Sirens- Original collaboration by Jennifer, Dan and Jeff (jenndye429 and nzmetal) with music video!

Hi everyone,

I have something I’m super excited to share with you all today. Dan, Jeff and I wrote a song together! And made a music video for it!

The three of us have been wanting to collaborate for a while now. I knew a fusion of DyeV’s grunge sound with Jeff’s metal influence would sound really cool and when I proposed that we write some original material, he was 1000% game.

When we began the writing process, we started with a subject matter we wanted to explore- which I’m hoping will be apparent when you hear/see the song :wink: We had a few song construction elements we wanted to include such as a tempo change, dueling guitar solos and a really punchy chorus. We wanted the song to tell a complete story. I think we nailed it and I couldn’t be more proud of what we’ve created.

On the video side, we wanted it to have the feel of turning on MTV in the 90s. We had a few different thematic elements that we wanted to include and we ran with it. Dan did all the final video editing and he did an absolutely phenomenal job.

Finally, to Jeff @nzmetal thank you for being our partner in crime on this crazy journey. The song absolutely would not be what it has become without your top notch lead work and attention to detail. Oh, and you won the solo duel by a mile :wink:

Full song lyrics below for those that are interested. We hope you enjoy the song/video at least half as much as we enjoyed making it since that would still be quite a lot :laughing:

Sirens lyrics

It was 3:00am
when they shattered the glass
A hazy smoke
fills the sky
It was sunny today
Had a good time swimming
Now I’m reaching for
Something sharp

Watch out
They’re coming
The danger’s right in front of you

Eyes forward
Hands shaking
You tell me we’re in this together
Lock the doors
Dim the lights
As you say
If you wanna live you’d better keep your mouth shut

(Verse 1)
There were others on the run
One guy’s wife
didn’t make it
She had a broken ankle
And couldn’t keep up
They had a good day
Made breakfast for dinner
Now he’s reaching for
The will to survive

Watch out
They’re coming
The danger’s right in front of you

Eyes forward
Hands shaking
You tell me we’re in this together

Lock the doors
Dim the lights
As you say
If you wanna live you’d better keep your mouth shut

(Verse 2)
Ran out of gas
Had to ditch our
Old beater van
We fled on foot
And lost our minds
There were signs on the way
To the place where everything changed
I was reaching for
My sanity

No one’s coming
(But I can hear the sirens)
The dead are watching
(I can hear the sirens)
You told me that you loved me
(I can hear the sirens)
But now we feel like strangers
(I can hear the sirens)

You shine brighter in the darkness
(I can hear the sirens)
Than you ever did before
(I can hear the sirens)
Didn’t know you had it in you
(I can hear the sirens)
To aim right between my eyes
(I can hear the sirens)

(Refrain/Verse 3)
It’s was 3:00am
When you turned on me
Now I’m reaching for
The barrel of your gun

Watch out
They’re coming
The danger’s right beside you

Eyes forward
Hands steady
We were never in this together

Lock the doors
Dim the lights
As I say
If you wanna live you’d better keep your mouth shut


Top-notch playing & production Jenny!!!
I get the MTV Vibe & was impressed by this collab!!! Very fun listen & watch!!!
Kudos to you, Jeff @nzmetal & Dan!!!
Thanks for posting!!!



And the Award for best video goes to…Dan :clap: :sunglasses: :clap: :sunglasses: :clap: :sunglasses:
Really nice and hat MTV 90s was apparently less bad than I occasionally saw or is Dan theman they missed … Now looking to Jeff in that solo :boom:

Girl and guys you are amazing :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Greetings I go with a smile away now :smiley:


Amazing piece of work. Congratulations to you all!!!


This is absolutely excellent. Congratulations! Great editing job Dan.


Hold the line caller !

@Jenndye429 @nzmetal @getdananaccount!!

Initial reaction kin ace bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep. Off for a deep dive video clip to some up my view of this and it may need some editing.

A 68 year old geezer doesn’t say awesome. This was awesome. Back soon.

:metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal:


OK back again.

AI hooked up to the PC, headphones on and volume cranked and BIG glass of Chardonnay and oops now some extra Bordeaux !

Jeez ! The production is superb. Love the tempo switches and rock metal fusion mix, nothing more than I’d expect from these collaborators. Great vox Jen and a stonking supportive rhythm, Dan providing the pulse and the Kiwi doing what he does best, metal mania. And not a wig to be seen.

The pulse is like a beating heart wanting to explode from my chest, love the vocal harmonics. I am hearing so many influences. Bit of Soundgarden and a touch of Maiden oh and so much more !! Just loving the mood switches.

OK so now I need to focus on the lyrics as it sound soooo good !
Whoa that is such a great story Jen feel like I’m living it. That bridge has an epic feel to it, thinking a Faith No More vibe !

