Playing live and nerves

Possibly, there’s a current story about that stuff!
My doctor has said that CBD might help with my problems, which I already knew, and that the best way to use it when a rapid reaction was wanted was to smoke it. Well so I decided to try it, of course it’s legal because it doesn’t contain any THC BUT when you smoke it it smells exactly the same! So…. Yes it worked, it’s very calming and reduces pain and anxiety but it has a bad side effect! It somehow or other gets you a visit by the local plod who want to search your house!
So, I gave them what they wanted immediately and the packaging plus paperwork for the order. I also played them the recording of my conversation with my doctor from our telephone appointment (I always record them in case I missed anything); they didn’t seem convinced, but after a conversation with their governor they left and issued me with an order to present myself at the station the following day.
To cut a long story short, their sample showed up negative, they had received a tip off by someone in our neighbourhood and told me it was best if I stayed indoors whilst using it!!!


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Nothing changes !!

Guess that neighbour was what you’d call a Grass !!


Not really, remove the Gr and add a hole :grin:


At least there wasn’t a nude lady wrapped in rug enjoying a Mars Bar when the boys in blue arrived …


I feel there is a story there David? :smiley:

Do you know something I don’t?

Couldn’t resist a reference back to the infamous raid on Keith Richard’s country home in the 60s, the drugs found, and of course the nonsense about Marianne Faithful.


So it happened again last night. Felt all nice a chilled before the gig and even when I first started playing. All was going well and the fluffs that I’d had when practicing I’d not done when playing. Then the very last bit all went to pot and my brain just wouldn’t get back on track.

I just don’t know what I can do to stop the nerves kicking in when I’m playing and it’s really making me not want to play the OM’s but then I don’t want it to beat me either. It’s all so frustrating.


I’ve no experience with this, but I just wanted to chime in to say that your performance yesterday was fantastic. I feel like it’s this internal conflict that goes on in our head.

I’m planning on trying to play at the next OM and have the same thoughts just thinking about it.

You were great though, so I hope you don’t let it stop you from playing in one of you truly desire to.


Mind is so tricky, isn’t :wink: But basically, it all comes down to an untamed mind. :pray: I could say some more, but rather not, as my experience tells me, that it for many will not be perceived the intended way. - David mentioned in another post, that the video will be posted soon. - Looking forward to watch and listen to all who participated. :sunglasses: :heart: :pray:

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Stefan you did a grand job last night sir.

Spoiler alert. You will not stop the nerves they will always be there. Its learning to deal with them but that is easier said that done. If you get a chance have a look at Adi and Justin discussing this on the Livestream 1 video. Yes even Justin gets nerves and the bigger the gig the bigger the nerves. The secret is to accept that you could screw up at any minute and be prepared to carry on even if it takes a small recovery. Most people won’t see it but we all know it happened when its our “error”. Still happens to me every OM. Just stay on the horse, grip the reigns and keep riding. It will be ok, honest !!



It’s a big challenge just doing one song because you’ve barely warmed up. I could not fingerpick from cold and very impressed with those that did.


It’s the moment when instead of just playing and singing your brain starts narrating: “oh, you screwed it up, don’t make any more mistakes, make sure it’s good now”, and then inevitably your playing isn’t as good as when you’re just playing.

I still get nerves. I am fine before, but when it’s performance time, they kick in a bit. Less than before. It’s also one song so hard to get into the groove. This last OM I had them more than the previous ones because my warmup didn’t go great! My hands felt wooden.

I think I mostly successfully don’t let that inner voice take over these days, though. I tell myself to ignore mistakes, just keep going. If the inner voice comes out I try to shove it away and stay focused on the song. Not sure if that helps.


I was nervous too Stefan, although as I did say before not as bad as first few times so you’ll get there. I guess your psychological approach to the OM is the key - if you mess up the world is not going to end and people won’t boo you here, so nothing to stress there about!


Firstly, I was really impressed by your performance, Stefan, and from memory barely noticed any flubs, thought it was great!

