Thanks everybody for listening and commenting 
@roger_holland Thank you Rogier. I often play my electric without an amp as well, since I often practice at work on my lunch break, so I know exactly what you mean about not learning things entirely correct that way. I have a Vox AmPlug headphone ‘amp’ that I try to use, but it doesn’t always work, I have to tighten some connections in my guitar. The AmPlug though is a great practice tool. It’s not very pricey and it sounds great, even with the little ear buds I use.
@Socio Thank you James. I will have to check out the challenges and see about posting something there (eventually). Thanks for the comment on tone too, that is one of my biggest challenges. I had practiced using my Katana 50, but with headphones, using a patch I thought sounded pretty good, but as soon as I unplugged the headphones to try to record it I thought it sounded crap. I then went to my 2nd amp, a Fender VibroChamp XD, which a friend had set up for me using his Blues Driver pedal. I love that amp but it needs to be turned up, and that’s hard to do when the music room is right next door to the living room!
@twistor59 Thank you Phil. I’m looking forward to taking a look at Justin’s solo blues course too! 
@jkahn Thanks JK. The 2nd piece is the kind of stuff I’d eventually like to be able to play as well
It was a fun one to learn, and now that I have the base kind of down there’s lots to explore. Those bar chords are unfortunately a killer on my hand though, so short practice sessions for me for stuff like that.
@TheMadman_tobyjenner Thank you Toby. One of the reasons I like this kind of music is that there is no chance of adding vocals! I’m happy to just play
. Re electric, if I hadn’t seen JK playing it on his electric I would have just gone for the acoustic too, since that’s what Justin’s playing.
@sairfingers Thanks Gordon. Paying forward the inspiration is a good thing. Sounds like lots of us will be learning some solo blues :). (ps I just followed the link through to see your new chair. That’s several steps up from the kitchen chair I use lol)
@DarrellW Thank you Darrell. I am waiting on that ‘click’, but enjoying the process. Your comments also sit very nicely with a new favorite quote, from Charlie Parker: “First you learn the instrument, then you learn the music, then you forget all that s**t and just play.” That expresses my hope perfectly.
@DavidP Thank you David. And it’s nice to see you hanging about in the Community, good to know that you’re on the recovery road
I agree that the 2nd piece sounds so cool. By the next day I’d forgotten probably 75% of what my friend showed me, so I sent him 5 little video clips to ask what I was doing wrong, and he sent me 8 video clips back - very helpful for learning! And thanks for the tone comment