And finally the video. Dan Dan Dan Wow Wow Wow !! What a delight. A sultry Jen enticing us with stunning vox and mean rhythm, moody sultry. Those local fills over the environment morphing into the Dunedin may I say madman fills from Jeff sans wig. Mad mental rules ok. Dan garage band personified mashing those skins !!
Then bosh back to subtle tones and pylons. Bang and back to Jen vox on the money.

This is one of the most professional compilations and videos I have seen here in over 10 years. Its 'kin magic and epitomises the spirit of this community.

When you are 68 years old awesome ain’t a word that comes naturally. But in all aspects, content, originality, musicality, audibility and video content this was 'kin epic!

And when I say Epic this comes to mind !

This was truly Epic !



This is your first collaboration ?
Wowzer ! … :clap::clap::clap: … who’d of thought that watching this super performance which was produced to a level as polished as a very shiny thing ?
Well done JDJ, you pretty much nailed it. :sunglasses:



Brilliant! The changes of pace and style keep the song imteresting and the lyric is haunting in all sorts of ways. Whatever the proportions of grunge and / or metal the song is a marvellous hybrid.



@CATMAN62 @roger_holland @twistor59 @TheCluelessLuthier

Thank you all so much for watching and for the kind words :blush:

We are all so happy that the video is being so well received. This was the first time for all three of us doing a project like this and we are thrilled with the final result. I definitely learned a lot along the way and I think we will just continue to get better at it :wink:


High praise from the King Madman himself! :crown:

Thank you so, so much Toby for your glowing review and the incredible compliment! My ego is certainly feeling very full today :laughing: :wink:

I was telling Jeff and Dan yesterday as we were finishing up the final edits that if someone would have told me a couple of years ago that I would pick up guitar, meet incredible people and make music videos to my own songs, I would have laughed in their face. This community has really given so much to me that I will always feel eternally grateful for.

Who would have thought that one little instrument would change my life for the better in so many ways. :grinning: :guitar:


And the Award for naming the new band JDJ goes to…
(Drum roll if you please Dan)

I love this!!! :grin:



@CATMAN62 @beejay56 @Elixir1253 @TheMadman_tobyjenner @TheCluelessLuthier @twistor59 @roger_holland
Jumping in to say a massive thanks to everyone for their lovely comments and support! Hugely appreciate it! :heart: :smiley: :+1:
Also can’t express enough how fantastic it was to work on this project with Jennifer and Dan! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: I was so grateful to be invited and have had such a blast! :partying_face: So much fun working with these fabulous rock stars! :guitar: :woman_singer: :drum: :man_singer: Their talents in song writing, arrangement, performing, mixing and final production/video editing have blown me away. Can’t wait to do more! :crossed_fingers::wink:
If anyone out there is thinking about doing a collab with others, 100% do it! Yes, there are some challenges doing things at a distance (especially when time zones are a consideration) but the effort is well worth it and you’ll be surprised at what can be achieved I’m sure! :slightly_smiling_face:
Thanks again everyone! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


@beejay56 @Elixir1253 Thank you so much! It was our first collab :blush: I’m so glad you liked the mix of our styles. I have a feeling JDJ will be back again… :wink: :wink:


this was all kinds of awesome! thank you for sharing!


I don’t even know where to start :exploding_head: There was sooooooo much to be in awe of there I’m speechless and that not a common occurrence :laughing:

At the moment I can only dream to a distant future where I might be in a position to collaborate on a song and looking at this I’m amazed at the amount of work and effort that has been put in congrats on a great effort to all involved.

Dan, what great video work, totally got the vibe and liked the lyrics, loved the cutting between the views of Dan on the Drums in front of the roller door, Jen with the close in shot during vocals and brilliant work on the shots of Jeff, great backdrop there and look with the beanie and cutoff.

Brilliant :metal:


That was pretty damn good, I really enjoyed it! You got da sas gurl, what a sultry performance :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
The guitar parts from both of you were very good and fitted well for your lyrics, liked the solos, nothing overdone very tasteful. The Drums were excellent, a nice all round performance there, fitted the song nicely!
The only thing missing was a good bass line, it didn’t actually spoil it but I think adding a bass line (even as a backing track) would have taken it to a new level. Food for thought - add a bass line to the mix and see what you think! Before I got my Bass I used to use an octave effect on my guitar for a bass line,
Anyway I think it’s a great song for starters, keep them coming now you’ve broken the ice!


Absolutely superb, creative and most professional and so well done. You’ve really raised the bar with this one. Cheers Peter


Hey Jen I could easily just have said was amazing but it truly justified more than a one word summation ! :metal:


BTW I never added the Lemmy call out !