As far as I was concerned, this was my second go at an OM and my nerves were considerably less in the build up (which I was very happy about! :sweat_smile:) but I also felt them kick in as soon as it was my turn. At which point it felt like my fingers become almost completely detached from my control and I proceeded make multiple mistakes, including one point where I actually had to stop and wait to come back in at a point I was confident. I remember (vaguely!) almost laughing at how absurd all this was and how I should just relax in to it as I had played it plenty of times and it should just flow, but that’s easier said than done in the moment! :laughing:

However, it was a fantastic experience again and I actually feel even more confident I could tackle it better next time. I guess it is just slow steps forward, with the odd stumble backwards.

I agree with both these comments. I think it would be helpful to churn out an easy strummer song first to settle the nerves then move on to something more complex but hey you can’t always dictate the situation I guess and just need to run with what you’re given :wink: :sweat_smile:


Thanks guys for the comments.

I know it’s in my head and that’s why I tried to be zen about it and figured no one is going to die because I fluff up my song.

I picked an easy song so that I could hopefully get through it without any mistakes and it was going so well :rofl: right up until the end. I would like to get just one right to help with the confidence with the next OM but apart from my first one, I’ve made silly mistakes at every other one and this just chips away at the confidence.

I’m just venting I guess. Like some of you have said, you made mistakes but I didn’t even realise anyone had, apart from @NicoleKKB and the only reason I know you had was because you said so.

Thanks again everyone. Onwards and upwards. Roll on OM 16.


Hey Stefan, I think, as Toby says, the nerves won’t ever go away it’s about finding the right way to channel them or work around them. It sounds weird but from time to time towards the end of learning a song I’ll do a mock OM recording, including an intro spiel and “make it through” approach. I suppose it’s a similar approach to the debate of if there’s value in football teams practicing penalty shootouts, you’ll never replicate the atmosphere and environment of the real thin but at least the routine is familiar.

This time for me I think is the first time I think back and apart from the start and end I can’t actually remember my performance at all, not sure whether that’s a good or a bad thing but the recording seems alright at least!! :wink:

I really enjoyed your slot. Nice song choice and really good adaptation to acoustic and doing the full vocal line with the low spoken lines must have taken some brain power to get right!! Fluffs happen, I always call them out despite everyone telling me not to!!


Thanks Mark and I’m glad you enjoyed. :slight_smile:

That is a really good idea. I’ll start throwing that in to the practice mix and see if it helps.

Hi Stefan. Firstly, your performance at the weekend was terrific so absolutely no need to worry about how it came across.

I’ve not done an OM but I try to make my AVoYP’s a ‘one take’. I’ve found that I’m more likely to make mistakes towards the end of my songs. It’s because the end is in sight. The brain says “nearly there don’t mess up now” and of course that’s exactly what happens. While your brain is having these thought you lose concentration.
The answer is not to have these thoughts. Easier said than done of course! :smiley:


Ha and I guess you’all think I just chuck out the banter on the fly :rofl: Once I have the song under my fingers and I’m happy with the vocals, plus overall gtr tone, BT if applicable, I spend the week running up to the OM doing multiple dry runs. I’m normally chuntering to myself but also do a little intro/descriptive chat about what is coming. And no it’s not because I am mad but …

In the early Open Mics I just practiced the song, no banter. When I came to do the shows I naturally started rabbiting. Comment on the previous songs, bit of banter with the hecklers (@brianlarsen) and a short song intro. At one of the inaugural ones I’d did a 15 minute slot with a 5 minute song !!! In the early days that intro was all nervous waffle but when I came to play my mind was not focused on the song and the mistakes came thick and fast. So the banter became part of the practice routine.

I am often sending my Dry Run takes to my daughter in that last week, for her take on balance and levels etc via YT, so I’ve got in the habit of talking before playing. Some times its just going through the Amp or mixer changes I have made since the last take, so I have a reference. But I have found doing this allows me to slide from talking into playing, with some of the nerves (some) being dissipated.

Yeah then half way through it all goes to rats :poop: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

So what do I know ? But worth thinking about.

@SgtColon Boy done good. That was a pretty high tempo song lyric wise and yes the odd glitch but it was still a great performance !
