Open Mic (not Livestream) 09 December 2023 : After-Show Party & Chat

That is a great album Richard. Have you heard Christine Collister’s more recent work with Michael Fix? I have their album North & South. Awesome version of River Deep, Mountain High.

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@JohnnyW I haven’t - I’ve lost track of Christine in recent years.
I will look out for it.

Edge of the land is a fantastic album, I bought it recently after listening to her on the Folk on Foot podcast also worth a listen if you’ve not come across it).

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Clive played at our local folk/roots festival a few years ago and was his usual awesome self. Miss the two of them together though…

Just managed to catch the Open Mic, what an excellent watch. Great standard as usual. Particularly impressed by young @Aidan5 on his debut, maybe getting put on the spot is the answer to nerves?
I never saw it advertised or I would have watched it live.
Here’s to keeping up these standards for 2024.

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Really great night well done to all performers, as usual very high standard and everybody seems to be lifting up their game with every new OM :grinning: Aiden well done on your debut, you smashed it out of the park mate, fantastic performance!



Is the video going to be posted on the JGC youtube channel at some stage and is the chat available ?

Edit - showing Unlisted unlike the other OMs.


No - it is going to be on the Community YT channel only.

Which makes me wonder if we should re-brand it as OM 21 and the upcoming one OM22?

Unlisted due to the on-screen appearance of a certain youngster.

One for the steering group ?

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Hi everyone, wonderful performances. As usual a great variety of techniques and styles.

About if making it OM 21, the only difference I see (and a big one) in relation with our regular JGC OMs is who were in the Master of Ceremonies role. In my opinion as this one is intended mainly for JGC consumption it should stay as a Special Edition OM and not be numbered in sequence with the other OMs or JG Lives. Anyway, as discussed in other threads, anything not completely private is somewhat public and searchable, just it will not pop out easily unless you’re looking specifically for it.

Edit: corrected the next OM# as I was jumping ahead in time.



Thanks for the input. We are leaving as is and the next JGC OM will be #21. This was due to be another Livestream but the Gremlins showed up at the last minute. So it would have been JGC Open Mic Livestream 04 - Xmas Bash. We’ll see what the festive plans are for 2024 in 10 months or so. In the meantime the ball will keep on rolling.
