Sirens- Original collaboration by Jennifer, Dan and Jeff (jenndye429 and nzmetal) with music video!

Wow - that was awesome guys.


Woohoo!!! That was amazing!! You Guys ROCK!! :sunglasses: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Jenn your voice is made for this!
This is so catchy and creative, great lyrics, really well played and the video is awesome!
Okay, loved it all! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Great to see JDJ working together :grinning: :fire:
Yes, epic! :metal:


Hi Jennifer, Dan and Jeff,

Move over Courtney Love - there’s a new gal in town.

Right down my street.
Banging tune. Very well played/performed.
Filthy guitar tones. The rhythm and lead compliment each other very well.
Tribal quality of the drums is great.
Nice bridge.

Love the video.

Must have been a total blast to make.

More please.



Wow, I can only imagine how much work it took to put that together. And how challenging it must have been to collaborate on it long distance.

Well done - pretty slick production!


Incredible performance of all participants :star_struck:!
I’m a great fan of videos and lyrics that tell a story and your production followed a script building up real suspense. The filming, the lightning, the cut, very well made, giving kind of a threatening and mysterious feeling all the way through. The video supports the music and vice versa, in a very coherent concept, which I find exeptionel!
What I find to be very thrilling is, that you were able to keep the listeners interest for more than six minutes, wow!!! For a first production!!! Bravo!!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
The lyrics are great and thoughtful.
Jen: your performance skills are constantly growing, very cool attitude in acting like the “mysterious girl”. Vox very catchy and intense and your guitar playing is getting super cool. Great tone in the beginning, by the way, but over all I liked your solo very much :partying_face:!
Dan: Bravo for the drumming, I guess we all are jealous of Jen’s drummer! While we are forced to create drumtracks or find backing tracks, Jen can just pick him up in the own living room :joy:! Glad you made your way out of the background into the light, that’s where your right place is!
Jeff: as always my big, big admiration :heart_eyes: for your guitar playing, especially the solo was great, loved the sirens :joy:! +1 for the bad guy face :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:! Wig or without wig, you rock the scenery (where in the world did you find that lost place?). And: whenever he gets silent in the community he has a big thing on the roaster!
Congrats on this to all of you, also for being able to realize the whole thing across the continents and time zones! I put my hat off :100:!


O my … did not notice that :flushed: :smiley: ,thanks for pointing that out :sunglasses:

Extra longer clap :clap: :clap::sunglasses: :clap:


Really enjoyable collab! Great song and great performances from all. Nice rocking solo! :guitar::metal:


This is just beautiful.

You are an amazing singer.

Writing a song, singing it AND playing an instrument at the same time is really hard. You did all of it, and it’s so good :slight_smile:

I can’t believe this is your first collab.

I loved the way everyone sounds. The guitars sound different from one another, and together they create magic.

I enjoyed the '90s MTV vibe of the music video.

Keep writing, singing and playing.

Have a nice day!


Thank you so much! It was fun to really get to perform

Thank you for the feedback! We actually do have bass in there, but it is not super prominent in the mix since it’s mostly just following the rhythm guitar. We’ve discussed having Yohanna (DyeV’s bass player) have a crack at it. I think she’d absolutely kill it! :+1:t2: She’s heard the song and wants to learn it :grin:

Thank you so much Jasmine! :blush: I’m so happy you enjoyed it!

It 100% was! All three of us had an absolute blast. It was like waking up on Christmas morning every time we would send new files back and forth :laughing:

Thank you so much Craig! It makes us all so happy that everyone seems to be enjoying it

It definitely was a bit challenging in the beginning, but we seemed to get our footing later on in the process. We managed to get a pretty good system in place of sending things back and forth and even though we are on two different continents, we managed to find some times that worked for all of us to be able to collaborate together. We learned a ton doing this one that we can apply to the next one :wink:

Thank you so much Andrea! :blush: I’ve really been giving a lot of thought to the performance side and how I want to come across to an audience. I’m glad the work seems to be paying off!

:shushing_face: :wink: :wink: Yeah, I thought about pointing that out, but I didn’t want to scare anyone away :laughing: Our goal was to make you forget about the time and to just get lost in the song/story

Thank you so much Audrey for the kind words! I’m so happy you checked it out!


Oh yes ! Bring it on, can’t wait !



@Kasper @mathsjunky @rorystrat

Thank you all so much! It makes me happy that all the work we put into it was worth it :blush:


Thank you! So glad you enjoyed it!


Congrats ! The sound and video quality is very good. You guys have something to be proud of ! Great teamwork, continue like that. :guitar: :guitar: :guitar: :guitar: :guitar:


Wow, well done guys. Absolutely brilliant :star_struck:

The look in those eyes, I believe you!


As I was thinking about this project last night, trying to pin down what Jenny’s vocals were reminiscent of…
you know that feeling when something is “right there” in the back of your mind…

Then, I was driving into work this morning, listening to 90’s rock on the radio when Alanis Morissete’s “Hand in my Pocket” comes on!!! OMG!!! That’s what I was thinking about & trying to put my finger on the evening before!!!

Now, I know there are differences, but if you close your eyes & play “Sirens”, it’s easy to visualize Alanis singing this!!!:notes:

Again, great job guys!!!



Hi JDJ, and what an amazing surprise :scream::star_struck:.
This is a fantastic collab of you three :clap::clap::clap:.
Up to now, I haven’t even tried to write an original. But you wrote, played, sung, produced a song and underlied it with an awesome video. Really cool stuff :sunglasses::+1:.
To create this, there was obviously so much more than ‘only’ guitar/drum playing skills and singing necessary. Congratulations :clap::+1:!! You can be really proud of this :star_struck:.


Holy moly, what the :exploding_head:???

JDJ, that was plain right amazing, I’m completely baffled and still struggle to find the words for what I just saw and listened to. Geez, that is a top notch production on all levels! :clap: :clap:

When I read the title and saw the collab, I was like “oh yeah, this is going to be really good” - but it was mindblowing and 100 x better than I thought it would be. All bits and pieces of your delivery were put together so well, but also the details and the thought you put into is shining through. The lyrics work hand-in-hand with the composition, the story couldn’t be told better. It has the right amount of darkness. And music wise just: :metal: :fire: :metal::fire: :metal: All parts were played/sung so well - I enjoyed both of the solos a lot! The video was an incredibly good watch, too. Just like the icing on an amazing cake! :smiley:

Your collab felt like it was actually running on MTV in the 90s, no doubt it would have been a perfect fit. I would have bought your record for sure. :smiley:

@Jenndye429 @nzmetal @anotherVoteForAnAccountForDan JDJ:

You can be really proud of this musical baby!


Thank you! We plan on it :wink:

:wink: Thank you! Good to know my community theater skills from a past life are coming in handy again!

Thank you so much Tod! What an incredible compliment! I definitely love her vocal style. I used to do a lot of karaoke and some of her songs were my favorite to sing so there definitely could be a little influence there :wink:

Thank you Nicole! What an amazing compliment :blush: It was definitely work, but so much fun and so worth it when we finally got to see the final product :grinning:


Lisa, I am blown away by your glowing review! Thank you so much!! I’m so happy you enjoyed it. It was really a labor of love for the three of us and now we may be addicted to it and need to make more videos :wink: :laughing:

Thank you so much! Dan will be absolutely thrilled with your comments on the video. He edited it over two different days and really made sure it was what everyone wanted. I’m so glad the 90s vibe is coming through!


I got an account @TheMadman_tobyjenner! Yay! Thanks for the comments and encouragement. I always appreciate your perspective. Your breakdown is epic! :metal: