Socio's Learning Log

Interesting, James, because this is about where I’d got to before my mojo went awol. A bit behind you though because it was more practicing techniques than building them into solos for me.
I’m wondering about the things you’re aware of that need working on. Is that awareness from listening to the recording or are you aware of it as you’re playing as well?
You seem to shape the notes with your mouth! I’m not knocking that, it tells me that you can hear the notes in your head and you are trying to get there on guitar.

Good stuff!

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Hi David, some things you are aware of when playing but other things you become aware of from watching a recording of your performance. That’s why it’s highly recommended by pretty much every guitar instructor to regularly record your practice and evaluate using your eyes and ears as if you were the instructor.

Haha that will be a BLIM thing creeping in where we vocalise the licks we learn and tweak.


Ooer! That’s no good for me then. If I have to play from my vocals I’ll be a terrible guitarist!

James. That sounds really good. Is this representative of the level that you and others are at after 2 months of BLIM?

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Hi Stuart, the BLIM class has a varied level of playing experience. I’d consider myself towards the lower end of the spectrum. The recording in comparison of my U0 recording posted further up the thread gives a good representation of where I am after almost 2 months of BLIM. From the recordings that I’ve watched everyone has made a lot of progress in such a short period of time.

Thanks Toby. Yeah I figured it would be good for the wider JGC family to follow my progress and may encourage others to book their place in Class 2 (which I’m tempted to get held back from graduating on purpose as I’m enjoying it so much)

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If you don’t graduate can you carry your fee forward and do class 2?


Class 20 in my case rather :smiley:

Sounded good and looked good (the idea to vocalize licks sounds most interesting).

It’s great to get a small glimpse into BLIM sometimes. But you don’t seriously lose access to BLIM material once you graduate?

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Great post, James. It’s very musical, and even though there are still things to work on I think that the biggest leap in your playing is in confidence. Confidence is a big key for many things in life, and it’s very nice to see that in your playing!

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No, you have the material for life.

Unfortunately not but I’d get to experience going through the class again with a new bunch of class mates.

Thanks Mari, that’s a very good point. I’ve found going through the BLIM course is helping with building my confidence each day and equipping me with the tools to be able to take my playing to next level.

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3rd Guitar’versary

Time sure goes by fast when you’re having fun. This week marks the end of my third year of learning to play guitar. This year has been a bit of a roller coaster ride with It’s ups and downs. At times it felt like progress was starting to stagnate but then all of a sudden the brakes were released. An exhilarating journey none the less.

– Beginner’s Grade 3 and Intermediate Grade 4

Continued to cherry pick from the lessons and combine with other learning material.

– Fingerstyle

Focused mainly on learning songs to consolidate the techniques learned prior to starting Master Fingerstyle Intermediate Course. Now on hold for good reasons.

– Blues Guitar

Enrolled in the BLIM course which has really accelerated my learning and will be a driving factor for my fourth year of learning.

– AVoYPs

I’ve not posted as many recording this year. Apart from a couple of originals, I’ve only posted two cover songs

Why Does It Always Rain on Me?
Perfect Day

– Originals

This year I’ve only posted one new original. Though, I did revisit a previous song and dipped my toes into learning to create full band productions using Reaper, EZDrummer and EZBass.

Shadows Of Our Former Selves
Soul Shaker

I do have others in the pipeline but right now I’m fully focused on da blues.

Normally I would post an anniversary recording but I’ve been a bit preoccupied. Not to disappoint point anyone here’s a little off the cuff recording (that should really be played on the acoustic guitar whilst sitting on the porch) that I recorded for my BBP family at the weekend whom have been helping me work through a few things.

As for this coming year… my magic eight ball says it’s going to be a good one!


Hi James,
Happy 3rd year :partying_face: :sunglasses: :clap: …may the coming year also be packed with guitar playing :guitar: :guitar: :guitar:

Greeeetings :sunflower:

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Liked all of your recordings. The covers were very good: slightly preferred Perfect Day. Your originals are very good too: I enjoyed the production on Soul Shaker.

Hope your next three years are even more successful and productive.


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You’ve certainly come a long way in 3 years, James, and you’re doing great! Those blues were definitely muddy and yes I would love to hear them on an acoustic :slightly_smiling_face:

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Happy 3rd Guitarversary, James! :partying_face:

You’ve already come a long way since then and can be really proud of your progress. :smiley:
With taking part in the BLIM, also the 4th year starts already really fruitful. In the video you shared, it is obvious that it’s already paying off nicely after the first months.

Wish you loads of guitar time and fun in the 4th year of the journey! :smiley:

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Nice one James. Light years ahead of me but no worries.

I always appreciate your responses to any of my (numerous) questions!!

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Congratulations on 3 years of learning, James!
You’ve done well through out and I’ve no doubt you’ll continue to do so.

You’re obviously enjoying the Blim course, keep on blimming! :grinning:

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Congrats on your 3rd anniversary James. You’ve come a long way but guess that is what dedicated practice and commitment, results in. Certainly been a busy 1H this year before diving into BLIM but you are making good progress there as well. It may be Blues focused for now but all those skills are transferable and will make you a better guitar player and not just a song played. Well done sir !


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Happy 3rd guitaraversary James. I’m looking forward to hearing your Blim chops as year 4 progresses.
Muddy Blues maybe a bit too muddy played on distorted electric?

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