OM XX

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Hi Craig,
Thank you for your kind words, we enjoyed playing these songs. :grinning: :sweat_smile:

Well done to all performers, wow what a show and thankfully managed to catch up! Some really fine tunes straight from my alley - really loved Mark’s take on Green Day’s all time hit, JK’s covering good old Sugar Ray, Mal and his daughter playing Walk of Life, and of course… where is my mind?! That was soo good @Charlie_James I was stunned! Superb performance!

Again well done to all performers, you all did so well!


Thanks Adi! Much appreciated. I am really enjoying my looper journey. Each song I try becomes a kind of puzzle, as I try to make sure I’m faithful enough to the original that I keep key elements, but also work within the confines of what can be done with the format. Sometimes I think I should probably spend less time ‘mapping’ out songs, and more time improving my actual guitar skills, but it’s keeping me engaged and that’s probably more important. :slight_smile:

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Just watched this, I’m a fellow Aussie and loved your rendition of Songbird!

@thegoog Thanks for watching it and glad you enjoyed Songbird Greg! I figured not many people watching would know the song :smiley:

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IMHO maybe the best song from an excellent album!

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Thanks Adi, it is a fun song to play and we enjoyed doing it. Pleased you enjoyed it.

I’m pretty late getting around to watching the recording but wanted to give a shoutout to everyone involved in putting on the show and to all the performers, particularly the new guys. As usual a great event.


I decided finally to just enjoy listening through the OM without needing to comment on all performances, and so that finally got me listening through the show! So now I’ve listened, and I quite enjoyed everybody’s song or song(s). I found you all to be quite inspiring for my own playing - which hasn’t been happening lately!

I do have to comment on @Elixir1253 , firstly for the song choice as Running on Empty has always been a favorite of mine, but more for the sound of your guitar. I was lying down, listening through earbuds, but I had to grab my phone to look to see if you were playing a 12 string, the sound of your guitar was so full bodied and rich. That is sure a nice custom guitar you have! And then for @Charlie_James I recognized The Break Up Song right away as it’s in our regular repertoire too! It’s a fun song to play, cool little riff. We even included that one on our album of covers a couple years ago, link somewhere in my Learning Log if you’re interested. And a shout out to @Brucie Bruce and Zachary for your debut performance!! I enjoyed all the performances :slightly_smiling_face:


That’s a good prophylactic position to savour some of our performances in :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Thanks Mari! I just checked out your learning logs and you do an excellent cover of it.
In fact, there is a trove of great stuff on there. Very well done.

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Thanks Dale, it really is a fun song to play and sounds great on 1 guitar or in a band arrangement! It was nice to hear you play it, I’ve not heard anyone else do it.

:blush: , that is very kind of you Mari … :hugs: … I’ve been a JB fan since my “Yout”; such a great song-writer.

We are our own worst critics, I know, … maybe I need a pair of your ear-buds ?

Following through a reply to you above, I have started looking at fellow player’s Learning Logs for the first time … Blimey, I had no idea what amazing stuff is in there !

The guitar is a Turnstone TG, built by a British luthier, Rosie Heydenrych, based in Surrey, England. She is an up and coming young “small bench” luthier who only builds 3 at time currently. She exports worldwide and builds a couple a year for TNAG (recently merged with Carter Vintage)

I started playing guitar in May 2020, a “Covid Noob” and discovered her on a Martin Simpson Online Workshop during a Lockdown. I was already hooked playing an acoustic guitar and placed my order in early Jan 21. I knew at the time I had a bit of a wait to endure, and it came into in my hands in Oct 22 … enough time to practise on my Faith, and hopefully try to do it justice, but unsure about that … one day.

Mrs C kindly made a book about the build as an Xmas prezzie (… I might add, behind my back and in cohoots with Rosie !) . I will post something up in my Learning Log about the build, now WIP.
Rosie has posted in her Blog, telling a little of the story: 1,000 Songs , and 5,000yr old Tonewood . I like the “warmer” tone and had a Cedar top put on the Bog Oak body. It is hard to describe sound in words, but the tone and sustain is truly amazing.


I am elated you decided to release it on youtube, thank you very much.

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Hi everyone. I enjoyed very much every performance. I am a bit late with commenting. I needed three treadmill rides to finish watching it in the tablet, but it was a pleasure to watch it as always. Good debut for @Brucie Bruce and Zachary. Thanks to all the organizing team.


Thank you, Andres’. I sincerely look forward to your next performance.