Reintroducing Wheelin_Rev

Well… Life got in the way and I fell off the bandwagon. I’ve been a member since 2016 (IIRC) and was starting from the beginning of Justin Sandercoe’s awesome lessons. After a decent start and five or six chords under my belt, I fell off the bandwagon and flat on my face. Now it is August 2024 and I am going to try again.

So here I am again, a resuscitated noob! I filled out my profile just now so please take a look. It summarizes where I started from in the 1970s on bass guitar (Fender Precision Bass), to my MELAS diagnosis in the 2000’s to starting to learn 6-string acoustic (Fender CD-140SCE) and electric rhythm guitar (Squier Strat) in the mid-2010s. The bass guitar was sold eons ago and the other two guitars are in dust covered cases. Now to edge up to the starting line and try again to stay on the bandwagon.

Lots of new faces here but at least I am with like-minded friends to help me roll along. So here’s wishing me a good start with all of you folks cheering me on. Thanks everyone!

Pastor Dave (Wheelin_Rev)


Welcome back to the community Dave!

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Hi Dave, welcome back to the community forum. Your story resonates with me, because I also learned from the beginner course in 2015. I stopped after making it through the beginner course and then gave up until 2 years ago. I approaching my 69th birthday and there are others older than me learning guitar in this community. You will find that the beginner course has been improved since 2015 and some new things like learning riffs has been addied. Also all the beginner lessons are now in Grades 1 and 2 and Grade 3 is a new beginner plus section that was added to bridge the difficult transition to intermediate guitarist. Start again from the beginning on the website and practice a little each day and you will rapidly improve. Be sure to look at the community tab for each lesson where you can ask questions and get encouragement. Have fun and be inspired by music.

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Dust covered guitar cases is much better than dust covered guitars.

Glad you are jumping back on. Whoot!

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I love this! Next time I need a screen name I think I’ll steal it, if I may. :smiling_face:

Welcome back, Dave. I love that you’re using music as physical therapy. Beats the heck out of traditional exercises, and you have the added advantage of being able to share the music you create! Don’t be a stranger…

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Welcome back Dave

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Hi @judi, you may certainly steal that for a screen name if you like. But you had better solidify “resuscitated noob” with concrete and register it now. @JustinGuitar may grab it and use it as a membership level for those of us who fell off the bandwagon and later climbed back on. LOL :joy: !!!

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Welcome back, Dave, it’s never too late to climb back on.

Have fun … :sunglasses:

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Hi Dave.

Welcome again to JustinGuitar and this fantastic community. We have grown so please take your time to look around and get to know the wider space.

You will know that we are a supportive and encouraging group of students and guitarists from across the world. Essentially, we are all here for music and to improve as players. We truly are a ‘community’. Members help and support one another and a friendly, positive attitude underpins this. We hope that all - young or old, experienced or new players - adopt and foster the pay-it-forward ethos that Justin personifies and embedded all those years ago when he started the website and forum.

Also, please make sure to read the community etiquette announcement for some important information and guidance.


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Hi Dave ,
Welcome back and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:

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Welcome back, Dave! :smiley:

Glad you’re going to pick up the guitar - have lots of fun and joyful moments along the journey. :slight_smile:

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Hey Dave!
I remember you from the username thread! Welcome back & good luck with the therapy… music is truly a “healer”… I will say a prayer that it helps you!!!
Good luck my friend!!!


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Welcome back hope it goes well for you :slight_smile:

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Hi Dave,

Welcome to the community forum. :grinning:

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