Original - Solitary Days

Hi all,

I haven’t been around for a while. My truth is that my head goes to places of rather it didn’t. My blessing is that music and poetry is my tether rope to pull myself back up which is often difficult. Somewhere in between my low and high is my most creative place. I’m strong enough to function but still full of the emotion I want to convey through music, song or poetry.

Anyway. Here’s solitary days. A song about being alone which can happen for a million reasons. It’s a work in progress so let’s see where it goes. Thanks for listening.


Dom, that has a real sincerity and a gritty lo-fi feel of earth and blood and tears running through it. What a track. Thanks for sharing your music and poetry.


Terribly kind Richard. Thank you.

that was really nice

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Hello Dom,
that’s bringing something with feeling… :sunglasses: :man_bowing: :bouquet:

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Really appreciated

Get a hold of yourself Rog :wink:

That was fantastic Dom. Beautifully played and sung. Really moving lyrics and so much emotion in your performance. I hope the dark days are behind you!


Thanks Eddie. Very generous in your feedback. It would be terrible if we were happy all the time. Very unirish.

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Lovely song, and beautiful and emotional singing!
Your guitar playing is so loved, and recorded very clearly.
Solitary days, especially during Covid!
Music is a definite and effective therapy.

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Many thanks Rene. Music. It’s a lovely way of stepping outside of reality. Or maybe making sense of it. Thanks for your kind feedback.


Hey Dom

That was really beautiful and thank you for sharing your vulnerability. I feel I can resonate quite a lot with you however, I think music is the medicine for many of us. Look forward to more


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Hi Dom,

Sorry to hear you’ve been going through some trying times, but good on you for sharing your story as well as your creation.
The fact that both are appreciated by folk you’ve never met is a sign that we’re far from hopeless…
Good song and well performed :smiley:

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Heah Brian. It’s more of a long term thing so I just regard it as life. It has its benefits which sounds odd but it’s true. Every cloud and all that…

As regards sharing the music. That’s what we’re here for. It’s a wonderful community and regardless of experience levels, we’re all here for the music. If it’s someone starting out, we’ve all been there on the road. If someone performs a masterpiece or imparts a key to unlock a new rabbit hole, we are all the better for it.

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Thanks Cate

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That was great, so full of emotion and feeling. I’d buy an album full of this sort of music Dom. Brilliant!

It has a feel of Gregory Alan Isakov.

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Just went to the YT where you have posted the lyrics. Very beautiful how you sing it and accompanied with the guitar. Lyrics, singing and guitar, all top class. Luv it! :+1: :sunglasses: :heart: :pray:

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Jesus. Thank you. Very nice content. Wasn’t familiar with that gentleman (mores the pity) but I can see where you are coming from. High praise indeed.

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Much gratitude Kim. You’re very kind. I can empathize with the fat farmer fingers. Keep playing what your ear enjoys and you’ll be flying in no time. Enjoy the journey.

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As I originally said, this song is a work in progress and this latest rendition is no different. Different key, additional final verse and a little harmonica just to add mood.

I’ve lost some things I liked in the original and gained some new things. My problem is I just allow my fingers to go where they want when I’m feeling the song more than knowing the song which is great. The issue comes the next time you’re feeling different.