Hi JK @jkahn
The tag was definitely only meant to let you know how jealous we are of your beautiful weather this time of year :parasol_on_ground: compared to the weather here :cloud_with_rain: … but thanks for your comment , but I have to say that it will be bad for about 3 months until a bit less compared to 9 very good months, so all in all I was still very satisfied … I had just become a bit spoiled in the 3 years before … I’m doing fine now, but not playing the guitar for weeks was harder than expected… but I’ve almost completely recovered :sweat_smile: :sunglasses:

And Ooo you have moved ,That could indeed have been an LL update :sunglasses: :partying_face:

not helping not helping with my jealousy :rofl: …Amazingly cool :sunglasses: I’m smiling for you :smiley:

Good luck finding your feet in the new house and your guitar routine… and all the best possible luck there in the new place :sunglasses:


Hi Tjeerd @TRJ
Dank je wel voor je aardige woorden , en zoals written here far at the top of this thread I wish you and your loved one the same :smiley:

Beautifully played Rogier. Hope you have an enjoyable Christmas mate.

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Hi Sandro,
Good to hear from you… thank you very much :sunglasses:
and I hope it :sweat_smile: You too liked wished above :grinning:
Greetings :christmas_tree: