Tattoos help you play right? 😉

:rofl: :rofl: there are some amazing artists about now

The Phoenix is a fairly simple design but taken from 2 separate tribal pieces. The bottom half was originally part of a Scarab looking “thing” and the top wings had something like an ace of spades for its tail feathers. So the two were fused to sit with the full Celtic band.

As I have well balanced personality or maybe just a chip on both shoulders, both tats are replicated on my left upper arm as well.


There’s a certain brand of Whisky that has a nice Phoenix logo.

Thanks for the pic, nice.

I quite like that whisky one too, given my tattoo spent 22 years just being the bacardi bat maybe that would be appropriate for the other arm :slightly_smiling_face:. Or maybe not as I don’t even drink these days :joy:.

Think I’ll do the usual and think about it for a year or so!

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Btw that’s Irish so it’s called “Whiskey” :stuck_out_tongue:

Mind you, I was almost banned,stoned and keelhauled for a similar mistake by @brianlarsen in conjunction with @sairfingers :roll_eyes:

Among others I’ve got a Salvador Dali elephant, inspired by something similar that one of the Good Charlotte band members has.
Now I know that it will make me play better I’ll get a few more! :grin:

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Very cool, not seen one of those before :smiley:

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Now you mention it yes but its a long long time since I saved that clip and could not remember the brand, so was being generic. :wink:

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