Open Mic 25 : Recording & After-Show Chat

25 … and going strong.
Thanks to all performers and audience members for making another enjoyable event.


Zoom chat


Thanks Richard, great job as Master of Ceremonies :+1:

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Just wanted to say was great to see and hear so many players. :guitar:
This was my first time in an open mike audience, I didn’t see all of it as my beloved dog was put to sleep yesterday morning and I’m all over the place. Just wanted to say congrats to all I saw play, and didn’t want to come across as rude for not interacting and leaving before the end last night.


Bless, sorry to hear Aims :mending_heart:

Participation in any form is appreciated, it’s a great place for folk to share and join in with the community :pray:


Thanks for a top job hosting Richard , JK for the tech and any of the rest of the gang who made it happen.
It was a fab do all round
I really appreciate being able to take part in and watch these OMs


I’d like to add my thanks to Richard, JK and everyone else who puts in their own time to make these OMs happen. It’s great to see and hear everyone play.

For those on the sidelines thinking about it … Just do it … it’s loads of fun (and a little bit scary, but you like roller coasters right?)


Sorry to hear that Aims, they are our little life mates :+1:


Thanks @jkahn JK :+1:


Great OM all around everyone.

On the recording, I boosted volume on @TheCluelessLuthier, @docdanguitarman and @liaty. Mostly the volume levels were pretty good though, so not much editing needed.

@liaty your band was great, what are your bandmate’s names?


Jim on Vocals and bass with Chris on guitar and epic solos. I had to ditch the main mic last minute to accommodate the low output of Jim’s bass. Jim sings at around 100dB so yeah, a struggle to hear the introductions. I was on tiptoes to reach the mic too :rofl:

It’s something I need to work on too I guess, the banter and crowd warm up.

Lots learnt though, so it’s all good :blush:


I’d like add my thanks to Richard, JK & Toby who devoted so much of their time in putting on OM25.


I’m sorry to hear that. Lost our beloved dog recently as well, and first time losing a pet for the kids. They were not ok.


Great show everyone, enjoyed that immensely as usual. Thanks again to @Richard_close2u for MC-ing, spot on job and clearly some research done! And thanks to @jkahn for your support despite an unseemly early start!!

@liaty Dave the band was terrific! You all looked like you were having a blast, hope we get to see them again!

@Guitaraims so sorry to hear that Aims, feel for you :heart:


Thanks JK!


Thank you everyone, that was a great night! I thoroughly enjoyed it. :smiley:

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The band is just fantastic
That is really what I think
Oh, by the way, which one’s Pink?

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Sorry to hear that Aims. Always tough, we lost out 13 yo GSD 18 months ago. Miss her like hell !


Very little involvement from me this time John. I’m taking a sabbatical due to BLIM. All down to Mr C and JK my friend.


A big thank you to Richard for not only organising but also being the perfect MC, think yours was the only debut last night. And a grand job you did sir. And a much need call out to JK for not only taking care of the Zoom duties at stoopid o’clock but also turning the video around PDQ. Well done lads.

Think the adrenaline got to me last night, as not been a regular performer these days. Suffered from the galloping tempo disease and made too many unforced errors in the second song. And to cap it all I said Don’t Come Looking was by Jackson Brown when it was Jackson Dean (worth checking out) so that immediately sent my head into a bit of a wobble.

Anyway great night and some superb performances all round. And as usual big thanks to the audience, would not be a show without you !



You always seem to be the first, or very nearly the first on the forum to offer the benefit of your experience, relative to the OM’s. So I think you’ve earned the name check, Toby. Much though it irks me to acknowledge a Watford supporter!