Please check you email inbox for an important questionnaire

I’d ask the question of how many attended that use the website as their main learning source, how many attended use the app as their main learning source and how many attended use as their main learning source. That could influence the increase in donations. That’s where I think it would be great if there was a facility for a quick tips jar.


True, there may be some inherent selection bias issue. However, the main point is that Justin’s team seemed to hope the clubs would pay for themselves through organic increases in donations and for whatever underlying reason, they did not. Hence the survey.

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But from what I seen from the clubs there was no mention of donations that stood out. It might have been good to have a message pop up when you clicked the attend button saying “if you enjoy these clubs to help keep the running please make a small donation” with a link to the donate page. I don’t think you can expect donations to increase without a small prompt.

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Well, true that. I agree and made a similar suggestion in the survey. My impression is that they actually were hoping it would just happen naturally without having to say it outright. I do think Justin (not that I really know him) would love it if the whole site just paid for itself without him needing to ask at all. Requesting donations seems something he does reluctantly, which is to his credit. Reality has reared its head in this one, though.

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In the sessions I attended, the teachers mentioned this and had a slide on screen too. Perhaps a recent adjustment?

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When answering the survey, I also argued that charging for the clubs is perfectly ok. I had some “mix and match” idea in my mind that somehow just remained vague. Didn’t even try to explain it… But I think your Club Card idea would work perfectly fine with my mix and match one.

Donating is great (and I have done that), but it should always be voluntary. I don’t think that pushing people to donate is really feasible. In contrast, by offering attractive content and making it possible to mix and match, people would perhaps more easily agree to pay some money…

That of course leaves the question how people who can’t afford to pay could participate…


This :smiley:
Inertia is biggest hurdle for many of us.
Having to click the ‘Donate’ button to access the clubs would make a big difference to the amount raised. I buy most of my music from Bandcamp, who often have a minimum purchase price, but you choose how much you pay.
Having zero/ two/ five/ other of whatever currency options to get access should be simple and effective without intoducing any pressure, exclusivity or commitment.
Kudos Joshua :sunglasses:


I like your practical solution. I hope the Team will consider it or some variation thereof. It hadn’t really occurred to me that you could include a $0 donation button.


From the horses mouth :wink:

Slightly different scenario, but there’s a good reason churches pass around collection plates
(pennies always go to heaven, as they never miss mass on Sunday :wink: )


I think I was just called a horse…

Gad…I can’t even remember what I write anymore. I must be an old horse. If I head for the glue factory, use me to make a guitar.


I think this is a really interesting option.

Psychologically it is easier to give a few bucks each time, rather than paying yearly etc. Doing the calculation I would probably end up giving more at a few bucks per session than I reluctantly agreed for a yearly fee.

One challenge may be the middlemen who take a cut of every transaction, I think they take a minimum on every transaction, so small donations are “taxed” higher.

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Some websites have a progress bar for donations. Each month the progress bar resets at 0. Clubs need X $ / month (correspond to 100% of the progress bar) and the % get updated after each donation. Someone may donate one month to increase the %, and skip next month if everything is in the green.

As user, we may underestimate the number of donation required by month to run this feature and overestimate the number of donation that is actually received. So, we may assume wrongfully that everything is in the green. But, at least with a progress bar, everyone can see the real progress.


I would be happy to donate, and am in a position to if I knew there was a method of directly sponsoring those that are not in a position at this time to pay the fee. Obviously this would need to be anonymous.


Thanks for all the input guys,

It became integral part of the internal discussion (next to the survey) and some ideas sparked Jusin’s inspiration.


Now that one caught my eye! There have been some quite expensive (to me anyway) NGD purchases which people have shared.

Stuart… Can you tell how long somebody saved money in order to buy the guitar of their dreams? Can you tell how long it will take to balance someone’s credit card after they bought a guitar that makes them so happy? Can you tell if what is an expensive guitar for you is nothing but peanuts for someone else?

People may buy expensive or expensive looking guitars. But I truly believe that nobody here is publishing those pictures in order to highlight how well off they are.

@brianlarsen’s statement resonates with me a lot… And it’s something I like very much about the community.


Go back to the light go back to the light Nicole…
i’m lost save yourself…,…



@JokuMuu That wasn’t a dig at anyone. Just an observation. All what you say is absolutely correct.

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I fear I was lost as soon as I became a member of this community, my dear Dutch wolverine :laughing: It’s too late too run…


Some interesting points on acquisitions, that I never considered before. Beyond sharing the joy of a new guitar with friends who I know will appreciate them for what they are, it doesn’t go beyond that. As one of our famous Scotsmen (@sairfingers ) said to me many moons ago “There’s no pockets in a shroud”. :sunglasses: