Place to practice

Hi. I am a bedroom guitarist at the moment but I am sick of playing through headphones. Do you have any tips how to find free or cheap places to practice loud away from home?


Maybe at a silent corner of a park, or in the woods :thinking:.

I really like to play outside :slightly_smiling_face:.

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just use an acoustic


Thatā€™s not really a solution if I ever want to perform with my electric guitar and amp us it?

Iā€™m not sure where you are but Iā€™d look for local recording/practice studios which you usually book rooms by the hour at a not very expensive rate. Another alternative is local community halls which similarly offer the same sort of thing.


what does performing have to do with sitting in your bedroom? :thinking: practice is practice, no matter amplified or not.

A little more background on your circumstances would be helpful, so more meaningful advice can be given. I would follow @Rossco01 Jasonā€™s advice but if that is not possible, practicing without headphones is possible at lower volumes, why does it have to be ā€œloudā€ and what do you qualify as loud. Doors can be shut and practice times can be adjusted to avoid upsetting parents, siblings and partners, so you can explore all the options. (for example do you have access to a garage?).

@Richard_close2u @DavidP @LievenDV As this is not related to our COME can you guys move to a more appropriate Category. Thx.


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Hi there. I live in a semi-detached house with wife and kids in Herefordshire. I have 2 jobs to keep us going and I play guitar whenever I can. The problem is that it is usually in the evening/at night, occasionally on the weekend. I have a garage in a coach house - meaning there is no electricity and someone lives above it. I have a Katana MKII 50W and if I can I play at 0.5W but mostly through headphones. I am looking to go to open mic events and
a) I donā€™t want to get shocked by the volume of my amp
b) I want to practice as if I perform in front of others
c) A crancked amp will always sound different
I would have thought Local Authorities would support art in any form (especially that I suffer from MH issues) but I donā€™t know where to start. I will contact the local studio and some community halls to see if there is any way to hire their venues.

I have the same issues, actually have an acoustic and an electric, and find myself way more inhibited trying to practice with that as it canā€™t be turned down, strum with the edge of my thumb and not a pick when I use it, I am with you for the electric I also have a katana the 100 watt one, and still mainly use through headphones or set on 0.5 amps, would love to try at higher volumes, but would need both neighbours in my flats to go on holiday or something. I only play for myself, so donā€™t have to worry about freaking out when I go to higher volume for a gig. But think the community centre/practice room is a good shout. But one other thought is maybe visiting a guitar shop with separate rooms for trying out gear, and give it some welly in there for a taste of what it could sound like. My local ā€˜guitar guitarā€™ has glassed off bits for this. And who knows you might find and add pedals or other gear so you donā€™t feel youā€™re cheating them. Just an idea

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Hi Deeptomato,

I understand why you would want to play without the headphones. Its a different experience to be able to crank up the guitar.

Back in the day university notice boards and/or campus magazines would often feature people with rooms to hire - they were often workspces or garages that werenā€™t being used .They would target uni students as they were the people who were starting bands and needing somewhere to practice.

I suspect campus mags and notice boards might not exist anymore in a digital world but I wonder if sites like Gumtree or Craglists might have some similar ads.

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Hi Tomas, maybe get in contact with other local musicians or music stores or (guitar) teachers, maybe they can help you. I donā€™t know, where you are located, but sometimes youth centers/parishes or associations sometimes offer (rehearsal) spaces.

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My local community college has sound proof practice labsā€¦ā€¦

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Some local pubs will have a room that they use for live events and may hire it out at a reasonable rate when not in use, A quick google found this but not sure how expensive it might be

[Music and Performance Spaces ā€“ Hereford College of Arts]

Geared towards students it shouldnā€™t be that expensive