Taylor Swift Is Bigger Than The Beatles!? 🤣

You can say that about any band in the 60’s and 70’s. You can also say the same thing about the old blues men of the early 1900’s and the composers of the 1600’s. All of which blazed new never heard before music. Personally I think the Beatles get way more credit the they deserve. The old blue men sparked a much larger genre of music than the Beatles ever did. It’s called Rock, Metal and every other offspin you can think of.

Will Taylor be listened to as much as Bach or the Beatles in 100 years? Probably because very few people listen to Bach and the Beatles now and every generation has their own sound track.

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Totally get what you’re saying, Shane, but it’s subjective. Every generation pours scorn on the music of the young.
We tend to think that evolution is something that happened in the past, but now it’s stopped.
It hasn’t stopped. Music will keep on evolving. Everything will keep on evolving till the clock stops ticking. :mantelpiece_clock:

Great video, thanks!

I am a Taylor Swift fan since “Fearless” and haven’t listened to much Beatles outside of “Sgt. Peppers,” so this is a good reminder for me to listen to them some more, as I’ve been meaning to for some time.

I totally agree with Beato that it’s an apples to oranges comparison, and I suspect Taylor’s influence will not be as enduring in the long run. There were sexy pop princesses long before her (e.g., Madonna, Britney Spears), there were catchy 3 and 4-chord pop songs long before her (indeed, several hits from the Beatles like “Twist and Shout”), and there were clever lyricists long before her (e.g., Alanis Morisette, Tori Amos, Lyle Lovett, Neil Peart of Rush).

This whole thing reminds me of this pretty terrible article that uses the phrase “prodigious output” to refer to Swift’s 11 albums, not once, but twice.

This is a lot, but it’s not prodigious by a longshot. Mariah Carey has 15. Jay-Z has 19. Dream Theater has 23, and Rush has 29 (as many folks here well know, each of those has music far more complex than any of Swift’s songs). George Strait has like 36. Wynton Marsalis like 80 (also much more harmonically complex, and I don’t know if I’d categorize him as an all-time great). The guitarist Buckethead has over 300.

Indeed, I’d rather suspect nobody would be writing these kinds of articles about her if she wasn’t a slender blonde with blue eyes.

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I think they are writing articles about her because she’s 34 years old and is worth over a Billion dollar.
The only Headlines Paul is getting are these and according to the article he can thank Beyonce for making him a billionaire.


Early in their career they certainly wrote simple, catchy pop songs, but “Twist and Shout” was a cover version. It had been a hit by the Isley Brothers before The Beatles did it.


I must have an old soul as I listen now more to music that were before my time than the stuff that I listened to in my youth.

A lot of the music that I listened to likely exposed me to older music through their influences. Even listening to DJ Shadows brainfreeze exposed me to old funk, soul, rock and jazz tracks.

There has been the occasional modern band that’s caught my ear over the years where I’ve ended up buying their albums and enjoyed listening to over and over again.

In terms of every generation having their soundtrack to me that’s just nostalgia. People will listen to what they are exposed to that catches their ear and they enjoy whether it’s before, during or after their generation.

Didn’t the beatles give them a song before recording it themselves?

Yep. “I Wanna Be Your Man.”

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They did! Pretty sure that proves my point.

  • my point was stones have actual new music released this year etc

And was based on “La Bamba:”


markr31: “‘Twist and Shout’ was a cover version. It had been a hit by the Isley Brothers before The Beatles did it.”

grabhorn: “And was based on ‘La Bamba:’”

Aha, thanks for the clarifications!

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I think they are writing articles about her because she’s 34 years old and is worth over a Billion dollar.

I dunno. Zhang Yiming was worth $4B when he was 34. Mark Mateschitz is worth $39B and is only 32. Pedro Franceschi is a billionaire and is only 25. I don’t think any of them are household names.

And none of them are musisians and selling out concerts all over the world.


Both Taylor and Beatles are stars of their generation, they’re equally big to people listening to them in their active years. True measure of Taylor’s greatness will be how many people will know her songs in similar time gap as since Beatles stopped recording until today. Current oldies and youngsters know awful lots of Beatles songs, will future oldies and youngsters will know plenty of Taylor’s?

From my point of view - I know like 3 biggest hits, everything else doesn’t tickle me whatsoever.

I like this, fair play to Beatles they stuck to their style and its to be respected, as Taylor jumps the ship a lot which will help her remain. But again quality wise I dont think she will ever be bigger than Beatles.

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Then you haven’t listened to very many Beatles songs. They span from folk to acid rock. But to their defense back them people didn’t put music in as many categories as they do now. There was Country and Western and then there was everything else.

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And Ringo did a lot of country covers. “Act Naturally” comes immediately to mind.

The question was is she bigger than the Beatles, not better than the Beatles.

Here’s some data to consider:

Current Net Worth (of estate if deceased)
Taylor Swift: 1.1 Billion $
Paul McCartney: 1.3 Billion $
George Harrison: 400 Million $
Ringo Starr: 350 Million $
John Lennon: 200 Million $

:money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face:

If the measure of bigly-ness is in dollars, you have to adjust for inflation, the international exchange rates and the price of gold at the time that the recording or stream was released… and then perform a total streams to amortized vinyl plays calculation. :thinking: :money_mouth_face:

In my opinion, it’s not about sales or fans or wealth. It’s about influence, who influenced the Beatles music and who were influenced by the Beatles music? Who were Taylor Swift’s influences and who will she influence?
The Beatles have been around for 70 years, Taylor Swift , 25 years. I absolutely love her as a celebrity, and as a person. Only time will tell what her impact on the music industry will be.

I have always been a huge fan of the Beatles, however having now watched the video, I think Rick is being a little disingenuous here. He’s suggesting the Beatles did it all on their own, and Taylor has help with co-writers, drum programming, producing etc.

Come on, there were four Beatles and one Taylor, and if you watch the Let It Be documentary the Beatles are bouncing song writing ideas off each other all the time. There were four excellent musicians involved in the songs plus George Martin, who’s input should not be underestimated, he was an very influential element in their arrangements in particular.

I’m not taking anything away from the Beatles, who’s legacy is very secure and will last, but I’m sure Rick knows how to put out a video to get views!