Roger's rock on wheels

I like your favorite like 2 :wink: :sunglasses:

Well that one and the last one you posted. Now, how do they sound in the context of a whole song or am I too impatient once again? :innocent:

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Hi Nicole ,
Thank you and I agree with you :sunglasses:

:rofl: :joy: :rofl: Yes Nicole yes …

But you are absolutely right that I should put them in a backing of at least 1 minute :blush: … I’ll put it on my list of things to do (I cope well under this kind of "pressure "so never hold back :grin: ), and now continue with 3 Christmas songs :roll_eyes: …but as 2 of them are completely in the style of Blim please don’t beat me on the head again :laughing: :sweat_smile:


What??!!!?? :hushed_face: When would I have done such a thing?

Ah… Christmas… I’ll do my best to ignore it :grinning_face:


I presume somewhere between my copious volume of semi-polished turds and your 10 - 20 sec rare gems, there lies a happy medium :wink:
Always good to see/hear you, Rogier :smiley:


Definitely for a reason. That lick at the 10-second mark is just tasty, so I had to pick up my guitar and learn it. So if you eventually see me playing it, this is the video I’ve borrowed it from.

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Hi Nicole, @JokuMuu

In Dutch it sounds nicer with a slightly different tone, but it would still be nice because it would have meant that we had met live :sunglasses:

ow :evergreen_tree:
It won’t be long before it’s January again :sweat_smile: :joy:

Hi Brian @brianlarsen

:grin: yes ,nice saying :sunglasses:

But actually for me the gems can be found in my trips as posted far above. :smiley:…sometimes a bit too challenging ,because of my youthful overconfidence :roll_eyes: …but so special for us :partying_face:, if it is dry a little longer we will definitely go out again, although the experience in the heat is a lot nicer for us in the forest…

Hi Artem @metramaks

Ha ha Thanks …and that is a nice thing to read :smiley: :sunglasses:
I look out for it ,and hope my memory does not fail me :upside_down_face: :grin:

Greetings All :sunglasses:


I can imagine… :slightly_smiling_face:

Wouldn’t that be nice? :slightly_smiling_face: You are always welcome to Finland.

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It is a bit out of the way of the maximum 45 minutes that I now travel by car on a good weekend, :flushed: :blush:but given the changes in the weather it seems useful to us to buy a house somewhere around the corner when I reach retirement age. … Moving north over a long time is something we are seriously considering (certainly a small summer house for now, just need to plant a money tree in the garden :roll_eyes:) although we had nothing to complain about in the Netherlands this summer, which was completely normal as it should finally be again :sweat_smile:

See you in Holland :wave: …or … I will keep my dreams a little big and will go for a big road trip in a while :grin: :sunglasses:

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Hey Rogier. When you find that tree could you please send me a cutting. I promise to keep the whole thing a secret and I’ve already identified an ideal space in my garden for it.
Thanks in anticipation. :grinning_face_with_big_eyes:


I don’t think Scotland allows importation of non-native species :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


@sairfingers and @roger_holland Hmm… If you don’t mind the German language name, it’s proven that money trees exist. Geldbaum – Wikipedia

These plants seem to be quite common. Can you please test. If the harvest is succeessful, I’d like a cutting as well :grin:

Still thinking though, isn’t defecating gold the task of these friendly animals?



Yes you are correct but I live on the wild side…sometimes :innocent:

:joy: yes ,I forgot that is also in De Efteling,

Your foto is 1000x nicer :sunglasses:

But I do have in the garden and in the house dried Judaspenning (Lunaria )
The flowers of

dried one

I will further cultivate these and turn them into gold but what Gordon says :shushing_face: :shushing_face: :shushing_face:


:open_mouth: :rofl:


Well I suppose even if it doesn’t work, the manure will be useful in the garden.

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Just been watching ‘Gardeners World’ on tv tonight and they were talking about the Chinese money plant Pilea Peperomioides.
This can’t be coincidence can it? Clearly some kind of mystic intervention at work here. I’m off to the garden centre tomorrow.


Apologies Rogier. We’ve drifted away from the subject of your LL blues licks appraisal. :woozy_face:

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Morning Brian ,
That was exactly the photo I wanted to post :smile: but then people might think that it could be a photo of myself, hence the photo of me with “before” and “after” … but the seed protection leaves have been removed from the second one (did you know that? ) …

And actually I don’t understand that smile icon … can you explain further? :upside_down_face:

Hi Gordon

No no no…no sorry, this is always much more fun than talking about my music…the most beautiful flowers grow along the side paths :smile: ( or in your garden :sunglasses:)

But did you know that donkey manure is the very best? Donkeys have a very good digestion, which certainly destroys the seeds in the plants they eat. So there are no longer any germinable seeds in the manure…

Only with those hooves of theirs, they won’t leave any part of your beautiful grass mat intact :smile:and they will also eat most shrubs and plants bare before they can bloom beautifully. :upside_down_face: Mmmmm

:laughing:And yesterday evening we were watching TV and it was about the as they said “money tree” cinnamon in Sri Lanka :smile:

The universe wants to tell us something :milky_way:

Greetings and have a wonderfully weekend :sunglasses: :hibiscus:


No, I didn’t look carefully; I presumed you were experimenting with different camera fx :laughing:
I’m always a bit disturbed by things we have in common :open_mouth: :rofl:

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:joy: :rofl: :joy: My wife asks “are you okay?” I’m shaking so hard behind the computer right now…

:see_no_evil: :upside_down_face::laughing:

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Speaking of drifting …Be careful what you throw into the sea…someone threw away a banana and this sea dog ate it whole… :laughing: