Song 2 & Teenage Kicks - JK Feb vids (updated 26th Feb)

Back at the PC for some more replies… :grinning:

Haha, I knew I would get at least one person! I have to admit back in the day I had CDs of both Blur & Oasis. Thanks Eddie!

Thanks Craig! It took a bit to get it under my fingers, particularly the fast moving up the fretboard. But it’s easy now. Practice ya know :wink: Glad you liked the tone, I’ve decided to pay more attention to that after I buggered the tone up on one of my vids :rofl:

I feel I’ve been busted Nancy! :rofl: Yep I was being cheeky with the Blur vs Oasis stuff. Thanks for the kudos, power chords can be tough to start with but get much easier. I used 5th string 2 finger power chords for verse and an added 5th in the bass for the chorus for the meatier sound.

Thanks LBro! Glad you were in to the tone & play. Blur, I don’t think they’re around anymore, and being British I’m not sure if they were big in the USA. They were definitely pretty well known downunder.

Thanks for the listen Boris! The BT has no guitar in it - just bass/drums/vocals. I’m not sure if it was your phone or not, the clean tone I using was an edge-of-breakup loud clean, and dirt was heavily distorted. The bass is also distorted in this one.

Changes were live with the pedal :wink:

Ain’t nobody playing this one with open chords! :rofl: Thanks for the listen Eric.


Nice job covering that song JK :slight_smile: Good playing and good tone. Rock on !

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Very nicely done JK. Seeing you whizz up and down the barre chords inspires me to do some practice on that - it’s not something I find easy. The song took me back to one of the FIFA video games my kids used to play :rofl:

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Wooo-Hoooo! :laughing: :sunglasses:
Didn’t buy into the Blur/Oasis hype (I was Pulp & Radiohead :wink:), but Damon Albarn has a good sensibility for interesting pop, and this is a tune!
Nice workout. I never noticed the ‘delayed’ chord change in the riff before - the opposite of a ‘pushed’ chord. Is that a thing? Does it have a name? Am I talking rubbish?.. :thinking: :rofl:

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Thanks Mathieu :smiley:

Woah, I find that really surprising Phil with what I’ve seen of your playing. Your lead guitar is amazing, so I figured barres would be a piece of cake for you. I guess there are surprises every day! Thanks for checking it out mate.

I liked Radiohead as well, but they were usually a bit miserable and unsingable to get really into… Oh, and Pulp had a good song too. :smiling_imp: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

You know Damon Albarn created Gorillaz too? I only found that out in the last year or two.

Delayed chord change… are you talking about the last chord of the riff? There’s one beat of Bb before the C? I don’t know if that’s got a name.

Hey- that’s ME! :laughing:

Yup, I saw Del the Funky Homosapien fall through a hole in the stage while rapping in Gorillaz’ Clint Eastwood in Roskilde festival :rofl:

I presume you mean Common People?
William Shatner did a fab cover. I lifted Jamie Hewlett’s artwork (does visuals for Gorillaz) and put them together. Check it out :sunglasses:

Damon also went to Mali and produced blind couple Mariam & Amadou’s excellent album Welcome to Mali :smiley: Now I’m going to have to update the French songs thread. Sigh…

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Well played JK. Good to see you tick off another one on the Rock Book Study.

Make that two :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: though I did enjoy quite a few of Blur’s songs.

I do enjoy a few of Gorillaz songs too particularly Clint Eastwood.


Great job JK, I liked the tone. That’s a lot of of power chords to get to ring out clearly in a row.

They released a new album last year, not that I’ve really listened to it, but I know I heard it once.

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Well, to be totally honest, as long as the rhythm and chord changes are solid, it’s a sounding good! I would have to say that you were!

On another serious note. :wink:. Your chord changes are considerably more accurate and consistent than mine. I am catching up though…give me some time! Only on acoustic a.t.m. as well. So there is that.

I could be wrong. But if you were to bring it up another level…a little add in…not that familiar, but have listened several times. Could you put a few slides in from one power chord to another? Just a thought that went through my mind as I wouldn’t mind having this one in the play list at one point or another.

Anyways, have rambled in long enough. Excellent job!

Rock on!

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@Dman74 in this particular song instead of slide between chord changes you’re supposed to hand/fret mute and keep strumming. It works great and I think he did a really good job. Smells like teen spirit is played similarly.

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@CarlosAP Ahhhh…i see. Never checked out lesson yet so curious. Yeah, that would take some practice. Especially in how much pressure is applied, I seem to remember in a couple of spots that it tends to be in the foreground a lil more than what I heard. I will keep this in mind for practice sessions.

