Please check you email inbox for an important questionnaire

:joy: :rofl: :joy:

Edit: I keep laugh quite hard… :upside_down_face:


A retired couple who lived a few doors down from me some years back bought a plush and expensive motor home. They put a sticker on the back that stated:

Spending the kids inheritance!


Meanwhile, we had a team meeting discussing this topic.

Some rough ideas of the next steps are on the table and Justin, Laryne and Ben (dev) will check the feasability). As I’m not disclosing anything prematurely , I don’t have much details BUT the input in the questionnaire and this thread have proven themselves very interesting and useful.

What I can be sure about is that we are moving forward with the Live Clubs; we want to keep doing them, factor them to a form that suits the audience best and in a cost-efficient fashion.

I speak for myself I’m grateful for the feedback that was given so far and I will tweak my own sessions accordingly. Managing expectation though, we are trimming “side efforts” in order to focus on the essence of these sessions.