Just a little exercise to remind myself to continue to work on phrasing, which includes being more conversational, playing with the chord changes, and to mix in a number of different elements when improvising:
Nice phrasing exercise. Doing that regularly will definitely pay off.
Thanks for sharing, Clint. Firstly, it all sounded pretty cool, what you played and the vibe. But perhaps more valuable than the musical enjoyment, is the demonstration of a number of effective structure and patterns that you can practice to make time spent playing over a BT more mindful than just random noodling in the scale pattern.
I especially am reminded about that playing of a phrase ‘I like pizza’ etc. I know that one but it seldom comes to mind when I have guitar in hand and BT playing. Something to make a mental note of and spend more time exploring.
Hi Clint,
Liked it ,…and
You hurt my back for a short while,
but it was worth it
,…and now I’m hungry
Thanks, and Greetings
Hi Clint - Thanks for sharing… that was very tasty and looks like a great little exercise.
Hey Clint,
I liked this little ditty. The playing was good, the vid was better. I have been looking into triads of late and aim to get more into them. Though my skill with the pick and or new to me, fingers, would have to improve a bunch to pull it off. Now when it comes to food, it would seem we have some common ground there in what we like! I had both tacos and pizza of late and not sure what is best, but I lean pizza.
Take good care and may 2023 be good to you!
I love-love-love the silly phrase approach. I was doing some very early and simple G major scale pattern 1 improv work with a student recently and I encouraged the use of silly throw-away nonsense comments as a framework. We used
“I need co-ffee”
“Could I have a coffee please”
“Do you want cream and su-gar”
etc. etc.
It was fun and broke the ‘what do I play’ barrier.
Seeing you do this makes me smile!
Improvising is defiantly a different animal. Hearing the melody/phrasing in your head is half the battle. Ultimately it boils down to telling a story.
Thanks for the listen and comment DP! This was mostly a scratchpad note to myself.
Thank you sir! I recommend the extra cheese and sauce.
Thank you sir!
Thanks LB! Triads are good.
All the best to you and yours.
Thanks sir Richard! Upon second thought it’s kind of boring to explain things. I may need to do a re-release.
Nice musical variations going on here, Clint.
I like the way you let your whole body sway to keep time.
All these little ‘etudes’ are cool, but don’t forget to throw us a full-length soul-felt sing-along every now and again
(Which came first: the guitar or the hat? )
Thanks for dropping by BL! The guitars came first. I have two epis.
Seems as though I have to do the body movements, foot tapping and such to feel the beat/rhythm. It can’t be helped at this point.
There are some strummer tunes bouncing around at all times.
Nicely played Clint. You have me hungry for lunch now!
Thank you sir! That’s the main takeaway, tacos vs pizza, it’s a huge decision.
This is a great inspiration for us as we must keep in mind that music should be MUSICAL (hence its name). Thanks!
That was a fun and inspirational video Clint. I’ll have to think up some phrases of my own. Mexican food gives me heartburn.
Tacos with salsa and sour cream please.
An enjoyable video CT. I liked the funny phrasing.