Taylor Swift Is Bigger Than The Beatles!? 🤣

The sad thing is thats pretty advanced for modern pop music :confused:

Ah, got it. But what’s that got to do with people listening to Beatles songs online?

Many of the Beatles songs are brilliant
Many of Taylor Swift’s songs are brilliant
At their best they are both original, significant and meaningful
From a dedicated Swifty who grew up with, and still listens to the Beatles



Youtubers etc dont talk about them so much, actively avoid using small clips or producing content around the Beatles so that drives fewer people to listen to them than some other bands.

Its effectively free advertising they are missing out on.

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Lots of beatles covers and lessons on youtube particularly Mike Pachelli.

That piece of pop shlock Mr. Tambourine Man also has this structure (well, 3 chords, actually).

I’m not a Taylor Swift fan by any means, but I’m certainly not going to slag her for using a 4-chord sequence throughout a song. It’s been done a million times, including on songs you love.

Sure, presumably licenced and/or de-monitized

This is more about content creation like a Beato 10 best songs from the 60s, or 8 licks you have to know etc.


Ok, makes sense.

Do a lot of people, do you think, consume their music primarily through youtube? I would have guessed the vast majority of people that are interested in music use spotify or one of the other music streaming services. Most of the people I know do.

Youtube is a music service, but even then you see talk about a musician on youtube you go to spotify to listen to them a bit?

Oh I don’t criticise the use of a 4-chord sequence throughout the song - I was just surprised that that’s all it was, when on first listening it sounded like something else was going on. pop music smoke and mirrors.

What makes me laugh is songs with like 4 words in the lyrics and 11 writers… I mean how??


Me personally? No, not really. The only youtube music I consume is from clicking on links in this forum :slight_smile:

Actually, Swift’s songs are mostly written by her and 1 other collaborator. For example, on her latest album, the biggest number of writers is 3 (2 songs), 4 were written by Swift alone and the others were written by Swift + another writer.

Many people admire her lyrics (which Beato didn’t address in his video), though I haven’t listened enough to form an opinion. I can’t get past the commercial pop vibe.

That is from Paul’s Beatle channel the only channel on the internet he allows Beatles content.

It seems crazy to say swift is bigger than the Beatles doesn’t it? but it may be true. There was a story in the news last week saying Paul McCartney’s wealth had just gone past the 1billion mark and reports suggest Taylor is worth more. Surely there’s no way her music will touch as many peoples lives or influence as many future bands as the Beatles though??
I was born in 77 so can only look back at the Beatles but when you think they released a song like Helter Skelter so long ago it shows how they truly changed the musical world around them. I recently watched “get back” and it was fascinating to see how everyone was so in awe of Paul. He just seems to live the music and even though some of the band seemed to not like him telling them how he thought they should play, he was right every time it. The guys a true legend in my eyes.

I was similar to you, grew up thinking the Beatles were irrelevant old guys :grin: how wrong I was.
Mist of the music I loved as a teen was directly influenced by the Beatles. Did you watch “Get Back”?
It’s a joy to see 4 talented musicians creating such iconic songs from scratch. Their legacy will live in for many, many years to come.


Keep in mind there were only 3.5 billion potential fans when the Beatles were together.

Taylor has access to 8 billion potential fans. Not to mention the internets…

Of course she is bigger. That doesn’t mean better or more influential.


I dont think anyone mentioned either of those!

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Yes, great video.

Funny story. When U2 released the video Where Streets Have No Name, it had a ton of play on MTV. My friends moms walked by the living room, laughted and said “The Beetles did that first.” I think we looked at each other like she was crazy.

I really dig John Lennon’s Working Class Hero. That was one of my 2nd grade consolidation songs. That must have been an amazing time to be a musician (and not getting shot at of course.)

Beatles, not Beetles.

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