Please check you email inbox for an important questionnaire

I suspect these suggestions have already been made, so I apologize i advance if this is redundant. In case not, there are some things you can check on your side. I think Justin’s emails are sent using MailChimp but even if some other method is used, these troubleshooting steps should be valid.

If you are not receiving these emails:

  • Add to your contact list or address book.
  • If is already in your address book, check your spam filter settings to be sure that content from and/or the email address isn’t blocked.
  • Are you using a webmail provider such as AOL, Yahoo, or Hotmail? These providers throttle delivery, which can sometimes result in emails taking about 24 hours to be delivered to a specific email account.

I also haven’t seen an email, though I’ve attended at least 3 club sessions. I’ll echo what others have said about the frequency/rapidity of sessions, as well as the inability to watch recordings.

The sessions I’ve attended have been really good! There are others on topics/for target groups that I’d love to be able to watch as well, but since I am in North America ,they are scheduled in the middle of the day on weekdays, and I can’t attend since I’m busy earning my paycheck. Being able to watch a recording would resolve that issue, and like others, would be something I would potentially be open to donating for.

I also agree that there are a LOT of sessions very quickly - even if the time zone thing wasn’t an issue, I probably wouldn’t be able to/want to attend them all since I have other commitments, hobbies, etc. I like the idea of a rotation of clubs less frequently.

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I haven’t received an email either. Spam folder is empty as well. Interestingly, other emails sent by are delivered without problems at the moment…

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Same here, haven’t received an email either. :thinking:

But a lot of good points and suggestions have been mentioned here already.
Of course I’m happy to share my feedback too, as soon as the mail arrives. :grinning:

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Has a marketing firm weaseled its way into Justin Guitar? While I very much appreciate all Justin does, I’ve been sensing a very “corporate” tone over the last year.

Nobody, and I mean nobody, does as much without charge as Justin. Somehow I’ve missed the “corporate tone.”


I did get an email a few hours ago and responded.

I haven’t attended any clubs and don’t intend to, they’re at very inconvenient times. I also don’t see much point in watching any recordings as there is already hours and hours of high quality, edited video tuition available, which being pre-prepared is surely of higher quality.

IMHO the way to go with the clubs thing, which other online teachers seem to do, is offer club membership as a paid monthly subscription. Surely there would be a bunch of people willing to attend live lessons for a fee.



Raymond, let’s step back and reflect on the journey. Justin began this as a sideline while on tours from a hotel room in the early days of YouTube. Then it became a full time occupation. And now JustinGuitar is a regular online business.

I have seen evolution in the nearly seven years I have been engaged. Justin has a fully employed team of people that support the web development, Community platform, and all the general activities of running the show.

But as Mark says, the ethos remains to make top quality guitar learning content available for free for all. Funding the running is a necessity and making an income is reasonable as this is a full time occupation.

I love the innovative ideas, like the clubs and the programme to donate guitars. The partnership with Musopia to produce the Songs and Lesson App.

So yes, there is sometimes some need to focus on the business and keep all in balance. But the original spirit and intent remains.


Filled mine in and submitted👍


I’ve also suggested to make the recordings available, even if it means you have to pay for them.

In addition, I also think a wider range of payment formats would attract a larger audience. A yearly/monthly pay-for-all formula is fine for those who want access to all Clubs. But I think more people would be willing to donate if there were a ‘category’ formula for those who are only interested in e.g. the Blues Clubs, or the Vintage Clubs. And maybe even one-off payments if someone wants to watch a specific recording. I’m not sure if that’s manageable though.

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If it’s a subscription service, I’d also recommend taking the discussions off the Community board


Nothing here Richard?

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A Live Clubs Milestone

It’s been an interesting testing period so far. We’re doing is in a true “failing forward” fashion;
We went in head first and started tweaking along the way. Now it’s a time for Justin to gather input from all corners and distill the sustainable plan that caters the audience most with the most efficient production flow.

That, perhaps, sounds a bit businessy as well but with the size the JustinGuitar Universe has amassed over the years, you need some resources and you need them spent wisely to keep the momentum; service, support, fixed costs, tech costs, feeding your family.

The team is a mixed bunch and the combo of premiums and free stuff can seem somewhat paradoxal at times. Yet it’s part of what made it work over times. Justin is a smart guy and he puts a lot of trust in his team. (that’s part of what makes hime a smart guys as well ;))
Every year around New Year, when wishes come and go, I declare my gratitude and pride to be part of this great endavour. I’ve told the story a million times and it never tires me, as pride is a strong motivator!

I’m very curious about what the questionnaire will bring :smiley:

Do people like my format or do they just want a live Q&A? (which I think is redundant if they know they have quasi live Q&A 24/7 here on the Community :D)

What intrigues me is that the “forum” format didn’t die here but it evolved. The Community Open Mic is such a great example of that. With these Clubs weaving into the Community as well, It is becoming easier yet again to feel like “real people” here <3

Those who know me will know that I don’t post as much as Richard or David but when I do, I like to bring a whole story :smiley:

That kind of story is so much easier to explain in a live Club (and also, a more fun format :D)

Thank YOU, the audience!

I truly hope my format survives the judgement of the audience and the priority board because I’m passionate about sharing my enthousiasm with all of you!

These live Clubs are another way to engage with the audience and Justin trusting others to work under his “name”, his franchise and to engage with his audience shows a lot of trust.

Let’s see how we can keep engaging with you guys. Whether my “show” gets cancelled or not, I’m glad to score my first live streaming learnings and reading the feedback in the feedback form of the first lessons really made my week, every week.


I know a lot of others have already said, but I also didn’t get an email (checked my spam :slight_smile: ) . I will keep a lookout for it and respond if I do.

Also just wanted to add that I really appreciate the clubs and everything that Justin and the team do, especially for free or very low cost :slight_smile:

I’ve attended a few of the clubs that I can. Some are at a very convenient time for me but others I have prior commitments :sunflower:

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Got the mail and filled in the form.

Great idea and i surely hope it’ll help players along on their journey.

For me, i don’t have the time to attend any of them, since i’m enrolled (third year now) in my local music academy. And that’s a club on it’s own… :laughing:


If this hasn’t been addressed yet:

For those mentioning the benefits of availability of recordings, in the survey is this sentence: “Charging a mandatory fee for Clubs would allow us to offer a more premium experience and add more content and materials, like sharing the recordings”.


For all of those contributing to the discussion who have not received the emall you can click on summary to see what it says: (obviously you can’t respond till you get yours)


JustinGuitar Clubs Survey

Hey there,

Thanks for participating in our Clubs Survey. Your feedback is invaluable in shaping this project. We appreciate your time and input!

Thank you in advance,

JustinGuitar Team

How many Clubs live sessions have you attend so far?






Which Clubs have you attended? Selected all that applies.*

Blues with Justin

Motivation with Lieven

Vintage Club with Richard

Beginner Club with Lee


Would you consider paying a small fee to support our Clubs? *

The current level of donations hasn’t proven sufficient to sustain operations of all Clubs in the long run. Consequently, we may need to explore adjustments to the project’s structure.

Yes, I would consider paying a mandatory fee

No, I wouldn’t consider paying for Clubs

I’d like to contribute to Clubs on a voluntary basis only (Donations)!

Please share your thoughts about charging for Clubs!

Your answer

How much would pay to access Clubs? *

Charging a mandatory fee for Clubs would allow us to offer a more premium experience and add more content and materials, like sharing the recordings.

Nothing; it’s not worth it.

Nothing; I cannot afford it.

A flat fee of USD 5 per Club.

A monthly membership of USD 15 with access to all Clubs.

A yearly membership of USD 90 with access to all Clubs.

I would pay even more because Clubs are incredible!

I would pay something, but less than these suggested amount.

If Clubs continue to operate on a donation basis, what factors would encourage you to make a donation?

More reminders about donations (emails, site notifications, etc)

Improving the quality of the sessions and teachers

Suggesting a minimum donation amount

Being able to donate during the live classes

More reminders from Teachers during the live classes

Recognition and milestones for donators

What do you like most about Clubs? Select all that applies.

Practical tips for my guitar playing

Better understanding JustinGuitar courses

Playing along with teachers

Interacting with other guitar enthusiastics

Asking questions to a JustinGuitar Approved Teacher

Getting inspiration from other players


How do you prefer Clubs sessions in general?

More interactive; I would like to participate more and learn from other students!

I like watching a structured live class from the teachers.



Would you like to share any other thoughts or suggestions?


Thanks for sharing.

One thing I will say about donations is I wish there was more currency options than dollars. I get that the US is the biggest market but if I make a $10 dollar donation from my UK bank account I also get charged an unknown amount as a foreign currency transaction fee which is off putting

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