Scare your friends when you have a party 😜


That’s clearly a liondog. These animals are roaming around freely in Finland. @roger_holland The tail gives it away too easily :nerd_face:


Ha, just heard, that they are searching for an escaped lion in Berlin (no joke!). Big panic. Somebody of a circus assumes, that it might only be a liondog :joy:.


I couldn’t copy the better photo of the front…and didn’t want to spend too much time on it…I was inspired by the news from Berlin…but you can really give people a short scare here when he walks towards you :grin:

Ha ha Andrea …That looks real (or AI :roll_eyes:)

Lion In Berlin


Hmm… According to this nobody is missing a lion :lion:

@Helen0609 Do you own a liondog and are you currently visiting Berlin?


Not guilty :innocent:. I own a black labby…

Happy ear worm everybody:


Nooooooo…And you were doing such a great job bringing good music to my ears today… all lost in one post :hear_no_evil: :see_no_evil:

Nice kitten here :sunglasses:

Do bad things happen if you don’t change your strings in time? Yes, this gentleman waited too long with that :sunglasses:


Oh, sorry for that :blush:

In terms of sustainability we could use the remaining bone for some decent nuts or saddles. And Justin Johnson would fix the left tendons on a shovel and play great Blues…
Sorry for my humble try to bring this thread back to a guitar related issue :rofl:.


Guitars made like this can only be used for Death Metal, obviously :skull_and_crossbones:


I never heard of this…:joy: Thanks for telling me so it won’t scare the hell out of me if I meet one :sweat_smile: Thanks @Helen0609 for the ear worm, but I must say that the lion might be sleeping but the eye of the tiger is always awake here! :tiger::tiger2::tiger: On the subject of ear worms… who else loves this one as much as I do?!

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This is what actually frightens me to death :sob::scream: There are soo many over here… entire families, like big families…and some have their happy hour, dinner and after dinner under my living room…:woozy_face: I’m on the second floor…they don’t have wings :grimacing: But when I drive my :motor_scooter: I’m afraid I would panic if I meet one and I would fall down…and this will make them panic as well and they would eat me! :see_no_evil:

Please…tell me that it won’t happen…


Uhhh…In just chatting …and the OP…and scaring your friend…is not guitar related,kuch I hope :roll_eyes:

And I see that Silvia continues with the hijack… :rofl:

Oke ,make this a Tiger/lion/Cat topic :joy:

EDIT: I was slow posting and see something else posted by the Italian girl :laughing:

Correction: make it a wildlife topic :smile: :sunglasses:

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I’m looking at that picture and thinking there is some yummy sausages to be had there. Nom, nom.


It wont happen, they run into you, injure you and leave you for dead…but they don’t eat you :rofl:

I sometimes go looking for them in the evening at dusk … I used to walk, now very occasionally by car and then on a forest path … you have to be very quiet and then I sometimes hear something or see them in the distance … I am not afraid of them, they are for me … but if they get used to people and they are fed by people, well … they remain wild animals…
But I love them :sunglasses:

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Ouch and that in the topic of a great animal friend … and vegetarian :smiling_face_with_tear:

Rogier! I was already writing thanks for the “girl”! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: you…oh if I weren’t a Lady :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: …well it would be enough if we could use some swearing language here :joy:
…anyway that won’t happen and if it will I won’t panic :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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I did this with great pleasure…
Lesson …eye of the tiger


:joy: :rofl: :joy:

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Yammy :yum: sorry for the vegeterian…dear husband loves it stewed…

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Ooops…sorry…I didn’t know! :roll_eyes:

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all my life I see the pain of the animals in our industry…but until 4 and a half years ago I ate them too…So no saint here on the other end of the line :roll_eyes: