Open Mic 25 : Recording & After-Show Chat

Good to see you again on the OM David @DavidP I’ve been away for a good while myself so didn’t know you’d had a low profile too. Looking forward to the next one. Peter


A highly enjoyable OM! Somewhat different feel than some other of our OMs - different in a good way. This one was especially soothing, enjoyable and comforting. Impressive playing, especially the blues performances, which makes sense as blues has been a major emphasis in JG in recent moths. Special kudos to Alexey, David and Rory! All the best, Bruce


Hey good to see you young man ! You’re keeping a low profile ala Community but nice to know your still lurking in the shadows. Tis about time you stepped out again. Suspect you’re working on a dusey and keeping us in suspense until its ready to roll.

Nice to hear from you, recording please and soon !



Hey Toby, yes I’m still around, although this year had been crazy busy! Did and are doing some amazing trips, some house improvement works, and work busy as usual so my time on Community end was a bit limited I’m afraid. Trying to slowly get back to it, with slowly being the key word here :smiley:

Fortunately guitar time had been pretty well shielded from all other turbulences and I still play every day. I have a few good songs ready to go in terms of recording, it’s just time that doesn’t allow me to do so! I have one exciting project in the spanner, and if I get a chance to join OM I will definitely debut it in there, stay tuned!

Well done on your last performance Toby, clearly you’ll keeping well and still working on good old rock n roll songs on top of your blues course! Would love to see some updates from those, but not subscribed to the other side of the moon - hope to see some final outcomes of the works when you get to the final stretch!


@adi_mrok good to hear from you Adrian. Glad that unlike some of us you are still keeping up your playing while life reduces time in the Community.

@Brucie Thanks for the call out, Bruce, appreciate that.

@rorystrat Thanks Peter. Committing to the OM helped me, guess I need to commit to the next one now to help maintain the comeback.


What a great show that was! A great background music to start the working day. Even though the work became more of a background noise and watching your performances was the priority! Hopefully I can join as an audience member next time, it’s been way too long.

I must say, this one was one of my top 5 Community Open Mics. Just the right mix of genres and songs for my liking! Some interesting choices that I did not expect, especially the Taylor Swift song caught me off guard. But as Richard said, a good song is a good song. On that note, Richard - you’re a natural. You should host more open mics in the future! (And you should also perform again :wink: )!

Thanks everyone either organising, playing or attending. It’s you (and hopefully “us” soon) that keep the show rolling.


Ok, finally had a chance to sit down and watch/absorb the full show. I had to bow out early from the live performance and I wanted to give the viewing my full time/attention.

What a phenomenal show! Congrats to all the performers. @Richard_close2u you are a natural MC and I hope you do more!

I wanted to do a quick shout out to some of the performers that I didn’t get to comment on and/or view live.

@Notter I always love seeing you “reunite” with Oasis :wink: Great song choice and beautifully played and sung! I thought this song really suited your voice.

@liaty I absolutely LOVED your trio! I l enjoyed both songs and I hope the three of you will make a return to a future OM :metal: :fire:

@TheMadman_tobyjenner Toby, I was bummed I couldn’t watch you live, but I thoroughly enjoyed watching both your songs on the recording. I’ll also check out the video of your dry run. Didn’t want to watch it before seeing this one. Your performance was pure rollicking, rocking fun and I loved it!


You’re way too kind Jenn. Thank you. :metal:


Thanks so much Jenn, gotta be honest I haven’t dared watch it back yet, it felt all over the place tbh and I wasn’t happy!! Hoping to get a AVOYP done in the coming days to ease my mind! :joy::heart:


Some kind folks have said nice things about the MC.
They are very kind.
We will be putting forward a shout out for an MC when the next Open Mic comes around if anyone fancies the role.