Spring/summer songs šŸŒž

For the sun worshipers :sun_with_face:


Scots are born wearing a jumper/pullover (is there a dutch equivilent ? ! :rofl:

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Donā€™t know about sun worshipers but SC always make me smile ! :sunglasses:

Jeepers it dropped in 2002. Where the friggin time go man ?

Did you make that one up? Us Scots are acclimatised to cold miserable weather until we move down south and become southern softies :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Pffff You make me think, I even had to google with my now very dull head, spoke to my wife, :sweat_smile: well I canā€™t think of anything for nowā€¦ :upside_down_face:

When you move down south everything gets miserable. Why dya think I dropped 600 miles from Wakey. As an aside back in the day when I used to do the Littlewood Football Pools (donā€™t know if that is still going) my Pools collector would turn up in mid February full on Snorkel Parka and Iā€™d come to the front door in a T and shorts, Soft suvern shandie drinker ?
Not me laddie !

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Glad you like it and it gives you some joy, Rogier @roger_holland! And I am happy to share my favourite spring/summer song with you - thereā€™s more than enough room in the Belgian fields :wink:

You have no idea how many times in my life Iā€™ve tried to explain to English speaking people that my name is ā€˜like in something else, but without an e at the endā€™ :smiley:

@NicoleKKB Ok, normally I would say 36Ā°C is too hot, but after 9 months of constant rain and temperatures barely reaching 21Ā°C on a ā€˜goodā€™ day, I would prefer the 36Ā°C over what we are havingā€¦ Seems like weā€™ve become a part of meteorological Scotland or something over here. Yep, weā€™re still very much waiting on a sunny dayā€¦ :slight_smile:


For a moment I thought you were going to post this


Iā€™m not sure what other pronunciation anyone could come up withā€¦ this makes perfect sense to meā€¦
I can sympathizeā€¦
My last name is Calico & itā€™s pronounced exactly the same as the fabric or the cat (calico cat or a calico print dress) and you would not believe how badly it is mangled by English speaking people (Donā€™t even get me started on what Latin American natives do to it!!!). I used to correct people but after 50+ years of correcting pronunciationā€¦ Iā€™ve given up & just answer to pretty much ANYTHING!!! (Call me what you want, but CALL ME!!!) :joy:


The pronunciation is generally not a problem, itā€™s the spelling.
Although French speaking people tend to add a kind of ā€˜eā€™ (or ā€˜aā€™) at the end when pronouncing it. Italians and Spanish do so too sometimes. But hey, it makes for something to talk about :smiley:

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Itā€™s always been a bit of a mystery to me (ok I know itā€™s meteorological/astrophysical) why the summer solstice happens before weā€™ve even had any summer weather. The nights are drawing in!:smiley:

Hey, another Scot! There seems to be a growing number of us here.



So Gordon,
Something Iā€™ve always wonderedā€¦
If itā€™s so cold in Scotland, why in the name of Heaven would your forefathers be wearinā€™ kilts instead of trousers?

This song raised that question for meā€¦



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Thatā€™s the kind of rebellion that I appreciate. :+1:

Crikey Toby!!! The football pools do indeed still exist, but Littlewoods disappeared a looooooong time ago! And to save you the shock of looking into it so did BHS, and Rumbelowsā€¦ :rofl:

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