Pics of your ‘set up’

I was thinking more mental than metal health :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


There is wall space for a few more guitars….

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Hopefully in next few months! :rofl:

My set up and guitar wall. Cases stashed under the bed.


I spy the hot Milo on the desk (maybe?) but no Tim Tams?!


How very Australian! :rofl: I should have tidied up before taking the photo… it would be coffee for sure! Tim tams are delicious, but if I ate those I’d be 10kg heavier than I am.

Nice setup! Is that 4 or 5 guitars I count? I can’t tell if the maroon one is there twice. Which is your fave?

Haha. It cannot be denied, Tim Tams are delicious.

Four guitars. Yeah the dark one on the floor I hung up when deciding to photograph the wall. A favorite, hmm tough to say for a couple of reasons. I haven’t played any of them long enough to know their strengths or weaknesses. I do rotate through them every few weeks. I like them all for different reasons.

I’ll say this, the dark LTD never goes out of tune and it sounds good no matter what pitiful noises I make it make. Technically my first electric. But it’s heavy.
The orange and white Schecter catches my eye every single day. It has a tiny tiny neck that fits my hand nicely. And the legit floating bridge, a Floyd Rose, means I’m playing a badass instrument.
The black and cream Squier, well what can I say, it’s the real deal ya know, and plus, my dad gave it to me, bless him.
And my acoustic Takamine Jasmine, we go way, way back. Also given to me by my dad, I love its color and it’s sound.

Hard to choose. Probably the acoustic since it’s so very sentimental.


For those that have seen any my AVOYPs, this is the view of my guitar room looking in the opposite direction… I think I need to do a bit of cable management :grimacing: :joy:
(shot using wide angle so room appears bigger than it actually is :wink: )


Hang on, do I see two Katanas AND a huge pedalboard?

:rofl: Ah… Yep… Somehow I ended up with two Katanas… And the pedalboard is fairly basic, despite its size… Future planning :wink::sweat_smile:

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Yay, stereo!



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No excuses for bad tone then! :rofl:


Want to jam together anytime soon? :smiley:

The size of that thing! :open_mouth: :rofl:



Hello Silvia, meanwhile I’ve even got two electrics. This wasn’t actually intended, but happened somehow :face_with_peeking_eye::sweat_smile:. I think it’s time to do a seperate Happy NGsD-post :thinking:.


One of them goes to 11


Hi! Never actually share it on the forum so I would like to do it here

Well, thats me xD with my guitar and pc setup. The photo is shot few months ago. My pc is kind of complicated becoz I use it for music making, coding and sometimes gaming. So there a lot of things in it. (and Hatsune Miku?)

Got a guitar upgrade recently. Living in Singapore economically would means have to bear with small living space, yeah so I would like to move out abroad soon. For the extra space since I wish to expand my gears collection in the future, ha!


It’s funny how that happens :rofl:



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Yes, we should. I need to sort some life/work stuff out at the moment though. And try to find some time to practice!



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My office / music room —electric guitar (lLes Paul copy) temporarily demoted. Its growing quickly but I am a sucker for new gear.