Research: JustinGuitar podcast

Hi guys!

What would you think of a JustinGuitar podcast?
Not to replace my Live Clubs but to offer an extra medium you can listen to with a coffee or tea in your sofa, doing some chores, doing a long drive, walking outside,… timezone independent and timeless topics. Giving you stuff to think about or stop worrying about :wink:

If you don’t like reading the context below; just share your ideas in this thread. Some like some info, some like it brief, I understand :wink:


Would you listen to a JustinGuitar Podcast?

  • Yes! (on top of the Live Clubs)
  • Yes, rather than watching Live Clubs because it suits me better
  • Doubtful, Not sure if I care for this format
  • Probably not, I think the Live Clubs format is better
  • No because I’m not a podcast listener anyway
  • Just “No”
0 voters

I enjoy doing the Live Clubs so much!
From the first session, 17 episode ago, nervously talking into a camera in a room all by myself… All the way to now and beyond, knowing I can inspire people with some new ideas to try, to find a grip on their journey, to spice up their playing etc. I quickly get lost in time going over the stuff I want to tell you, creating some diagrams to present on screen etc. :smiley: The feedback you guys have given so far has been so valuable. I won’t be able to cater everybody’s needs and favourite formats and topics but it helped me affirm or tweak some aspects.

Other stories I’d like to tell
The live format is great and I can think of a lot of stories, interviews, myth debunking, playing and singing tips and “music path coaching” to bring…but that are probably better to bring in a podcast format.

A JustinGuitar Podcast?
I’ve been mailing with the team about the idea of a JustinGuitar podcast. Justin has been toying with the idea for a long time but could give it a prio in the long list of things he is doing.
To take it off his hands and to test the concept, We agreed I could involve the Community in some research and eventually create a test episode of what it could be.

A format?
I had something in mind but the point of this thread is to hear from YOU of course.
I imagined timeless format with topics that are searchable, one topic per episode. That way the listener can cherrypick the topics or listen them in sequence, when he or she likes.

A podcast format gives me the chance to bring in research and a broad angle of outside perspectives via guest appearances (other famous youtubers, custom guitar builders, artists, other teachers but also people who bring insights about psychological topics when we talk about motivation ,inspiration, learning, mentality, …)

What would that mean for the Live Clubs?
IF I would do a podcast and the audience has a big overlap, I could optimize and choose the right content for the right medium: practical music exercises that need graphical support like diagrams etc would be in Live Clubs and other topics that can work on audio only, would be brought in th podcast. If the overlap isn’t big; there might be some overlap in content too but I would aim to complement each other, so there would be unique value to be discovered in both formats.
I would still do the Live Clubs as I am doing them now though, they have priority.

What would YOU expect from a JustinGuitar Podcast?
The Community is my favourite place to start my questions and crowdsourcing; after all, YOU are the target audience of a lot of what we’re doing here at JustinGuitar! :wink:



I’m always on the hunt for a good podcast to listen to so I’d certainly be interested. I think they serve a different purpose to the live clubs because the visuals matter in a live club so I guess it would vary from subject to subject which format was most appropriate

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Hi Lieven,
Always looking for more here y’all :sweat_smile:

I can’t yet see what this will make (add) better guitar players than all the information/lessons already available on this amazing website there is so much and for many people it will take some time away from their focused practice time :grimacing:,but I hear podcasts are popular, so I understand your thoughts…and since I have plenty of time I will definitely at least in the beginning listen to it :smiley:


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Well I’m curious about that.

I know many of my peers (including myself) listen on “dull moments”. Mowing the lawn, oing some dishes, cleaning, commuting… Those are the times I like enrich with a podcast.

It would be a shame if people would drop valuable guitar time for a podcast :smiley:

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Yes many people will have a commute or similar time when playing the guitar is inconvenient / impossible

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Yes of course :see_no_evil:, there really are people who actually do things like that…my bad… :blush:

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Exactly, that’s the beauty of podcasts. They can turn drudge time into something very useful and/or enjoyable.

