Rachel's Learning Log - New beginnings

Hi everyone, I thought that I would put a little info in here although I do not intend to start making progress logs into my guitar for a while as it’s simply to early.

So for posterity heres what I have and have in my head lol…


Bugle - age 13
Bell Lyre - unknown age.

My Instruments from here…
Electric Piano - self taught from age 25

Transcribed most of Enyas piano pieces way back when, and learnt to play them.
Really loved the piano and at the end of learning I was able to play the ABRSM old grade 5 pieces.

My favourite being Moonlight Sonata C#m.

The piano is rather old now like me haha and slowly it started to fail electronically.
Finally stopped playing pianos and keyboards sometime after I purchased my house.

Flute , Love the sounds but really never got into that beyond a few notes.


Electric Violin
Accoustic Violin - had some great lessons with a tutor from Turkey.
Took and passed my ABRSM grade 1 about 8 years ago but due to expence I had to drop this.

The last instruments…I WILL LEARN BEFORE I RETIRE. !!!

The Guitar
A few Guitars were purchased about 3 or 4 years ago but work loads were crazy and time for such enjoyment was all but impossible.

The Guitars are…

Squire Fender
Epiphone AJ accoustic
Epiphone ES-339
Gibson Les Paul Standard
Faith Blood Moon Venus (New)
So why these Guitars. As a youngster my parents place was always full of music ( I mean everywhere)

Dad was playing Rolling Stones , Fleetwood Mac, Dire straights, The Shadows Etc: and many more ,
Mum was mad keen on Country music, mostly John Denver so that was on in a different room lol
Eldest brother was at Grammer school and started - you guessed it , the Piano.

My music to date spans just about most genres you can name including some unconventional ones from european religious songs that I cannot understand a word of, to something akin Frence/African Lullaby that I cannot understand either. That doesn’t stop me liking what I hear.

I have no Idea what I will eventually like playing but browsing the plethora of songs available to learn for grade one I maked these…

Bad Moon Rising by Creedence Clearwater Revival
Breakfast at Tiffany’s by
Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door
A horse with no name
so far…

Fortunate for you folks , I will not be singing due to a medical issue, Phew, thats a relief I hear you say lol…

So, From here on a new Journey begins…

Thats all folks
To be cont…


PS. Edit…

Accoustic Mandolin.
This is really my partners for the love of Maggie May :slight_smile: so I may look at this from time to time too.
Who knows


Great stuff. I’ve got an Epiphone acoustic and I LOVE it.


Hi Rachel, what an amusing stuff to read! Wish you a lot of joy. Looking forward to the “to be continued” section :slightly_smiling_face:


Yeah, Agreed, I tried and fell in love with the Dreadnaught but sadly I couldn’t give it a reach around. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

It was just to big for me…So i opted for the AJ and even this feels quite large. I think most of my time will be on the electric guitars as easier to handle, size wise.


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Hi Rachel,
Good to read, and what a lot of instruments you have played on :sunglasses:,… it can only be that learning guitar goes very fast and you play well before you know it :smiley:


Great start to your log Rachel, looking forward to reading about your journey.


I have played on more instruments than I listed here as these are my own instruments.

I have also played a Bell Lyre and was in a marching band as a bugler for a few year.


Nice,rhythm guitar will soon feel like home :sunglasses:…only bugaler is probaly not the thing i could found on the computer what you mean by it(thief is on of the thing my search led to… but then I understand your collection of instruments :rofl:)


Wow Rachel, that is some background surrounded by music, and not just that but really diverse music!!
Hope you take alot of fun and happiness in your guitar journey, it will be great to read how you progress, good luck! :slight_smile:


lol, good one :slight_smile: :joy: so I changed the typo :smiling_face: oops



:rofl: :joy: :rofl:,…
I had found some variations, but I hadn’t got around to this one yet, also a little laziness on my part, busy with -Jolene-Dolly Parton,…Thanks for your explanation,…and super cool a BUGLER… :sunglasses::rofl:


Hi Rachel,welcome. Nice you are adding guitars to the set of instruments you are able to play. Some things could be easier because your background, and just have to work in the specific manual dexterity and even for that, the experience with other stringed musical instruments is there to help.

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I hope so, I have the desire and the time and gear.


I lost few days worth of data learning to add things to my routine, this i’m happy with for early days. My parteners week end starts tomorrow this week, so couple days off.

Bummer said Dougal… :shushing_face:



Two weeks on 11th Nov. For my info , can you see where I had the double espresso lol.
Decided not to attempt OMC so fast but more on a quality at 60+ish rather than the buzzy mess It feels like at those speeds lol…

Partners weekend starts tomorrow so rest day for my pinkies …



Just read your intro! Good stuff! Sounds like you have a strong musical background, including strings (violin). I’m sure you’ll pick up guitar swiftly! I look forward to hearing about your progress!

Best Wishes,

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Hi Rache,

I was just surfing thru some posts and came across this one of yours.

I must say U have quite a musical resume. I’m impressed.

I only have 2 guitars, myself. A no-name 12-string that I bought from a friend when I was first learning to play so it’s over 50 ys old now. I paid $50 for it so I think he paid somewhere around $100-$150. He decided he didn’t like it after he bought it. His wife told him that he couldn’t get another until he got rid of that one. It is hard to keep the octave strings in tune. But when they are, it has a really nice mellow, whole sound. It’s really impossible to finger pick it.

The other guitar is a Fender Squire Strat that is less than 2 yrs old. I had to re-string it with 8 ga steel because the supplied strings were too hard on my fingers.

It’s funny, when I was playing regularly, there was a bunch of us who used to jam together, and I used to tell everyone that I wasn’t drunk enuff for U to hear me sing and I know that U ain’t drunk enuff to hear me sing.

That is one fine instrument. The buddy who taught me to play had a Gibson LP.

Have fun, be safe,


Hi there Radagast99, agreed a 12 string souns beautiful but, a struggle I’m sure. I think 8 will be challenging enough lol. I really like my accoustic but I do find it a bit big so I may eventually get another, not for some time though, as I still have some things I need.

Look forward…


Hi Rachael, I had the same problem, mine was with a Taylor 214CE, I just couldn’t get on with it! I ended up with a Freshman Apollo 40CE which is the same size as a classical guitar and works well for me.
If you want something nice a Taylor GS mini or a Martin Dreadnaught junior are good ones to try, despite being quite small they still have a decent tone.
You’ve got a rather nice selection of guitars and the right attitude, carry on like that and the desired results will come.
It’s a bit like my way of remembering the open strings!
Eventually all diligent guitarists become experts


Don’t know what the prob is. but your replies are not making it thru.

Verrry interestink.

Be safe

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