In my strat build, I got to the point of installing the nut in the neck. It’s a pre-cut Tusq XL nut. I filed it to the right size and the heights of the strings above the first fret are fine. I then filed the edges as they are intentionally made too long, and then I polished off all the edges so they are really smooth.
I stringed it up and did the rest of the setup and it’s fine. As this is my first ever guitar build, I didn’t glue it in place in case it wasn’t good and in case I had to do more work on it - but I think thats not the case. It fits snugly in the slot and doesn’t move. So my question is whether it really needs to be glued in? On all the videos I have seen, they always glue the nut. But since mine sits snugly in the slot with no movement and is then held in place by the strings, I don’t see how it can move.
I don’t really want to remove the strings again so soon to glue it. I just want to play it !!!
So is gluing the nut really necessary?