Starting out in Kiwiland

Hi there. I’m starting out on my guitar journey as an older beginner down here in NZ. I’ve always been interested in a wide variety of music, but particularly acoustic styles where the ear can follow a particular instrument through the piece or song.

Decided it was time to jump into guitar as a form of hobby/relaxation so I’ve gone out and bought myself a Washburn DFB Dreadnought about six weeks ago, dived down several rabbit holes and decided that Justin’s method will be a good fit for me, so here I am. I’m finding the community posts are really useful and encouraging so I’m sure I’ll be able to keep at it (I have been called stubborn at times… :grin:).

Being an engineer by profession I couldn’t help myself and have already measured the action and tweaked the truss rod to make fretting a little easier (slightly high from the shop). Next up is a change to some lighter strings this weekend for further improvement and hunting for a stool with a back.

Short term goal - Smooth changes.
Medium term goal - Sufficient musicality for wife to revisit my banishment from the lounge when I have guitar in hand.


Welcome Malcolm @malreid! You’ve been exploring the community, so you already know you’re in good company as an “older beginner”. Looking forward to hearing from you as you progress on your guitar journey.

Welcome to Justin Guitar and the Community forum! Stubborn, eh? Well from an even older engineer, being stubborn at learning a cool new thing like guitar, is a good thing! :laughing:

Kia ora Malcolm, from a fellow Kiwi :wave: :smiley:

Several years into my journey and that still has eventuated for me! :rofl:

Welcome to the forum Malcolm

I’m afraid no degree of skill can help with this one… :rofl:

Welcome to the community.

Hey Malcome good to see another kiwi here!

My ambition is for the cat to not look at me in disgust and walk out

When my wife started singing a song I was practicing, I knew I’d made progress!

Hello Malcolm and welcome to our community. :slight_smile:

:rofl: :rofl: How they keep us grounded.

Hi Malcolm, Welcome to the community and good luck with your journey.

Welcome to the forum. I’m married to a Kiwi, I reckon they are very special people, just plain awesome.

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:wave: Welcome to the group.


Welcome on board Malcolm.

Welcome, fellow Kiwi!

Welcome aboard, Malcom! :smiley:

Wish you lots of fun on the guitar journey - and that it may lead you to your short end medium term goals! :smiley:

Cheers - Lisa

Welcome, Malcolm! I could have written that intro for myself, even the 3rd paragraph! Only difference is my 1st guitar buy was a Yamaha APX600. It’s interesting, there seems to be a preponderance of older engineers who take up guitar later in life. My theory is that the creativity we expressed in our engineering designs needs to go somewhere once we retire.

Enjoy the journey! It may take you many different places, as it did me.

Hi Malcolm,
Welcome here and i wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:

Hi Malcolm and welcome to the community. I know that with enough practice you will eventually have your banish rescinded and have lounge privileges restored. You being an engineer, I’m sure you will eventually find many ways to track and evaluate your progress. Have fun on your guitar journey as you learn to play new songs.

Hi Malcolm, welcome. With a bit a persistence (someone call it stubbornness) you will reach your short and longer term musical goals (but not necessarily that guitar in the lounge privilege). Have fun.