Streets of London

Here is the first cover that I am posting… one of my favorite songs from way back:
Streets of London by Ralph McTell.

One of my goals for this year is to improve singing… will be trying to post monthly and see how much better I can get throughout the year…



Nice singing, very enjoyable.

Great Job, playing wonderful!
And a good base to improve the singing this year (me too, I have the same goal!)
I would like to post the same song one day, but do have to practice more!
Thanks for sharing!

Thanks…that is one of my favorite songs, fun to play


Very nice David. Always loved this song and you covered it really well. I thought you sung it with plenty of feeling and emotion.

Thanks, Eddie!!

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Well done David, i enjoyed it. You look very relaxed and comfortable, very nice singing as well.

That was wonderful David. The only problem with the vocals is that they were a little hard to hear, but they sounded great.

Yes…that is something I need to work on, my voice is a bit weak at time and inconsistent.

Hi David,

That song was probably the one that kicked off my interest in playing guitar as a kid many many years ago. Unfortunately playing never really eventuated until recently but that song definitely stirs emotions for me.

Lovely picking on a nice sounding Taylor (I hope that at some stage I’ll be able to pick something like that). I thought the singing was solid, and a nice storyteller tone.

Looks like you picked up the vocal and guitar through that single mic and I thought it balanced reasonably well.

I would be interested to hear what you were shooting the video on that gave the dynamic looking views?

Nicely done and beautiful song. I actually saw Ralph perform that here in Perth :+1:

LOvely song and very well perfomed. Thank you.

Well played and sung David. Haven’t heard that song in ages.

Thanks Tony!

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Wow! I would have loved to see him live!
For recording, what I did was really simple. I only have one mic, and I recorded it on my iPhone video. I connected the mic to the iPhone… I am still experimenting with recording, I tend to move the mic closer to my voice and angle up to help balance.

Then I moved it to iMove to create an MP4… in iMovie, you can split the clips and add things like panning and transition very easily. I have used iMovie and other video apps over the years to make family videos. iMovie is somewhat basic, but easy to use. and preload with the Mac laptop.
Let me know if you have questions.

Craig @CD02
David @davidsynekoh
I was fortunate to see RM perform this live in Guildford in the early 1970’s

Hi David, that’s a great cover of an all-time classic :smiley:
It made this Irishman homesick for London as a teenager before I had ever been there, and it has definitely stood the test of time.
I enjoyed the fingerpicking as well as the singing.
I am a bit puzzled though, and I don’t think anyone else has mentioned it :thinking:
You say:

Now, you are singing this with appropriate emotion and in tune, however you have introduced variations to the original melody.
If this is intentional, you are ‘ahead of the posse’ here and doing really well :smiley:
If it is unintentional, it might be a useful exercise to transcribe the original melody and compare it to what you are singing.
Only trying to offer constructive criticism.
You did a good job!

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Thanks Brian,
Great suggestion, I am off… I think I am “in tune”. but I often drift on the intended melody… I think I sing it wrong so often, I don’t notice. but great observation, …very helpful

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Nice performance David one of my favourite songs