The Boxer (Paul Simon cover)

Hi @LievenDV
Just trawling through stuff on the community and came across this.
Absolutely brilliant, well done.
Just read through your notes also from your first class from December.
In my view, I’m not worried about sounding like the original, because coming into the game late, 65 now, I don’t have the time or the inclination to follow that route.
I just want to play music, already I play, “what I hear in my head”, not getting bogged down by strumming patterns but playing what feels right to me.

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That is a kind of freedom I want everybody to taste and decide whether it is a path to own own personal style. It’s also a great way to feel like you’re expressing yourself through your music :smiley:

I kind of forgot I posted a recording of this and listening back to it was an excellent learning experience for me. I think I might have improved my performance a bit in less than a year’s time. I think I’m going to record it again and compare them :smiley:

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Lieven, this is so great and inspiring - Beautiful signing and playing - I love the mix of fingerpicking and strumming in the louder parts. It is a wonderful performance although you for sure find spots to enhance - but believe me they are much harder to spot (and less relevant in terms of you performance) for others than for you :).

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That was brilliant, I had to go back too and have another listen!

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