I have not been able to find a good guitar podcast, (Desi Serna’s Guitar Music Theory is ok, not great), I would definitely be interested in a Justin Guitar podcast.


I know I’ll probably never be able to listen to everything on my “saved for later” list (unless I live for 50 more years or so), but it’s a great idea. Thank you for having thought of it. :slight_smile:

As for the contents, I think the Food for Thought series is due for a resurrection; I also kind of remember there having been many more videos and articles than currently visible. I liked those very much.

Discussions / interviews / guests would be good, but I think it should not be the audio version of already existing YouTube video content (whether made by Justin or one of the eventual guests).

I personally am not crazy about youtubers and online content manufacturers in general, so something that is generally less visible would be more interesting to me. Like, would you be interested in the 9237th discussion about coated vs uncoated strings or which super-duper effects pedal you should buy?

I’d be quite eager to listen to luthiers, guitar techs, composers, producers, etc. talk about their trade or their approach to their work. Especially musicians playing other instruments, as I feel this Community sometimes has a tendency to limit their horizon to the guitar and let other kinds of music pass by, though it just might be a case of a lack of exposure. But also artists from other fields (I’m sure Justin knows a few) who have some connection with music.

Discussions about learning and (self-)education, especially in the field of music and how music can enhance one’s “completeness” (for the lack of a better word) would also be interesting.

I also think this would-be podcast wouldn’t necessarily have to stick to one type of episode but could vary discussions with “solo spots”. From time to time if he feels like it, Justin could talk about the books he’s reading, the music he’s into at the moment, or other things related to learning, teaching, creativity and inspiration. You know, as if he was just having a chat with us over a cup of tea.

Very much agree but can we make sure if we do have a JG podcast it not just available on the big 2 thanks


Great input @Jozsef !

Thanks for making clear what kind of topics would interest you.
If we find a good spot between what already exists and make sure it can evolve aroudn the love we have for music, the craft, the instruments, the (creative) process,…
Songwriters, performers, producers, … Going for the “artisan” feel rather than the click bait gear reviews out there. Sounds like a romantic idea I’d very much persue :wink:

I hope to have bits of “Justin Himself” in the series then because I think most of it will be hosted by me and not J himself (at least not from the get-go).

You’re right about the “food for thought”; the podcast would find some connection there, it could refer to it, expand on it, bring content to that section as well… 2-way opportunities!

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Good point about being on different platforms.
availability/accessibility is an important thing when looking at our goals and values.

For my band I publish via a service that can drop content on more than 40 platforms. I hope we can do something similar.
Since we’re not there yet, I haven’t looked into those things.
An important thing to keep in mind though, thanks!

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Lieven, interesting you contrasted live clubs and podcasts. As popular as they are, personally I’m not a fan of live clubs. They don’t seem to follow a structured learning path. The ones I’ve been on - BLIM, mainly - are at inconvenient times, have low information density, tie me to a computer and seem to cover content that’s already covered somewhere else. (Obviously I’m in the minority as lots of people seem to like them).

Podcasts are a different matter. I would definitely listen to a podcast. I listen to podcasts and audio books when doing something dull - long distance driving, chores, etc. The closest thing I’ve listened to of Justin’s that was similar to a podcast was his “dog walks” series. All about how he got into guitar and went through his early guitar career. It seemed to end much too soon, he didn’t finish the story. They’re on YouTube but I treated them like a podcast, and just listened while doing other stuff. Really enjoyable.

The kind of content I’d enjoy from a JG podcast would be different than from the lessons. I’d love stories from Justin’s guitar career, being in a band, interviews with other guitarists, tips and tricks (e.g. “how to break through the intermediate plateau”). I love stories, when people talk about their own experiences and lives. A podcast should be mainly interesting listening. Maybe he could finish the dog walks series about his own career as a podcast :wink:


I do love a good podcast! :smiley:
I listen to them a lot when I’m doing the banal (have to) stuff too. So content that you could learn from by just listening to without having access to gear or writing stuff down would be awesome.
Also, could listen to them when it’s convenient and not have to worry about time zone differences.

