Please check you email inbox for an important questionnaire

Matthew @mattswain
There is an option to change the currency, just above the Other



Thanks I’d missed that


Sorry for late reply, i’m amongst those that didn’t receive an email.

I hope it’s ok to just mention it here. Thanks @brianlarsen for the summary. :slight_smile:

I personally haven’t attended any of the clubs yet, partly because availability (time) and secondly my current level.

I certainly woudn’t mind paying for specialist service (annualy) if poss but, i think this will start to get real tricky. Although I’m in the UK, I dont wake to the 9-5pm cycle of life lol, more like 1 am to 3-4pm.

I think the clubs are a seriously good idea and hope they continue into the future, If I cant attend now, I certainly will in the future.


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Hi Richard

As many have said here, no e-mail recieved and not in spam folder. I have the e-mail in my address book and get regular updates on the clubs that I am interested in which, so far, has been all of them.

I have missed maybe one or two club sessions a<nd attended all the others. I definitely have input to give and would love the opportunity to provide feedback.

I know that the e-mail issue itself can be solved and that there is someone somewhere in the team who has responsibilty for organising the emailing to clubs and that this is likely just one of many tasks that person has, so I am happy to wait for the chance to provide input; but, as a committed member of the community and a paying customer on several different courses, apps, tabs etc, as well as having observed nearly every Cub Session, I really would like to be able to share my observations and ideas with the team.

Whenever you can, please let us know the status of this email for some/ no email for others situation as I would hate to miss out on an opportunity to provide feedback where it’s being asked for.

Thanks, again, for everything you and Lieven and the whole team do to get these clubs organised. It is quite clear that they need to evolve into something that is more sustainable / adequate for the people who enjoy Justin’s service and those who are so committed to providing it through the clubs.

Looking forward to hearing from the team with the survey as soon as it can be sorted.



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I didnt get an e mail either
I followed1 Club once , It the long run it might worth it to learn
But if it turns into a pay stuff i wont attend it anymore , I can t afford it :confused:

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Apologies everyone …

@FannyJustinGuitar has shared this link to the survey …


thanks a lot
for the question : If Clubs continue to operate on a donation basis, what factors would encourage you to make a donation?

there should " nothing " as an answer " for those who won’t be able to follow the clubs anymore :confused:
I can t answer that question cause whatever happens i wont be able to pay for it

There is an empty comments box for you to add comments.

thanks :slight_smile:

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Thank you for the link, @Richard_close2u and Fanny!
This worked fine. :+1:

And thank you for asking about my opinion and caring so much :sunflower:



first of all: Thanks for the link (I was also one of those who didn’t get the email).

I wanted to use the chance of commenting here as well. I’m one of those who’s been in most of Lee’s and Lieven’s clubs (not old enough yet for the vintage folks :sweat_smile:) but I’m also one of those who cannot donate yet. I‘be started my business a year ago and to say the first year is rough would be an understatement. Right now, I am lucky and glad to afford the basic things in my life - but not much more. Even the yearly fee of Justin’s app hurts.

As a business owner I absolutely understand the flip side of this problem.

What I was wondering: I know about different donation systems where you can almost choose between donations as if it were a coffee. You choose donation option A and pay a small amount each month, giving you access to the clubs. Or you choose option B and get access to the clubs AND maybe a rough version of a recording. Or you choose option C and get access to the clubs AND the recording AND you become a “club sponsor” that gives someone who cannot afford the monthly fee a free spot in the club sessions.

That way, donations would increase and people who cannot afford the clubs could apply for finding someone who sponsors them.

Do you know what I mean? (Sorry, my brain is a bit fried at the moment.)

Also: Maybe there’s a possibility of creating “badges” for social media for those who donate or want to show their support? I’m a social media enthusiast, so I know lots of people can’t afford some things but share them because the additional reach also helps - maybe it makes someone else donate.

I don’t know if there’s anything that could be won in another raffle, that’s connected to the clubs (private lessons with all of the approved teachers?). But that would be another idea.

Anyways, what I wanted to say is this: I truly hope that there’ll be some way for people like me to attend in the future. Even though I’m very hopeful to be able to afford a regular donation soonish, I know there’s a lot of people out there who have it worse than I do.

And last but not least: Thank you to the entire team for the clubs and all they entail. They are a true joy. Hopefully they can continue in one form or another.



