Striking out alone

I made this up and put this out three days ago. It’s on an electric I bought off ShopGoodwill and a little Dean Markley amp. I was going for gritty but melodic._R


Hmm, you might want to put this into the “original” category? :grinning:

Seriously good riff. Very catchy. The underlying melody had me making up instant lyrics on the spot. Despite the grittyness there is an uplifting and positive vibe, that becomes more visible in the end.

What a great song this could become :slightly_smiling_face:


Type those lyrics!

Thanks for the listen!

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Now you got me laughing, how did I know that this would end up like this? :slightly_smiling_face:

How about you try to get your song to a raw finish with a preliminary structure that would work? You might also want to give me a clue or general theme. Then I’ll write lyrics for this first more finishes draft :sunglasses:

I’ll revisit your sketch in my lunch break … Right now I only remember “Here we go…” , which isn’t very inventive. Instant lyrics rarely are :grin:

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Push Push.

Let’s sit down. _R


What a challenge, love it. Lunch break almost over. Takes time and maybe not worth investing too much of that yet…

Took a clue from your “alone” in the subject. Didn’t progress beyond a first verse.

These lyrics should metrically be fine with the first six more or less loosely repeating resp. varying phrases.

Going down this road
Out there on my own
Once again alone
Looking for a home
Where I could rest
For just a little while

Looking forward to see how this will progress :slightly_smiling_face:

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Superb piece. Like a lot of the best hooks it is both original and hinting at something half-remembered, half-forgotten. It kept me listening. As Nicole says, this belongs in originals.


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melodic :ballot_box_with_check:
gritty :ballot_box_with_check:
… add driving groove :ballot_box_with_check:

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That was a pleasure to listen to, Robert! Loved the tone, catchy melodic motives in it. :smiley:

I’m looking forward on how this one will grow! :slight_smile:

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Jam er! What a terrific play! Had me going to the groove! I really enjoyed that!

I also concur to finding some lyrics to go along with er!?

Well done!

Rock on Brother!


Sounding good Robert. This little acorn needs nurturing into a full song. Catchy riff as well, loved the subtle Southern Rock vibe. Nice share. :sunglasses:

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Yeah, I’m not fro Macon, but was born in South Carolina near a tidal creek… Love the love I get from everyone and thanks TheMadman_tobyjenner for the promote_R

Darren, Thanks for listen’in and sport’in me forward. It’s a good feeling each time I get some comfort words like yours! _R

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Thank you Lisa_S !!

So nice of you to chime in…and maybe encourage Nicole, to get buzy in writting, like four, verses and a chorus with a smart bridge. She, I believe is very good at wordsmith. I’m wishing!

And, just saying… we all, should ever so, support US in our community.

Thanks Lisa for listening to my song - I just made it up because right then I was really lamenting the loss of my nephew (a sad deal, but his son, who is two, survives = DWK V and carries on with rampant curiosity). Legacy, right? _R

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You’re right Brian. I just made it up right then. Emotionally apparent. More pressure on Nicole, but she is intuitive and I think she already knows where this riff rides… _R

Nicole, You are on this one. Maybe you need to hear the whole story behind it to flesh it out.

…here’s some…from 12-12-2023:
My nephew, 36, on his last day was alone far away in Chicago. It just took a gram or two.

Chasing salary between his young son in Oregan and his home in North Carolina. Intelligence wasted. All potential shattered and not on purpose. Misdirection during escape and, some might say, murder.

I was emotional and just made up the tune on camera to share grit or strength for a guy working at it. And melody to show potential and things accomplished. But you do hear it all end but with a haunting continuence fade.

Hope that helps! Please four or so verses, chorus, bridge…a wishlist. Hi Nicole, you’re off to a marvelous start; more work to do! You know I’m just wishing… _R

Robert, I’m so sorry for your loss.

Yes, we can continue working together on this. Just please notice:

a) English is not my first language. Accordingly, whatever I’m writing will never be fully idiomatically correct.

b) It will take time. Songwriting is one of my long-term goals. Thus - as I said - I like this challenge. Yet… It will take time.

c) I will need your help.

c1) If it’s possible, could you please continue working on the music (without there being finished lyrics yet). It would be nice to get a better understanding what verses, chorus and bridge sound like, when developed a little bit more.

c2) I suppose it’s okay to run your first sketch through Moises (never used but could be a good use-case) to slow it down and get a better grasp of the structure?

c3) I only have TuxGuitar (and will have to learn how to use it). Still… If you - at some point - have a GuitarPro-file, could you send it to me?

c4) I might need a little bit more background still. Will send you a DM, no need to betray more here.

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Robert, I’m so sorry for your loss. Thoughts are with you and your family. That sounds terribly sad. :frowning:

But even in the darkest hours there might be a ray of hope, which is your nephew’s son.

I’m glad you had the music as your way of coping all this. This is what I so much love about music and making music. It is magical how it has the capacity of carrying our emotions and help us heal.

All the best for you! :mending_heart:

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N & L
Your love and special words. Need those hugs and that hold close. I am blessed again. Share music always because it is, not greed but, always a share of good! _R

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Very worthy, I loved it. There’s a song trying to bust out there.

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