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I’m quite surprised to discover that many guitar players are listening to podcasts instead of music. If I’m in the car there will always be music playing. Ditto in my workshop. Always Spotify; never the radio (can’t stand ads).

So I wouldn’t listen to a podcast. Seems I may be in a minority though.


I’m along the lines of @Jozsef and @jkahn
There are thousands of interesting podcasts out there waiting for me to listen to.
I’d listen to a Justin podcast. I read his newsletters and enjoyed the dog-walking vids. It’d be another time-consuming chore for him, but maybe something monthly/ a couple of times per year? Along the feeling of the Adam Buxton or Sodajerker podcast perhaps.
He’s interested in philosophy, the environment and social justice, and is generally a good bloke that we all have something in common with.
I love you Lieven but know how to get hold of you when I want :wink:
Justin is less visible in the new Community (apart from the BLIM course) and it might be a good way to maintain connections.
My 2 cents.


I am a heavy audiobook listener. When I am not working on guitar, I am listening to a book. Audio gives me the chance to get what I call a “two-fer”, as in 2-for-1. I can accomplish something that doesn’t take mental effort while getting a story in the process.

If Justin Guitar wants to create audio-only content, I’ll all for it. However, It is very important to remember that you won’t have visual assistance. Content must be created with the intent that the whole message needs to be verbally assembled and delivered in a clear and complete manner or the podcast will not be useful.

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Great input from you all, so much and so fast!

I’ve got the feeling that there would definately be an audience but that the fact that Justin isn’t hosting it himself, would be a disappointment for many.
At this point, I can’t promise more than a few tidbits of him appearing.

Perhaps I wasn’t to clear on that in my original post, as some seem to assume it would be him hosting it. This expectation could be managed if we find the right “product positioning”; appropriate name and description, tying the podcast well enough to the JG Universe but making sure J himself is not the host. Would that still be too much of a turn-off?

Well, why not? You need to find out the right subjects…one doesn’t figure out sharps and flats while washing the dishes for example.

I’m sure both Justin and you and the other JG Approved Teachers as well might have interesting stories to share about your musiciaship and your journey into guitar and music. There’s so much to learn when teachers present themselves as real genuine good examples.

It wouldn’t for me, I don’t know Lee much, but surely he and you and Richard have something to teach me!

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So much said by others already, I second hugely the comment about treating Justin’s dogwalking series as a sort of JG mini podcast series. Only thing to add is for me J not being host would not be disappointing at all if he could still make a regular appearance for a small portion of each episode. Maybe a Justin’s top learning tip of the day or tip from his career he’s picked up along the way?

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Lieven, I did read what you wrote, but am still left with the question: is another communication modality really necessary to achieve your/Justin’s goals?

There is already confusion about where to find content — app, free website content, YouTube, community, clubs, paid offerings. Is it in the best interests of your audience to add another source? Regarding listening to podcasts while doing something else: research has shown that multitasking is a myth. My personal experience with podcasts supports these results. I do listen to pods while doing chores, cooking, etc. and find that, when I get really engrossed in the presentation OR in what I’m doing, I either miss large sections of the pod or mess up the task I’m supposed to be doing. (I don’t do well with audiobooks for the same reason, and rarely listen to podcasts while driving for safety concerns.) Finally, and respectfully, the JG team is already juggling a lot of balls. Is it really in the best interests of the team to add yet another?

All that said:

I agree that content @jkahn suggests would be fun, and is better suited to a podcast format than topics requiring close concentration (well, maybe except tips and tricks :wink:.)

Sorry if I sound like a curmudgeon. I realize I’m in the minority here!