Original Song - I ain’t lost

Loved this Eddie :clap:
It has a great vibe, laid-back and chill, and you make it look so easy
Thanks for sharing :smiling_face: :sunflower:

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Thank you Jasmine. I am glad that you enjoyed the song! :sunglasses:

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Such a good songwriter you are, with inspiration from a bumper sticker. I can relate to you and others on your feed. On one occasion when two ladies saw my toddler grandson and commented on his pretty blue eyes. I went home and wrote and sang some lyrics on that and a friend from overseas put a backing track to it. It was pretty cool. Just not a whole song. A verse maybe.

I always look forward to your porch performances. Always enjoyable!!

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Thank you Pam for your very kind comment. Such a beautiful story about how your song about your grandson came about and what a great treasure to have and maybe to share with him someday. I always find that the best songs come from the simplest of ideas. Thanks again for checking this one out!

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Awesome tune Eddie, I’ve written a few myself and like you say, it has to come, you can’t force it, at least I can’t. Your voice was perfect for the song. You kept the chord progression fairly simple too. I like that. No need to show off with fancy schmancy stuff.

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Hey Eddie!
What can I say that hasn’t already been said… really liked this song & would like to see/hear more like this!!!

You should start a series…
maybe “Irish Eddie’s Porch Performances”!!!
You’ll have a following!
How fun would that be???!!!???


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Spot on Jim, if I try to force a song then it doesn’t work for me. I do like to keep things simple as if I try the fancy stuff then it invariably falls apart :joy:. Maybe when I become a better player I can start introducing some fancy stuff :joy:. Thanks for checking this one out Jim and look forward to hearing some of your songs in the future…

Thank you so much Tod and I like the “Irish porch performances” idea. I doubt I would get a big following though…:joy:
I appreciate you checking this one out and I am glad that you liked it!

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Eddie, here’s one I finished yesterday. A lot of people have suffered the loss of relationships over this upcoming election here in the USA. Many have said things in anger to loved ones, friends, neighbors and even to strangers on social media. I’m no exception, so I felt compelled to write this song about all that called, “It’s Only An Election.” Sure it’s important, that’s why we vote, but it’s nothing to lose the people that mean the most to us over. Be sure to share this with everyone you know, and don’t forget to vote!

I posted it on facebook. I tried to post the video here, but it wouldn’t accept the format, so here’s the link on facebook if you’re on it:


Not a great singing voice, but I enjoy playing, singing and making these videos of my original songs all the same. Most of my others were on the 5 string banjo, or piano, but easily adaptable to guitar. I’ve been playing since Christmas this past year. Still have issues with chord changes from G to C, but not G to D at all. Work in progress. This was probably take 20 or so. Not sure if you live in the US or not. Hope you enjoy it.

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Hi Jim,
Great title for a song but unfortunately I couldn’t open the link as I am not on Facebook, but look forward to hearing it if you can get it posted on here.
I am from Ireland :ireland: but am currently living in Chicago as my wife is from here. I do not have a vote here so stay out of politics as much as I can but I have seen how much stress and tension that the upcoming election is causing here…
keep on playing and writing those songs Jim!

Hey Eddie, we’ve been to Ireland and loved it there. I’m in Western North Carolina. After much brain wracking, I found I can easily post the you tube link to my song on the site here. Hope I wasn’t sounding political at all. That was not my intent on writing the song, but to help people stop beating each other up and mend broken relationships. I’ll re-post the link on a separate posting for others to see. Jim

Here’s the link: https://youtu.be/BVzw8N5FJ1I

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Love it Jim. It’s not easy to write a good song but you got one here. I wrote a ton and of awful songs before I found one that I liked so well done that you wrote a good one this early in your guitar journey!


Lovely song, both positive and slightly melancholy somehow. A different (better?! than Oasis) echo for me was Coldplay.


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Thank you so much Brian for listening and for the very kind feedback :sunglasses:.