Practice Amp for 1st Electric Guitar

I am reluctant to add to your confusion ( :exploding_head: ) but I saw this mentioned on another thread and it does look interesting. A small tube amp with minimal complications.

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Iā€™ve got it narrowed down to the Orange Crush 35rt and Mustang LT25 - strongly leaning on the Orange Crush 35.

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So, 35w solid state is ok in your 300 sq. ft.
Best I can see, them orange crush 35 are about 299

imho, your heading in the correct direction with just a amp. The Orange is that.

This is me and me only. Iā€™ve just not hip to the sound of Orange amps. To me, again, they have a unique tone to them. They sound like a orange amp.

So Iā€™m back onto ya. :wink:
Ya can do the Peavey Transtube (red stripe) bandit 112, used, for about the same bread. Like I said, I can play this amp so soft that I can hear the elec. guitar strings over the amp.
The tone is, well, check out a couple youtbubes.

There are many bandit reviews.
There is a evolution to bandits, old to new. They are all slightly different.

Thereā€™s a smaller version too. The transtube Sudio Pro. less watts on this one. Iā€™ve played one. Sounds near as good as the bandit, in a smaller package.
imho, transtube is the key word for these amps.

Much info on the www. about these.
And they should be researched.
If you want.
imho, transtube, studo pro or bandit just sounds really full for a ss amp.

Used transtube banidt 112 are about 300. New ones are more.

Sorry the vids are all cranked amps (they do sound good though), I assure you they can be played very quietly if you want.

Hi Maya,

I recommend listening to sound samples from as many sources as you can. Each manufacturer has their own sound they are known for. 15 months ago, I had no idea who sounded like what. Today I have clear likes and dislikes.

I disagree.

Most decent modelers already have a looper built in.

And you can always choose to use pedals in the front end just like you can with a basic analog amp .

I see no difference between the two in regards to an fx loop.

Not most modelling amps.

Modelling amps that donā€™t have a built-in looper include all of the the Boss Katana range, the Line 6 Catalyst, the Yamaha THR range, the Positive Grid Spark range, etc.

Most multi-fx standalone units have a basic looper, but these are usually limited to around 30-40 seconds (which is enough for a lot of purposes).

You could, but that kind of defeats the point of buying an amp with dozens of built-in effects if you canā€™t use them. It also means you have to buy additional kit and deal with all the wiring and power for it

The point here is people do want to use these capabilities, and you canā€™t really do that with a looper if the amp doesnā€™t have an effects loop.



Still i disagree, katana 50 , fender gtx etc all have loopers, and you are penalizing the modelers because they have included fx? wat

I mean, I own the house but have a 300 sq. ft. studio - so sure why not. Thanks for your input - most appreciative! Iā€™ll check out the YouTube vids!

Just came from Guitar Center and demoed the Katana, Mustang LT25 and the Orange Crush 35RT.

Three different animals entirely! At my stage of the game Iā€™m still favoring the Orange Crush 35rt.

The LT25 will definitely suffice and you canā€™t go wrong with that $170 price tag.

I know they just got those Orange 35ā€™s in and the floor model I can walk out the door for $298 (10% off which saves taxes). I know the floor model was literally unboxed and put on the floor yesterday.

Still digging the simplicity with the ā€œcleanā€ and ā€œdirtyā€ channels and the reverb. It definitely cranks when turned up. Has the line out, phone jack for backing tracks to practice to, and quiet practice if I need to. And later if I want the pedals - the FX loop is there.

Only reason I didnā€™t walk out with an amp tonight is that the next few days will tell if these amps are going to have a Black Friday price reduction.

:yum: :star_struck:

Nothing wrong with the orange if you like the sound

I disagree, because you are factually incorrect.

The Fender does have a looper. The Katana does not. And most others do not either.



Wait it doesnt. wow. dunno why people buy it then!

As I said, most modelling amps do not have loopers built in.

People buy the Katana because itā€™s a great amp.

Also, there are times that people want to use an external looper, such as the Digitech Trio or a Boss RC-10, Which provide capabilities beyond the limited loopers that are in amps like the Fender GTX.



I am also in the beginner 2 phase. I have the fender 10g frontman. I intentionally bought a smaller amp so I would focus on technique, because I am easily distracted and wander off the course material. If I practice a song with the lyrics, Iā€™m off into rock star status singing and dancing around the roomā€¦lol
most times I practice without an amp, focusing on finger placement, timing and chord memorization and I practice almost every day for at least 30 minutes. So I would say, be honest with yourself. If the ā€˜extra soundsā€™ you get will be a distraction, maybe wait. Make a good amp your gift to yourself after you complete the course. if you would benefit from a better amp then go for it.


According to this YT video, you can add a send/return with the Katana software if you want to add an outside FX. See 14:50 on the video:

Unfortunately, this doesnā€™t work on the Katana 50. Iā€™m not sure why itā€™s showing up on Boss Tone Studio in this video.

Thereā€™s no send return connectors on the amp.

By the way, itā€™s important to distinguish between an FX loop, and a looper. They are different things.

Perhaps, confusingly, you can use the FX loop (send and return connectors) to connect a looper pedal.

Many amps (both analogue and digital) have an FX Loop, but only a small handful have a built-in looper.




Good of you to clarify Keith, was planning to do likewise, as there is clearly some befuddlement here twix what is what. :+1:


Thanks for the clarification.

I canā€™t believe how many posts are listed above. Of all the responses to the original question, this from Judi is my favorite. Although the information in this thread is well meaning, I think itā€™d be like trying to drink from a firehose if youā€™re a beginner. If you own an electric guitar, sure you need an amp. However, using a really simple clean tone is necessary to hear the accuracy of your playing if youā€™re motivated to improve. I have a Katana 100; 99% of my use is a clean tone and Iā€™m past the beginner phase.

One more thing that I havenā€™t seen mentioned. Using an amp stand to get the box off the floor and angled up has a major impact on the sound. I would put major in all caps, but that would be tacky.


I think I said something similar quite a way back. :smile:

But, it has been a really interesting discussion. I have enjoyed all the contributions - I checked out every amp that was mentioned and Iā€™ve learned a lot about amps from this thread.

Over the past few years I have upgraded my guitar, my pedal board and Iā€™ve bought and sold various pedals as Iā€™ve worked out what I need. Iā€™m still with the same beginner amp, but I will probably upgrade that too eventually and I now have a much clearer idea of what to look for. So thanks everyone for your posts. :+1:

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