@Richard_close2u YOU ROCK!! Thanks to you and Fanny for sorting this. . . :star_struck:

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I’m sure this is the kind of contribution the team are looking for :smiley:
Personal experience, as well as suggestions how thing might be done.
‘Buy me a coffee’ seems to be quite popular these days and I quite like it.
I have a few reservations about the following though-

One of the things I value in this community is that it is free and open to everyone around the world. We’re all just guitar players. Nobody knows who is well off or struggling to get by unless we share this information ourselves (usually by revealing our gear purchases).
Having a system looking for sponsors or acknowledging donations with badges would skew that sense of equality.
Justin is very aware of people who are strapped for cash and waives course fees for those who genuinely can’t afford them. You only need to contact the team and discuss it.
I wish you all the best in these early days of your business (remember, Justin started this just as an ‘add-on’ to his teaching lessons)
Kudos again for putting your thinking cap on and making concrete suggestions.
(btw. Everybody is old enough to be ‘vintage’, I think it’s a poor club name as it has nothing to do with age… :rofl:)


I know what you mean (and thanks for the good wishes by the way - I appreciate that :grin:). Maybe the system with different donations and subsequent sponsorships could be anonymous. So people pay for others as well and people like me who can’t yet afford a donation tell the team and they’re matched without others knowing about it. (Might just be cool to say thanks, but if it’s completely anonymous, that would be fine as well.)

With the badges for social media: I meant that as a different idea. Whenever it’s possible I, personally, like to share Justin’s stuff on my social media account (which is in German and probably lessens the impact). If people get something specific to share on social media, this might increase Justin’s reach and therefore donations - in the long run, of course. It was just an additional idea - not linked to the “buy me a coffee” idea.

Did I say my brain is fried? It’s fried :joy:🫶🏻

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The thing is with setting up monthly donations and premium courses the payment option is now limited to stripe. A lot of people use paypal and this option of payment is only now available for one off donations.

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I just complete the survey and wanted to share an idea here that I put in my answers. It relates to the whole charging for clubs issue which I think is a valid service and should be paid for. However, to make it successful they will have to be tailored specifically to certain sub demographics of site members and the content of the session made clear to members before hand. I am not sure about the payment side of things and infrastructure required for this concept but the concept goes like this:

You create a virtual “Justin Guitar Clubs Card” which allows for people to buy a block of club sessions at a flat rate per session. Members could buy sessions in blocks of 5 or 10 or 20 sessions at a time, then use them as they fancy when a session comes up. This option could be coupled with a slightly more expensive option of “instant access” (either to the live or archived club lessons) for a small percentage more than the Club Card Block Purchase option. Club Card Purchasers could be offered a discount on the purchase of larger blocks of sessions at one time. If sessions were numerous enough you wouldn’t have to worry about hitting the 1000 participant limit on anything other than Guest Teacher sessions (like Joe Robinson’s on Thursday).

This would, of course, require a diversity of content in sessions that catered to different levels and skills demographics within the overall JG membership. While it’s clear that the largest demographic at the moment is the older, beginner player; there are other demographics that could be served by Live Club Lesson content, members of which I think would happily pay for content that met their level. The point is that if you are going to charge, people need payment options and they need content that suits their guitar skills needs. . .a tricky balance to achieve but it’s doable. . .and . . .

AS ALWAYS, DONATIONS ARE REQUESTED AS A MATTER OF COURSE (with a minimum suggested amount!) I feel really strongly that this continue with JG. It has been a feature since the early days and should stay. . .and by the way if you don’t donate, buy something. The site is a virtual treasure chest of musicianship and guitar knowledge it should be supported with more than participation in classes.

Just my four cents worth. . .


Since I am in the USA and am unable to attend the Clubs due to the time difference, I did not complete the survey.

That being said, perhaps there is an opportunity to connect with more students and potentially generate more donation or tuition revenue if the Club sessions were held at multiple times (across multiple days) to cover more parts of the world during traditionally non-working hours?

Just thinkin’ out loud…

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Good point. Recording will not solve all problems as we loose the live aspect of a premium course. Recording can be fun if we miss one session from time to time or review our learning, but if we miss all of them because of the timezone, it will not feel as premium.

Interesting idea to add.

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I think that, in an ideal situation, the clubs would be voluntary donations with enough of those with means, such as my self, donating adequately to fund those that can’t. This is pretty much how all the free content currently on the website is funded, right? The paid material and voluntary donations.

So far that has not appeared to happen with the clubs, as mentioned in the survey preamble where it is noted that “donations haven’t increased”.

So, at the start, Justin and team appear to have hoped that the clubs would have funded themselves in an organic fashion. Unfortunate, but we only have ourselves to blame. I attended one club and did not change my usual donation behavior.

I hope that Justin and his team can come up with a solution that allows a sliding scale of donation that includes $0 for those unable.

But remember, for this style of funding, there needs to be some exclusive paid content and, most importantly, those of us who can should assess the value of what we receive and donate accordingly,


Done :+1:

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