Happy first year of GUITAR
TY Rogier, I watched the entire display.
Congratulations on your one year anniversary. Tipping my hat off to your methodical approach at tracking all the invested practice time!
A little early for another post here but…
I found my first song with the F chord. I’m only going to do a “shortcut” F not a full barre F but it suits “Pink Houses” and I’m loving the peppy tempo and quick change C / G. Like it. !
Wk 54
Much better , certainly made up for last weeks lol.
Starting to get used to a thicker pick now, using a .6 last few weeks. I need to check which froggy lol are nearest
I felt over the last couple of weeks that Iv’e been palying the same practice parts for to long so I added some more today for a little change.
I’m really please with how well It’s going for little pink houses. , far better than expected for just a week.
Also feel like I’ve made some inroads to F , not very fast at the moment but it’s starting to sound pretty reasonable, so pleased on that front too.
Hi Rachel, Adding some additional things for a change is great if you have the time, or just varying what you practice on a given day if time is limited. Good song to play along to and a good one for changing to and from F. And you’re having fun!
It’s wonderful to read about your journey with the violin! It’s impressive that you had the opportunity for lessons with a tutor from Turkey.
Continuing the discussion from Rachels - New beginnings:
Well !!..
Talk about LAZY …This month marks my 2 year anniversary of wanting to learn the guitar.
It’s been 5 months since I’ve attempted to make any progress at grade 2. This marking time lol, as that is exactly what it is, has to stop. ! no…lol, has to go forward , yep thats the one. !
Since the summer heat wave, and the guitar tuners and my partners workshop build, I’ve done NOTHING except rinse and repeat for over 5 months now.
I stopped at about 10 modules into the grade 2 strumming course for far to long , and grade 2 beginners ,lets be honest here, module 11. Still dont like power chords.
Hi Rachel,
First …
That’s what we call tamping the soil well for a good base … and now you go past and beyond
Now that made me smile, thank you for that.