Sirens- Original collaboration by Jennifer, Dan and Jeff (jenndye429 and nzmetal) with music video!

I’m sure, you already do :joy:.

We say: there’s space in the smallest cabin :partying_face:.


Here’s an example of a Zoom concert. Forgive my Rory fetish. You have to scroll in past the intro:


Yes but they will not have played simultaneously online. Each would have recorded their parts and someone would have stitched it all together. Its almost impossible to jam online live unless you are close geographically, and down to a few hundred KMs.

@majik has written about this extensively over the years. There are “products” like Jamulus that support the concept but you are severely restricted by distance.

Virtually every video on YouTube like the one you shared, will have been multitracked mixed and made to look live. But in reality it does not happens.

Anyway best take this up in one of Keith many threads on the topic, rather than clutter JDJ’s.



Groove, Vibe, Feel and substance is all there. Excellent. Well done! :star_struck: :sunglasses: :heart: :pray:


Hi Toby,
It did not seem to last as long as the 6:02 timestamp at the Tube? I should play it back again and time it. I agree though as it seemed to go by faster than 6 min plus!



Nice production! Something i can strive for!


It’s crazy that was a full year ago! That was a lot of fun. DyeV has talked about the idea of possibly doing another one of these at some point, provided we would be allowed to :wink: :laughing: What’s crazy is that we have enough songs now to do an entire “set” of original material! Would be fun to test them out with an audience :grinning:

We would make it work :wink: We’d have to kick the cat out, lol. Greg has already agreed to add a digit to the end of DyeV for you :wink: We will hereby be known as DyeVI :laughing:


Thanks for the feedback LB! We definitely talked about this initially when we started writing the song. We were hopeful that the reaction would be this :wink::

We were really happy that so many were willing to hang in there for the full video! The actual song runs 5:45 since the video extends slightly over the actual song length.

Even though the song is not metal, it was kind of modeled after songs in that genre that typically run 5ish+ minutes. Since we weren’t specifically writing the song for radio airplay, we ran with it so we could tell the completed story :grinning: We are happy with however long people are willing to stick around with us :wink: :laughing:


@Bytron08 @kimlodrodawa

Thank you so much for the kind words! We are happy you enjoyed it!

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Thank you so much Roger! It was fun jumping into the cinematographer role for this, and seeing the concept actually come together. Jennifer and I were talking this morning, and doing the video was connecting so many of our past experiences together. Hope to bring more smiles in the future. :metal: :smiley:


Yowser !!


So happy to be in the party! And couldn’t agree more about this community. As I have been watching @Jenndye429 growing through the support of this community, I’ve been amazed by the supportiveness of everyone, and the opportunities the community provides everyone to grow in the way they need. It’s truly changed our lives. Thanks for inviting a ‘drummer’ in! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I look forward to continuing to support her, and to keep making music in this community!

Also, big shout out to you personally on this project. You elevated this all around. First of all, you are a supportive force in this community. In that way you’ve helped both Jennifer, myself (and you) get to this moment. You have an amazing talent and work ethic with the guitar. You bring theatrics and showmanship to your performances, and you care about quality. When I think about the first mix Jennifer and I did, and how your input helped shape the final sound, it was brilliant. Thank you! Queue up the next one buddy!


Thanks for the welcome Tod! Happy to be here, and yes to more! :metal:


Ha ha! Yes, I see the need. It is helpful to have someone to play with, but I could see spending a ton of time trying to help everyone have a track to play with. Luckily I have @Jenndye429 as a booking agent! LOL!