Open Mic (not Livestream) 09 December 2023 : After-Show Party & Chat

Gordon, I got the date wrong up top (corrected) and the event was not live streamed (a last minute decision).


But it was Not Livestream 4 :rofl:

Recording ( a few edits to make, should still be good to view):


What a great OM. Really enjoyed watching this and great performances :+1:

@twistor59 Phil, outstanding again, especially being able to break to adjust the camera and then pick it up again, hats off :ok_hand:

@Aidan5 great first appearance, I do like the Pogues and that was a great song and really well done :ok_hand: not sure why you were nervous :grinning:

@Malz Mal and Lara, great sound again, made me think how well Landslide would probably sound by you guys :grinning:

@brianlarsen and Brian :laughing: brilliant, always the entertainer and just ever so slightly mad :face_with_spiral_eyes: :face_with_spiral_eyes: :grinning:

And to all not mentioned, great :+1: always enjoy watching these.
It was definitely a treat and so a big thanks to @JustinGuitar for hosting along with Viv (hope I got that right :flushed:)


Thanks for the preview Richard. Will take in the whole show later and watch in comfort.

But its back to the drawing board for OM audio set up for me. Zoom audio is a million miles from what I was hearing through my studio monitors and headphones in the run up. Must have hit a wrong option somewhere, as the guitar was weak and thin and the vocal fx non-existent via normal speakers. Oh well live and learn. :thinking:

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Same here Toby,I was hearing myself much louder from my headphones (although it is a much simpler setup than yours)
Thank you for the upload! @Richard_close2u


Thanks Richard for the upload. Though as with Toby and Kevin my vocals were way lower than I expected. This mixing for Zoom is not easy.


Thank you @CD02 for your kind words. Might checkout Landslide.


Watching freshly released OM recordings is like looking at a group photo- we all hone straight in on ourselves, wondering ‘What do I look (sound) like?’ :rofl:
I laughed at Justin’s Freudian slip when he said I looked ‘spliffing’ :laughing: (That was a slip, wasn’t it? :thinking:).
Like Kev and Toby, I’m not impressed with my guitar tone, but reluctant to invest the time figuring out how to bypass the usb mic for the instruments…
It was good to catch up with all the bits I missed on the night and without going into individual critique, will simply say: “Yez were all great!”
I’ll take a rain check on the next OM, as it falls on a big fat birthday and I hope to get another friends & family project done over the Christmas season.
Cheers again to everyone who watched and commented :smiley:


Thanks for the edit and upload @Richard_close2u . I listened again to the whole show - absolutely wonderful performances from all. Really pleased to be part of this community!

edit: I want one of those mince pies that Vivi was eating just before Aidan came on :grinning:


Thanks for sharing the recording @Richard_close2u

Was a great watch. Well done to everyone.

The highlight for me was @brianlarsen with his great original and spliffing new look. You look 20 years younger shaven and well kempt!


Watched it all, everyone was brilliant but the stand out by far for me was @Aidan5 brilliant song and he absolutely smashed it :+1:


Cheers mate, glad you appreciate the effort :laughing:

… than what? :thinking: :rofl:

@TheMadman_tobyjenner Learn something new every day. I never knew what ‘Bogarting’ a joint was. The teenage me just assumed it was close enough to ‘boogers’, so I settled for don’t drool/slobber on the roach :rofl:
Everyone in school smoked a la Bogart as it concealed the fag and especially the glow at night.


I just watched the show again. Again, awesome job by all involved. Phil, that was damn good. Rory - beautiful playing and singing. Jen, awesome performance - so much fun!! Take care, guys.


Thank you very much!!!

Where can I watch the recording?

Scroll to the very top of this post where it’s been added :grinning:

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Excellent show by all!!! I’m sure our mentors are extremely proud of all!!! I was there in Person and had many laughs and was certainly feeling the party groove!!! Loved seeing a full band. That, to me was the icing on the cake!! Man you guys where having fun!! Great to see! Well done @Jenndye429 Wouldn’t want to miss that show live!!!

You are all inspiring to me and are driving me to wanting and needing to get me up to that OM plate. Setting goals to commit to that. I won’t tell ya’ll :wink:, but it’s a coming!!

SOCIABLE! Peace out! :+1::love_you_gesture::sunglasses::partying_face:


Thank you so much Darren! We definitely have a blast playing together and I think our (hopefully) future live show will be a lot of fun :wink:

Looking forward to your debut at a future OM :+1: :guitar: