Re introducing a New England boy

Hi Everyone,
The name is Patrick and I’ve been a member for over 2 yrs but last spring I had a bad accident that left me with a broken right leg and a damaged knee. Had much rehab to do and sitting with the guitar was not comfortable for me. I’ve have since made a good recovery and the pain factor is way down so I’m back to practicing. Just got back to the boards here and want to get reacquainted. Thanks for giving a read. 67 yrs young and was in the middle of beginner level 2.

mod edit … original Introduction topic here


Good to see you back Patrick and that the recovery went well. Life often gets in the way of this guitar journey and its easier to just stop and move on to something else but great that you jumping back on the train !!


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Hi Patrick,
Welcome back here and have fun …

It is not mandatory to sit while playing guitar , there is someone here who plays guitar lying down rather than sitting…and if I were able to lie on a couch I would certainly do it that way :roll_eyes:…although It is of course not the best way :grimacing:, but in your case it would have been “necessity breaks law”…

glad to read that you have bounced back :sunglasses:



Ouch! :rofl:
Welcome aboard, and glad you’re on the mend :smiley:


Welcome back Patrick. Good to hear your back playing.

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Welcome back Patrick! Another New England lad here :slight_smile:

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Welcome back to the community Patrick!

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welcome back. treatment for leukemia (specifically the risk of spontaneous bleeding, which was not helped by the wear and tear of guitar strings on the fingertips) pushed me away from guitar and once I was “able” to start playing again, it was just habit not to. so lots of kudos to you for picking the guitar back up so soon after your own medical reasons to step back from it.

it took me ~15yrs to successfully pick up the guitar again and start playing (I did have a small false start a few years prior)

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Hi Patrick, welcome back to the community forum.

Hey Patrick, rehab and PT compleatly suck but super necessary. Like you, I am a member of the “Donate to my orthopedic surgeon new home addition group”. I am stoked you have recovered and also glad you jumped back into the guitar. Remember you dont always have to be hands on either. If playing is getting rough during a session, do some theory.

Rock on

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Did someone say breaking the law?

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Good advice. thanks ontime.*

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Thank you everybody for all the positive comments. Very much appreciated. Good to back with the course and the guitar.

Hope you are kicking some butt Mustela !

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I am. and I hope your rehab got you kicking butt, too.

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Hi Patrick
Welcome back! Hope your recovery went/is going well :sunflower:
Good to see you back and playing guitar again :sunglasses:

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