Silvia's Learning Log

Thanks for your supportive reply Lisa!

I believe this too. Fingers crossed and a lot of strumming this month :star_struck::crossed_fingers:


There are many expressions to refer to the same object, the more appropriate for this one will be… a cool complement of furniture!



Hihi what a nice gift for your husband Silvia.

Also, maybe you will fall in love with that electric guitar. Who knows ? You might be the next one to start a JustinGuitar AVYP Rock Songbook study like Alexis, JK and me :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :guitar: :guitar: :guitar:

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Welcome to electric guitar Silvia!

I know it’s for your husband really, but I reckon you will already have had a play with it. :wink: :guitar:

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Mathieu at the moment I’ m much in love with my Classical Guitar, but one doesn’t know what the future brings :blush::guitar:

Well, I had to tune it and see if it works right? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Absolutely! :smiley:

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I’m waiting impatiently for the day Silvia posts an AVOYP of her rocking Metallica now :wink: :metal: :fire:


Ah…that’s just a little toy to play with…and…Nothing else Matters…oh ooops :joy::guitar::joy:

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Just wait for the Sandman to Enter @SILVIA , all will be good then :grin:

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Happy NGD Silvia. I know its not yours but ain’t life about sharing ? :wink:

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I suspect it’ll prove difficult to hold your pick like that. :joy:

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Yeeesss! :guitar: It’ll be hard I can find sometime for it, though :pensive:

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Gordon… Finally I understand why it’s always so hard to improve…I’m doing it wrong :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Uuuuuh, Sylvia :star_struck:, I can’t get rid of that thought in my head, hearing your sweet finger picking on this pretty guitar :wink:. Your hubby should take good care and have an eye on it :joy:.

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The day just starts better when I can practice early in the morning :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Classical Guitar :heavy_check_mark:
Strumming…later before dinner :star_struck:


So organised Silvia!

And I agree, the day never truly begins until you play a guitar string or 6 :slight_smile:

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I do need structure Mark…my mind starts wandering very easily! :sweat_smile:

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28 out of 52 almost done :sweat_smile:
Milestone update in April about this :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


It seems like I won’t find much time or mental energy for my guitars today…but…but…but…