Rachel's Learning Log - New beginnings

Ooh, that surprised me, other half booked 2 weeks holls, so no guitar for the moment. Nice to be with partner but I’ll miss my daily.

See if there’s any music stores close to where you’re staying… somewhere to have a quick 10 minute jam! That’s my plan for whenever I go away without the piece of wood & strings… or try to buy a super cheap second hand one & then give it away on the last day… nice deed for good karma then as well…unless the other half just won’t have any of it :joy:

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Lol, :joy:


Back now after a break with my other half, Fingers are really felling it too, Quite a bit softer than I would like after just 15 days with no Guitar.

Glad to be back to practice now though.

Wk 47


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Wk 48
Nothing new here lol…



A little “Happy Happy Joy Joy” as my partner says to me from time to time.
Why, because I managed Justins version of “Teardrops on my Guitar” today as per his video with just 1 wrong note in the middle. :slight_smile:

Shame I wasn’t recording, hope to remedy that very soon.


Week 49

+a few hours test recoring levels and tone attempts to a DAW, sore pinkies lol


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Far from ready for my first grade 2 piece but practicing like mad now.
Nerves took quite a the toll when recording and it shows lol. Never expected my hand to pause and twice at that, thats just weird :frowning:
If you find it , Sorry lol.

Posting to help break the nerves again :slight_smile:


PS, Its quite funny , honestly :slight_smile:

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@Libitina sounds great to me, it’s coming on well. I admire anyone who has mastered playing fingerstyle as I am just about getting it right more than I get it wrong at the moment. Well done. As you say posting after a short break always gets the nerves going.

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@Libitina Well done! Both with the song and posting the recording.

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Sounds good, Rachel, keep on keeping on!

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Have to agree with the comments so far Rachel, coming along nicely. And those recording nerves are normal, I’ve just had a morning of red light fluffs and glitches, so we all suffer from time to time. Constant recording helps even once or twice a week…something I should have been doing more often this year. Looking to hear the end result on this one. :+1:

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Thank you, I’ll be sure to post it when I’ve done a better job.


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Wk 50

Been a great week on Guitar, Loved it. :slight_smile:



Wk 51/52

So , 28th Oct will be 1 year since I started learning Guitar. I’m extremely pleased with how much I’ve learned in this time. I never managed to re-record my accoustic piece sadly which I so wanted to get done, ho hum…

I’ve completed about 155 hours of actual playing with the addition of Strumming SOS Grade1 and half of Strumming SOS G2. A few months of the type 1&2 fingerstyle patterns, along with some alternating pick practice introduced early in Grade 2.

Now, at 1 year, I “normally” have to make a descision as to whether I want to continue or not.

I think that will be a :+1:t2:



Congrats on a year of guitar Rachel!

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Happy first guitar anniversary. Best wishes for the second year.

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Happy First Anniversary Rachel. Music is the best gift you can give yourself. :partying_face: :beers:

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Thank you all, @jkahn, @TheMadman_tobyjenner, @Socio and @stitch.



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