But once again like I said Jk, Good job!

Rock on!

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That was quite a barre chord workout JK. Some nice travelling up and down that neck. Nice song to pick as well.

Tone wise, for me it was a little to muddy. If I remember rightly the original had a more sparkle to it? But for getting down and dirty then it sounded good.

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I watched and listened. OMG, amazing. Better than the original. Common People has a very British class system vibe to it. I doubt it could have ever been written by a non-British band.

Thx James. My fave Gorillaz is Feel Good Inc. I’m glad we can all agree that Blur are better than Oasis :wink:.

Thanks for checking it out Phil! Who would have think Blur are still making albums?!?

Hey Darren! Thanks for the kudos dude. Your chord changes will get there, just keep at it.

Thanks Carlos. You know Blur modelled the song after teen spirit? As a joke. And it became a major hit, their most popular song by far.

Thanks Stefan! Yeah the tone wasn’t the same as the original for sure. Is this one you play as well? Seems like it might be your kind of thing.


Hey JK, can’t add more constructive statement than to say, as always, cool playing, what a workout!

I was asking myself, if you were using the Tone Master on this? I guess so, was this the reason for your question?
I don’t know the tune well, so I popped over to YT for the original and I think, you did a good job. I’d say the BT is a bit in the foreground compared to the guitar. The guitar parts in the original are a bit more present to my ears. But it’s your version and I like it. The tone itself sounded good, I’m with Rogier here, nothing against and nothing for the tone. I would define my impression as neutral :slightly_smiling_face:.
So, as always :+1:t3:

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Love to watch and listen to you rocking out JK.

Enjoyed both tones. Can’t comment on how they might channel the original.

Don’t have much to say, so I’ll take the bait …

In the 90s I was more REM than any of those bands. Only heard Oasis in the 2010s when a friend was trying to educate me on music made after the 80s :rofl: So I missed the dig completely.

I have a feeling that a playlist of a few of the best songs from bands in this style might be fun for a short listen. But I think after a while it could become a little tiring.

Of course this is from a older guy who grew up on say The Police if I think of bands making records in the 80s that I listened. Of course (luckily) Deep Purple slide right in when MkII reunited in the 80s with the Perfect Strangers album. The song of the same name, either live or studio, is a whole different ball game.

Anyhow, that’s just a ramble from an older dude perhaps too stuck in his listening ways :rofl:

Rock on JK !!


I’ve not looked at it yet JK as I’m still working on a Greenday one that I’ve been working on for ages but hoping to post soon but you are right, it is my kind of song.

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That sounds like an interesting idea. I’m guessing Kula Shaker also passed you by with their Tattva. This one does look like a fun song to play.

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You are right, James, pretty safe guess :rofl: I am not sure if I have heard of the band or not, certainly don’t recall ever giving a listen.

Had a listen to Tattva. Starts with a chorus and I alsmost stopped before the verse. Mix of the vocal in the chorus not to my taste.

Then tried Hush, and I was wondering … yup, I know the song, but not their version. In a weird twist given my comment about Deep Purple above, Mk I covered Hush on their debut album. Have to say one of the weirder music videos I’ve seen, even for late 60s.

Now, keeping the coincidence rolling, in '88 after Mk II reformed they re-recorded the song and made a 80s style Purple video, in other words some performing and a ‘story’ featuring cars and a girl (but no drinking). And Gillan rocks the vocals, best of the bunch IMHO

Of course we all have our own taste, but listening to JK rock the Blur tune, and the Community covers of Oasis, I am still leaning to Purple :rofl:

Sorry about that hijack, JK. Y’all know how I am a gullible fish that always takes the bait (when I am not so out of touch that it is too subtle). So blame, James.

And perhaps give the '88 rendition a quick spin, as long as you can, at least to some solos. Maybe you enjoy it and that can serve as some small consolation :joy:


Jk once again great job. You inspired me to add this song to my want to learn list . You must put a lot of practice time in ? How much do you put in a day? Also do you work on songs for good amount of time and technique amount of time in each practice session. It definitely shows in your skills of playing and confidence.

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A little late to the party, but I really enjoyed this cover, JK! :clap:

Rhythm was tight and spot on, and moving those shape up and down the neck as it is nothing - really cool. Maybe there were a few dull notes somewhere between the moves, but as lots is going on, it’s almost a natural thing to happen. Still a great performance indeed. :smiley:

I liked the tone, suits the piece nicely. Do you change it on the fly via pedal? I tried to watch closely, but couldn’t detect any sort of movement pointing to this. :slight_smile:

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